Alfred O. Hero, III
Alfred O. Hero, IIIJohn H. Holland Distinguished University Professor of EECS R. Jamison and Betty Williams Professor of EngineeringElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
(734) 763-0564 4417 EECS1301 Beal AvenueAnn Arbor, MI 48109-2122

Honors & Awards

  • 2020 SIAM Fellow (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics).
  • 2020 Fourier Award (Technical Field Award for Signal Processing), IEEE. 
  • 2018 H. Scott Fogler Award for Professional Leadership and Service, College of Engineering, University of Michigan.
  • 2017 Stephen S. Attwood Excellence in Engineering Award, College of Engineering, University of Michigan. This is the highest honor bestowed on a faculty member by the College of Engineering. It recognizes a faculty member who has extraordinary achievement in teaching, research, service, and other activities that have brought distinction to the College and the University.
  • 2016 Eliahu Jury Award Lecture, University of Miami.
  • 2016 John H. Holland Distinguished University Professorship, University of Michigan. These lifetime appointments are the University of Michigan’s most prestigious professorships and recognize senior faculty with exceptional scholarly and/or creative achievements, national and international reputations for academic excellence, and superior records of teaching, mentoring, and service.
  • 2016 University of Michigan Distinguished Engineering Professor, sponsored by Novelis Aluminum.
  • 2015 Society Award, IEEE Signal Processing Society, presented at 2016 IEEE Intl. Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing in Shanghai China. This is the highest award given by the IEEE Signal Processing Society.
  • 2013 Technical Achievement Award, IEEE Signal Processing Society, presented at 2014 IEEE Intl. Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing in Florence Italy.
  • 2013 IEEE CAMSAP Best Student Paper Competition, awarded 2nd place for a paper coauthored with my former student Zhaoshi Meng and former post-docs DennisWei and Ami Wiesel
    entitled “Marginal Likelihoods for Distributed Estimation of Graphical Model Parameters,” 2013 IEEE Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing workshop, St Martins.
  • 2013 IEEE ICIP Best Paper Award, for a paper co-authored with former student Paul Shearer and colleague Anna Gilbert entitled “Correcting Camera Shake by Incremental Sparse Edge
    Approximation,” at the 2013 IEEE Intl. Conf. on Image Processing, Melbourne Australia.
  • 2013 AISTATS Notable Paper Award for paper by former student Zhaoshi Meng, and former
    post-docs Dennis Wei and Ami Wiesel entitled “Distributed Learning of Gaussian Graphical Models via Marginal Likelihoods,” 16th Internation Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics 2013, Scottsdale AZ.
  • 2011 Rackham Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award, University of Michigan. This award from the UM Graduate School honors senior faculty who have consistently demonstrated outstanding achievements in scholarly research and/or creative endeavors, have a record of sustained excellence in teaching and mentoring of students and junior colleagues, and, through service and other professional activities, have brought distinction to themselves and to the University of Michigan.
  • 2011 IEEE ICASSP Best Student Paper Award, for paper co-authored with student Alexander Jung and colleagues Sebastian Schmutzhard and Franz Hlawatsch entitled “Performance bounds for sparse parametric covariance estimation in Guassian models,” 2011 IEEE Intl Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Prague.
  • 2011 SPIE Best Student Paper Award, for paper co-authored with former student Greg Newstadt and colleague Edmund Zelnio entitled “Persistent SAR change detection with posterior models,” Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery XVIII, 2011 SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing Conference, Orlando, FL.
  • 2010 IEEE SPS Best Paper Award, for paper with former student Neal Patwari, student Josh Ash, and colleagues S. Kyperountas, Randy Moses, and Neal Correal entitled “Locating the nodes: Cooperative localization in wireless sensor networks,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 22, no. 4, pp 54-69, July 2005.
  • 2009- R. Jamison and Betty Williams endowed chair in Engineering, University of Michigan.
  • 2008-2009 Best Original Research Paper Award, for paper with former student K. Carter, former post-doc Raviv Raich and colleague entitled “Analysis of Clinical Flow Cytometric Immunophenotyping Data by Clustering on Statistical Manifolds: Treating Flow Cytometry Data as High-Dimensional Objects,” Cytometry: Part B – Clinical Cytometry, vol. 76B, pp. 1-7, Jan 2009.
  • 2005 General Dynamics Medal awarded to paper, co-authored with former student Chris Kreucher and colleague Keith Kastella, for best 2005 publication co-authored by GD employee, entitled “Multitarget Tracking using a Particle Filter Representation of the Joint Multitarget Probability Density,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 39, No. 4, pp. 1396-1414, October 2005.
  • 2003 General Dynamics Medal awarded to paper, co-authored with former student Chris Kreucher and colleague Keith Kastella, for best 2003 publication co-authored by GD employee entitled
    “Multitarget sensor management using alpha divergence measures,” in Proc. First IEEE Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, Palo Alto, April 2003
  • College of Engineering Research Excellence Award, The University of Michigan, 2003.
  • 2002-2003 Distinguished Lecturer, IEEE Signal Processing Society.
  • 2000 IEEE Third Millenium Medal.
  • 1998 Best Paper Award for paper co-authored with former student Mohamed Usman and colleague
    Jeffrey Fessler entitled “Exploring estimator bias-variance tradeoffs using the uniform CR bound,” IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, Vol. SP-44, No. 8, pp. 2026-2041, Aug. 1996.
  • Meritorious Service Award, IEEE Signal Processing Society, 1998.
  • 1997, Fellow of IEEE.
  • 1995 Research Excellence Award, Dept. of EECS, The University of Michigan.

National Leadership Positions

  • Chair, National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) Committee on Applied and Theoretical Statistics 2017-2020.
  • General Co-Chair, IEEE Intl. Symposium on Information Theory, Paris 2019.
  • General Co-Chair, National Academies Workshop on Envisioning Data Science Education, Washington DC, June 2016.
  • General Co-Chair, National Academies Workshop on Refining the Concept of Scientific Inference When Working With Big Data, Keck Center, Washington DC, June 2016.
  • General Chair, IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing (SSP), Ann Arbor, 2012.
  • Director, IEEE Division IX, 2010-2011.
  • President, IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2006-2007.
  • Chair, U.S. Commission C, International Union of Radio Sciences (URSI), (1999-2001)
  • V.P. Finance, IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2000-2002.
  • Chair, IEEE Statistical Signal and Array Processing (SSAP) Technical Committee, IEEE Signal Processing Society, (1996-1998)
  • General Chairman, IEEE International Conference on Accoustics Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 1995.