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Alfred O. Hero, III
Alfred O. Hero, IIIJohn H. Holland Distinguished University Professor of EECS R. Jamison and Betty Williams Professor of EngineeringElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
(734) 763-0564 4417 EECS1301 Beal AvenueAnn Arbor, MI 48109-2122

Reverse Chronological List of Publications

For an ordered list of the Hero group’s research publications in terms of citation ranking see Google My Citations webpage (.html) .


Journals 2024

  • L Zhou, Q Wang, J Wang L Bai, A Hero, “Large and small deviations for statistical sequence matching,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2024. NSF.
  • M. Baranwal, A. Magner, P. Elvati, J. Saldinger, A. Violi, A. Hero, “A deep learning architecture for metabolic pathway prediction, Bioinformatics, vol. 40, issue 7, July 29 2024 (Correction of 2020 publication with same title). Blue Sky, USC MURI
  • N. Charalambides, H. Madhavifar, M. Pilanci, A. Hero, “Gradient Coding with Iterative Block Leverage Score Sampling,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, to appear 2024 (.html). ARO MSU, DOE ETI, NSF.
  • N. Charalambides, H. Madhavifar, M. Pilanci, A. Hero, “Iterative Sketching for Secure Coded Regression,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory, pp. 148 – 161, April 2024. (.pdf) ARO MSU, NSF.
  • M. Baranwal, J. Salinger, D Kim; P Elvati; A Hero; A Violi, “SPIN: A Data-Driven Model to Reduce Large Chemical Reaction Networks,” Fuel, vol. 367, July 2024. (.html) ARO Multiscale MURI, ARO Violi, NSF.
  • R Wang, Z Zhu, A Hero, “Multi-Trigger-Key: Towards Multi-Task Privacy Preserving In Deep Learning,” IEEE Access, Feb 2024. NSF, ARO MSU.

Conferences 2024

  • C Fan, J Liu, A Hero, S. Liu, “Challenging forgets: Unveiling the worst-case forget sets in machine unlearning,” European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Milan Italy, Oct 2024. NSF, ARO MSU
  • Ren Wang, Yuxuan Li, AO Hero, “Deep Adversarial Defense Against Multilevel-Lp Attacks,” IEEE Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP), London UK, Sept 2024. (.html). NSF, ARO MSU
  • Yoann Altmann, Stephen McLaughlin, Miles J. Padgett, Vivek K. Goyal*, Alfred O. Hero, Daniele Faccio, “Quantum-inspired computational imaging,” synopsis of Best Paper Award talk on our Science 2018 paper having the same title. Presented at the 2023 International Congress of Basic Science, published June 2024.
  • L Zhou, Q. Wang, J. Wang, L Bei and A Hero, “Large Deviations for Statistical Sequence Matching,” International Symposium on Information Theory, Athens Greece, July 2024. (.html) ARO Non-Commutative.


Journals 2023

  • N Charalambides, M Pilanci, A Hero, “Securely Aggregated Coded Matrix Inversion,” Journal of Selected Areas of Information Theory, Special Issue Dedicated to the Memory of Alex Vardi, Oct 2023. DOI: 10.1109/JSAIT.2023.3312233. NSF IPA, ARO MSU and DOE ETI.
  • M. Aktukmat, H. Zhu, MG. Chevrette, J. Nepper, S. Magesh, J. Handelsman, A. Hero, “A Graphical Model for Fusing Diverse Microbiome Data,” IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 71, pp. 3399-3412, Oct 2023. DOI 10.1109/TSP.2023.3309464. Aug 25 2022. (.html). ARO Multiscale MURI, DOE ETI.
  • L. Zhou and A. Hero, “Resolution Limits of Non-Adaptive 20 Questions Search for a Moving Target,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol 69, no 9, pp 5463-5484, Sept. 2023. DOE ETI, ARO Multiscale MURI.
  • M. Aktukmat, Y. Yilmaz, A. Hero, “Any-shot Learning from Multimodal Observations (ALMO),” IEEE Access, 2023. DOE ETI, ARO Multiscale MURI
  • Y. Wei, B. Rajaratnam and A. Hero, “A Unified Framework for Correlation Mining in Ultra-High Dimension,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol 69, no 1, pp 334-382, Jan. 2023. (Publication date: Aug 19, 2022). DOI 10.1109/TIT.2022.3200577, arxiv:2101.04715 (.html) . ARO Non-Commutative MURI, ARO Multiscale MURI
  • A. Hero, S. Kar, J. Moura, J. Neil, V. Poor, M. Turcotte, B. Xi, “Statistics and Data Science for Cybersecurity,” Harvard Data Science Review, Issue 5.1, Jan 26 2023. DOI

Conferences 2023

  • H. Yang, R. Gonzalez, B. K. Nalliamothu, K. D. Aaronson, K. Ward, A. Hero, S. Ansari, “A Practical Approach to Disease Risk Prediction: Focus on High-Risk Patients via Highest-k Loss,” IEEE International Cnoference on Bioinformatics and Medicine, 2023. (.html) NIH K01
  • Z Sun, D Song and A Hero, “Minimum-Risk Recalibration of Classifiers,” Neural Information Processing Symposium (NeurIPS), New Orleans, Dec 2023. Spotlight. NSF IPA, ARO MSU, DOE ETI.
  • B. Malinas, D. Song, A Hero, “Community Detection in High-Dimensional Graph Ensembles,” Asilomar Conference, Nov 2023. (.html). SEABASS, ARO MSU
  • N Charalambides, A Hero, “Graph Sparsification by Approximate Matrix Multiplication,” IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (SSP), Hanoi Vietnam, July 2023. Best Paper Award. DOE ETI, ARO Multiscale MURI
  • M Rudow, N Charalambides, A Hero, R Vinayak, “Compression-Informed Coded Computing,” IEEE Intl Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Tapei Taiwan, June 2023. (.html)
  • J Jia, Y Zhang, D Song, S Liu. A Hero, “Robustness-preserving Lifelong Learning via Dataset Condensation,” IEEE Intl Conf on Acoust., Speech and Sig Proc (ICASSP), Rhodes Greece, June 2023.
  • A. Hero, Y. Zhai, PM Doraiswamy, CW Woods, RB Turner, GS Ginsburg, “A digital biomarker for cognitive performance variability is associated with susceptibility to viral infection,” Statistics and Data Science Symposium (SDSS), St. Louis, MO, May 2023. This is a synopsis of our Dec 2022 article in Scientific Reports DARPA Biochronicity&Prometheus, ARO Multiscale MURI

Reports 2023


Journals 2022

  • Y. Zhai, PM Doraiswamy, CW Woods, RB Turner, TW Burke, GS Ginsburg, A Hero, “Pre-exposure cognitive performance variability is associated with severity of respiratory infection,” Nature Scientific Reports, vol. 12, no22589, Dec 30 2022. (.html). UM Press Release here. Poster on this work presented on Sept. 6 and 7, 2023 at the Workshop on Viral Infections and Inflammation, NIH-NIAID (.pdf). DARPA, ARO Multiscale MURI.
  • M. Aktukmat, Z. Sun, M. Bobra, T. Gombosi, WB Manchester, Y. Chen and A. Hero, “Incorporating Polar Field Data for Improved Solar Flare Prediction,” Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, section on Stellar and Solar Physics, vol. 21, Dec 2022. (.html) NASA.
  • Y. Wang, Z. Sun, D. Song, A Hero, “Kronecker-structured Covariance Models for Multiway Data .” Statistics Surveys, vol 16, pp. 238-270, 2022. (.html) NASA. ARO-Multiscale, DOE-ETI.
  • R Wang, T Chen, P Yao, S Liu, I Rajapakse, A Hero, “ASK: Adversarial Soft k-nearest neighbor attack and defense,” IEEE Access, Sept. 2022. (.html) . DARPA GARD, Non-commutative MURI, DOE ETI
  • M Baranwal, A Magner, J Saldinger, ES Turali-Emre, P Elvati, S Kozarekar, JS VanEpps, NA Kotov, A Violi, A Hero, “Struct2Graph: a graph attention network for structure based predictions of protein–protein interactions,” BMC Bioinformatics, vol 370, no 23, pp 1. Sept 10, 2022. (.html). Blue Sky, ARO Multiscale MURI
  • E Sabeti, S Oh, PX Song, A Hero. “A Pattern Dictionary Method for Anomaly Detection,” Entropy, vol 24, pp. 1095 Aug 2022 (Featured as cover article). (.html). DARPA, ARO Noncommutative, DOE ETI.
  • L Zhou, L Bai, and A Hero. “Resolution Limits of Non-Adaptive 20 Questions Search for Multiple Targets.” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol 68, no 8, pp. 4964-4982, Aug 2022. (.html), ARO Noncommutative MURI.
  • M Baranwal, RL Clarke, J Thompson, Z Sun, A Hero, O Venturelli, “Recurrent Neural Networks Enable Design of Multifunctional Synthetic Human Gut Microbiome Dynamics,” eLife, 11:e73870, June 23, 2022. (.html). Slide presentation (.pdf). USC-MURI
  • Y. Wang, Z. Sun, D. Song, A. Hero, “TensorGraphicalModels: A Julia Toolbox for Multiway Covariance Models and Ensemble Kalman Filter,” Software Impacts, May 14, 2022 (.html). DOE ETI, Noncommutative MURI, USC MURI.
  • Z Sun, M Bobra, X Wang, Y Wang, H Sun, T Gombosi, Y Chen, A Hero, “Predicting Solar Flares Using CNN and LSTM on Two Solar Cycles of Active Region Data,” The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ), vol 931, no 2, p. 931 (23 pages), June 7, 2022. (.html). NASA Drive.
  • R Wang, T Chen, S Lindley, C Stansbury, A Rehemtulla, I Rajapakse, A Hero, “RAILS: A robust immune- inspired learning system,” IEEE Access, vol 10, pp 22061 – 22078, Feb 21 2022. 10.1109/TIT.2022.3151719. Available as arxiv:2107.02840 (.html. DARPA GARD.
  • L Zhou, Y Wei, A Hero, “Second order asymptotically optimal outler hypothesis testing,” IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, vol. 68, no 6, 2022. 10.1109/TIT.2022.3166074. Available as arxiv:2009.03505 (.html. ARO Non-commutative MURI.
  • A Magner, M Baranwal, A. Hero, “Fundamental limitations of deep graph convolutional networks,” the IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, vol 68, no 5, pp. 3218-3283, 2022. 10.1109/TIT.2022.3145847. Available as arxiv:1910.12954 (.html) . ARO Non-commutative MURI, USC MURI, Blue Sky.

Conferences 2022

  • N Charalambides, M Pilanci and A Hero, “Secure Linear MDS Coded Matrix Inversion,”  Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Oct 2022. (.html). ARO UIUC MURI
  • B. Jang, J. Nepper, M. Chevrette, Jo Handelsman  and A Hero, “High Dimensional Stochastic Linear Contextual Bandit with Missing Covariates,” IEEE Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP) Xian China, Oct. 2022. (.html). ARO USC MURI, DOE ETI
  • B Robinson, R Malinas, V Latimer, B Morrison, A Hero, “An improvement on the Hotelling T2 test using the Ledoit-Wolf non-linear shrinkage estimator,” 30th European Conference on Signal Processing (EUSIPCO), Belgrade Serbia, Sept 2022. (.html). AFRL, Noncommutative MURI
  • C Hougen, L Kaplan, M Ivanovska, F Cerutti, KV Mishra and A Hero, “SOLBP: Second-Order Loopy Belief Propagation for Inferencing in Uncertain Bayesian Networks,” 25th Conference on Information Fusion, Linkoping Sweden, July 2022. (.html). ARO MURI, DOE ETI
  • L Zhou, Y Wei, A Hero, “Asymptotics for Outlier Hypothesis Testing ,” IEEE Intl Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Aalto Finland, June 2022 (.html). Noncommutative MURI.
  • N Charalambides, H Madhavifar, M Pilanci, A Hero, “Orthonormal Sketches for Secure Coded Regression,” IEEE Intl Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Aalto Finland, June 2022. (.html). Noncommutative MURI

Reports 2022

  • M. Aktukmat, Haonan Zhu, Marc G. Chevrette, Julia Nepper, Shruti Magesh, Jo Handelsman, A Hero, “A Graphical Model for Fusing Diverse Microbiome Data,” Aug 25 2022. (.html). ARO Multiscale MURI, DOE ETI.
  • Mayank Baranwal, Abram Magner, Jacob Saldinger, Emine S. Turali-Emre, Shivani Kozarekar, Paolo Elvati, J. Scott VanEpps, Nicholas A. Kotov, Angela Violi, Alfred O. Hero, “Struct2Graph: A graph attention network for structure based predictions of protein-protein interactions,” bioArRxiv , updated June 2022 (originally posted in Sept 2020). ARO Multiscale MURI, Blue Sky.
  • L. Zhou and A. Hero, “Resolution Limits of Non-Adaptive 20 Questions Search for a Moving Target,”, June 2022. ARO Non-commutative MURI.
  • L Zhou, Y. Wei, A Hero, “Asymptotics for Outlier Hypothesis Testing,” Feb 2022. ARO Non-commutative MURI.


Journals 2021

  • Emilia Grzesiak, Brinnae Bent, Micah T. McClain, Christopher W. Woods, Ephraim L. Tsalik, Bradly P. Nicholson, Timothy Veldman,  Thomas W. Burke, Zoe Gardener, Emma Bergstrom,  Ronald B. Turner, Christopher Chiu, P. Murali Doraiswamy, Alfred Hero, Ricardo Henao, Geoffrey S. Ginsburg, Jessilyn Dunn Assessment of the Feasibility of Using Noninvasive Wearable Biometric Monitoring Sensors to Detect Influenza and the Common Cold Before Symptom Onset. JAMA Netw Open. 2021;4(9):e2128534. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.28534 (.html). DARPA Prometheus
  • M. Baranwal, Kunal Garg, Dimitra Panagou, A.O. Hero, “Distributed Fixed-Time Economic Dispatch under Time-Varying Topology and Uncertain Information,” IEEE Control Letters, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 1183-1188, Oct. 2021, doi: 10.1109/LCSYS.2020.3020248 Available on arXiv (.html) . ARO Non-commutative MURI
  • Y. Yilmaz, M. Aktukmak and A. O. Hero, “Multimodal Data Fusion in High-Dimensional Heterogeneous Datasets Via Generative Models,” in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 69, pp. 5175-5188, 2021, doi: 10.1109/TSP.2021.3109375. (.html). Non-commutative MURI
  • X She, Y Zhai, R Henao, CW Woods, C Chiu, Geoffrey S. Ginsburg, Peter X.K. Song, AO. Hero, “Adaptive multi-channel event segmentation and feature extraction for monitoring health outcomes,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 68, no. 8, pp. 2377-2388, Aug. 2021, doi: 10.1109/TBME.2020.3038652. Available on arxiv:2008.09215 (.html) . Popular press picked up on the preprint here: (.html) . DARPA Prometheus.
  • Jinpu Lin, Qian Qian, Jon Murphy, Abigail Hsu, Alfred Hero, Alexander G.R. Thomas, Karl Krushelnick, “Feature analysis in relativistic laser-plasma experiments utilizing machine learning methods,” Physics of Plasmas vol 28, no. 8, 083102. July 2021. (.html). DOE ETI.
  • K. Moon, K. Sricharan, A. Hero, “Ensemble Estimation of Generalized Mutual Information with Applications to Genomics,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 67, no. 9 pp. 5963-5996, 2021. (.html) . ARO Multiscale MURI, ARO Non-commutative MURI
  • Y. Wang, C. Hougen, B. Oselio, W. Dempsey, A. Hero, “A geometry-driven longitudinal topic model,” Harvard Data Science Review, April 30 2021. (.html) . Non-commutative MURI, DOE ETI
  • L. Zhou and A. Hero, “Zhou, Lin, and Alfred O. Hero. “Resolution limits for the noisy non-adaptive 20 questions problem,” IEEE Trans on Information Theory, Vol. 67, Issue 4, April 2021. DOI 10.1109/TIT.2021.3049796. (.html) . ARO Non-commutative MURI
  • B Robinson, R Malinas, A Hero, “Space-Time Adaptive Detection at Low Sample Support,” IEEE Trans, on Signal Processing, vol. 69, no. 4, 2939-2954, 2021. arxiv.2010.03388 (.html) . Non-Commutative MURI, AFRL SEABASS.
  • M. Noshad, J. Choi, Y. Sun, A. Hero, I. Dinov, “A Data Value Metric for Quantifying Information Content and Utility,” Journal of Big Data, vol 8, no. 1, pp 1-23, Mar. 2021. (.html) . Noncommutative MURI.
  • W. Dempsey, B. Oselio, A. Hero, “Hierarchical network models for exchangeable structured interaction processes,” pp. 1-43, Journal of the American Statistical Association, pp. 1-18, April 2021. doi:10.1080/01621459.2021.1896526. (.html) .
  • E. Hou, E. Lawrence, A. Hero, “Penalized Ensemble Kalman Filters for High Dimensional Non-linear Systems,” PLoS One, 16(3): e0248046. Mar. 2021. (.html) . Available as arxiv:1610.00195 (.html) . DOE CVT, ETI.

Conferences 2021

  • Y. Wang and A Hero,”Multiway Kalman filter,” Workshop on Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences,” NeurIPS Dec. 2021. (.html). DOE ETI, NASA Drive.
  • L. Zhou, Y. Wei, A. Hero, “Second-order asymptotically optimal outlying sequence detection with reject option,” IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Oct 2021. (.html). ARO Non-commutative MURI
  • C. Hougen, L. Kaplan and A. Hero,  “Uncertain Bayesian networks: learning from incomplete data,” IEEE Machine Learning for Signal Processing, Gold Coast Australia Oct 2021. (.html). ARO Non-commutatiive MURI
  • Ren Wang, Tianqi Chen, Stephen Lindley, Cooper Stansbury, Indika Rajapakse, Alfred Hero, “Immuno-mimetic Deep Neural Networks (Immuno-Net),” Workshop on Computational Biology, International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), July 2021. (Spotlight). (.html) . DARPA GARD, Non-Commutative MURI
  • Y Wang, A Hero, “SG-PALM: a Fast Physically Interpretable Tensor Graphical Model,” International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), July 2021. (.html) . ARO Non-commutative MURI, NASA Drive
  • L Zhou, A Hero, “Achievable Resolution Limits for the Noisy Adaptive 20 Questions Problem,” IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, July 2021. (.html). ARO Non-commutative MURI
  • L Zhou, A Hero, “Resolution Limits of Non-Adaptive 20 Questions Estimation for Multiple Targets,” IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, July 2021. (.html). ARO Non-commutative MURI
  • E Hou, E Lawrence, AO Hero, “A sparsity penalized ensemble Kalman filter with application to aerosol tracking,” IEEE Symposium on Radiation Measurements and Applications (SORMA), May 2021. (.html). DOE ETI, CVT
  • E. Sabeti, PXI Song and AO Hero, “Data discovery using lossless compression-based sparse representation,” IEEE ICASSP 2021. Arxiv 2103.08765 Mar 2021 (.html) . ARO Non-commutative MURI
  • L. Zhou and AO Hero, “Resolution Limits of 20 Questions Search Strategies for Moving Targets,” IEEE ICASSP 2021. Arxiv 2103.08097 Mar 2021 (.html) Poster (.pdf) and slides (.pdf) . ARO Non-commutative MURI
  • N. Charalambides, M. Palanci, and AO Hero, “Approximate Weighted CR Coded Matrix Multiplication,” IEEE ICASSP 2021. Arxiv:2011.09709 Nov 2020. (.html) . ARO Non-commutative MURI

Reports 2021

  • D Tarzanagh, L Balzano, AO Hero, “Fair structure learning in heterogeneous graphical models,” arxiv:2112.05128, 9 Dec 2021. (.html). ARO Non-commutative MURI.
  • Z Sun, M Bobra, X Wang, Y Wang, H Sun, T Gombosi, Y Chen and AO. Hero, “Predicting Solar Flares using CNN and LSTM on Two Solar Cycles of Active Region Data,” Earth and Space Science Open Archive (ESSOA), Oct 29, 2021. (.html). NASA Drive
  • M Baranwal, RL Clark, J Thompson, Z Sun, A Hero, O S Venturelli, “Deep Learning Enables Design of Multifunctional Synthetic Human Gut Microbiome Dynamics,” bioRxiv, Sept 29, 2021, (.html). ARO Multiscale MURI
  • R Wang, T Chen, S Lindley, C Stansbury, A Rehemtulla, I Rajapakse, A Hero, “RAILS: A robust immune- inspired learning system,” June 27, 2021. (.html) . DARPA GARD
  • R Wang, T Chen, P Yao, S Liu, I Rajapakse, A Hero, “ASK: Adversarial Soft k-nearest neighbor attack and defense,” June 27, 2021. (.html) . DARPA GARD
  • L. Zhou and A. Hero, “Resolution Limits of Noisy 20 Questions Search for Multiple Targets,” arxiv:2101.06843  Jan 18, 2021. (.html). ARO Non-commutative MURI.
  • A. Hero, B. Rajaratnam and Y. Wei, “A Unified Framework for Correlation Mining in Ultra-High Dimension,” arxiv:2101.04715. Jan 12. 2021. (.html) . ARO Non-Commutative MURI, ARO Multiscale MURI


Journals 2020

  • J LeBlanc, B Thelen and A Hero, “Testing that a local optimum of the likelihood is globally optimum using reparameterized embeddings,” Journal on Mathematical Imaging and Vision, Vol. 62, pp. 858-871, 2020. (.html) . ARO Non-commutative MURI.
  • S. Liu, P.-Y. Chen, B. Kailkhura, G. Zhang, A. Hero, P. Varshney, “A Primer on Zeroth-Order Optimization in Signal Processing and Machine Learning,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol 37, issue 5, Sept. 2020. (.html) . .
  • F. Harirchi, D. Kim, O. Khalil, S. Liu, P. Elvati, M. Baranwal, A. Hero, A. Violi, “On Sparse Identification of Complex Dynamical Systems: A Study on Discovering Influential Reactions in Chemical Reaction Networks,” Fuel, vol. 279, No. 1 November. 2020 (.html) . Fuel MURI.
  • Z. Jiao, H Sun, X Wang, W Manchester, AO Hero, and Y. Chen, “Solar Flare Intensity Prediction with Machine Learning Models,”  Space Weather, Vol. 18, No. 7, July 2020. (.html) . NASA-Drive.
  • S. Sekeh, B. Oselio and A. Hero, “Learning to Bound the Multi-class Bayes Error,” IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 68, pp. 3793 – 3807, May 2020. (.html) . DOI 10.1109/TSP.2020.2994807. AFRL, ARO Non-commutative MURI.
  • Yoann Altmann, Angela Di Fulvio, Marc G. Paff, Shaun D. Clarke, Mike E. Davies, Stephen McLaughlin, Alfred O. Hero, and Sara A. Pozzi, “Expectation propagation for weak radionuclide identification at radiation portal monitors,” Nature Scientific Reports, April 2020. (.html) DOE ETI.
  • M. Baranwal, A. Magner, P. Elvati, J. Saldinger, A. Violi, A. Hero, “A deep learning architecture for metabolic pathway prediction, Bioinformatics, 36:8, pp. 2547–2553, April 2020 (Electronic publication date 26 Dec 2019). (.html) . This paper was retracted in 2024 to correct a coding error in the experiments. The conclusions of the paper remain unchanged after the error was corrected and experiments were rerun. The new corrected version was published in Bioinformatics on July 29 2024 (.html). Blue Sky, USC MURI

Conferences 2020

  • N. Charalambides, H. Madhavifar, A. Hero, “Numerically Stable Binary Gradient Coding,” IEEE Intl Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Los Angeles, July 2020. (.pdf) . ARO Non-commutative MURI
  • L. Zhou and A. Hero, “Resolution Limits of Non-Adaptive Querying for Noisy 20 Questions Estimation,” IEEE Intl Symposium on Information Theory, Los Angeles, July 2020. (.html) . ARO Non-commutative MURI
  • A. Magner, M. Baranwal and A. Hero, “The power of graph convolutional networks to distinguish random graph models,” IEEE Intl Symposium on Information Theory, Los Angeles, July 2020. (.html) . ARO Multiscale MURI, ARO Fuel MURI, ARO Non-Commutative MURI
  • E. Sabeti, P. X.K. Song, A. O. Hero, “Pattern-Based Analysis of Time Series: Estimation,” IEEE Intl Symposium on Information Theory, July 2020. (.html) DARPA Prometheus.
  • W. Yu,. B. Jang, A. Hero, “The Sylvester Graphical Lasso,” AISTATS, May 2020. arxiv:2002.00288 (.html) . Code: ARO Non-commutative MURI, DOE ETI
  • N. Charalambrides, M. Pilanci, A. Hero, “Weighted gradient coding with leverage score sampling,” IEEE Intl Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, May 2020. arxiv:2002.02291 (.html) . ARO Non-commutative MURI

Reports 2020

  • Ren Wang, Tianqi Chen, Stephen Lindley, Alnawaz Rehemtulla, Indika Rajapakse, Alfred Hero, “RAILS: Robust Adversarial Immune-inspired Learning System,” arxiv:2012.10485. Dec. 2020. (.html) . DARPA GARD, ARO Non-Commutative MURI
  • Jinpu Lin, Qian Qian, Jon Murphy, Abigail Hsu, Alfred Hero, Alexander G.R. Thomas, Karl Krushelnick, “Feature analysis in relativistic laser-plasma experiments utilizing machine learning methods,” arxiv:2011.05866, Nov 2020. (.html). DOE ETI.
  • Neo Charalambides, Mert Palanci, and Alfred Hero, “Approximate Weighted CR Coded Matrix Multiplication,” arxiv:2011.09709 Nov 2020. (.html) . ARO Non-commutative MURI
  • L. Zhou, Y. Wei and A. Hero, “Second-Order Asymptotically Optimal Universal Outlying Sequence Detection with Reject Option,” arxiv:2009.03505, Sept 2019 (.html) . ARO Non-commutative MURI
  • Mayank Baranwal, Abram Magner, Jacob Saldinger, Emine S. Turali-Emre, Shivani Kozarekar, Paolo Elvati, J. Scott VanEpps, Nicholas A. Kotov, Angela Violi, Alfred O. Hero, “Struct2Graph: A graph attention network for structure based predictions of protein-protein interactions,” Sept 2020, bioArRxiv (.html) . Blue Sky. ARO Multiscale MURI
  • Xichen She, Yaya Zhai, Ricardo Henao, Christopher W. Woods, Christopher Chiu, Geoffrey S. Ginsburg, Peter X.K. Song, Alfred O. Hero, “Adaptive multi-channel event segmentation and feature extraction for monitoring health outcomes,” arxiv:2008.09215 May 2020. (.html) . DARPA Prometheus. .
  • Abram Magner, Mayank Baranwal, A.O. Hero, “Fundamental limitations of deep graph convolutional networks,” arxiv:1910.12954 May 2020. (.html) .ARO Non-commutative MURI, USC MURI, Blue Sky.
  • Elyas Sabeti, Peter X.K. Song, Alfred O. Hero, “Pattern-Based Analysis of Time Series: Estimation,” arXiv:2005.00926, April 2020. (.html) ARO Non-commutative MURI, DARPA Prometheus

Interviews and news items

  • AO Hero, “Using-machine-learning-to-detect-disease-before-symptoms-manifest” ECE Newsletter, University of Michigan, Mar 25, 2020 (.html)


Journals 2019

  • S. Sekeh, M. Noshad, A.O. Hero, “Convergence Rates for Empirical Estimation of Binary Classification Bounds,” Entropy, 21(12), 1144, Dec 2019. Available on arxiv:810.01015 (.html) . ARO Non-commutative MURI.
  • A. Jung, A.O. Hero, A. Mara, S. Jahromi, A. Heimowitz, Y.C. Eldar, “Semi-supervised Learning in Network-Structured Data via Total Variation Minimization,” IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol 67, no. 24 6256-6269, Dec. 2019. arxiv:1901.09838 (.html) . ARO Non-commutative MURI.
  • K. Greenewald, S. Zhou, A.O. Hero, “The Tensor Graphical Lasso (TeraLasso),” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, vol. 81, no. 5 Nov. 2019. arxiv:1705.03983 (.html) . ARO Non-commutative MURI.
  • H. Zhu, Y. Altman, A. DiFulvio, S. Mclaughlin, S. Pozzi, A. Hero, “A Hierarchical Bayesian Approach to Neutron Spectrum Unfolding with Organic Scintillators,” IEEE Trans. on Nuclear Science, 18 Sept. 2019. DOI: 10.1109/TNS.2019.2941317. (.pdf) DOE CVT.
  • Y. Chen, W.B. Manchester, A. Hero, G. Toth, B. DuFumier, T. Zhou, X. Wang, H. Zhu, Z. Sun, T.I. Gombosi, “Identifying Solar Flare Precursors Using Time Series of SDO/HMI Images and SHARP Parameters,” Space Weather, vol. 17, no. 10, pp. 1404-1426, Oct. 2019. Also appeared in Space Weather Special Issue on Scientific Challenges of Space Weather Forecasting including Extremes (2019). (.html) . NASA Drive
  • S. Sekeh and A. Hero, “Geometric estimation of multivariate dependency,” Entropy, vol. 21, no. 8, p. 787, Aug 2019. DOI 10.3390/e21040410. (.html) . DOE_CVT, ARO Non-commutative MURI
  • L. Zhou and A. Hero, “Exponential Strong Converse for Successive Refinement with Causal Decoder Side Information,” Entropy, vol. 21, no. 4, p. 410, April 2019. DOI 10.3390/e21040410. (.html) . arxiv:1504.02762 (.html) . ARO Non-commutative MURI
  • E. Hou, Y. Yilmaz, A. Hero, “Anomaly detection for partially observed traffic networks,” IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 67, no. 6, pp 1461-1476, March 2019. DOI 10.1109/TSP.2019.289202. (.html) DOE CVT
  • P.-Y. Chen, C.-C, Tu, P.-S. Ting, Y.-Y. Lo, D. Koutra and A.O. Hero, “Identifying Influential Links for Event Propagation on Twitter: A Network of Networks Approach,” IEEE Trans on Signal and Information Processing over Networks, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 139-151, Mar. 2019. (.html) ARO Social, Non-commutative MURI.
  • M. Paff, A. Di Fulvio, Y. Altmann, S. D. Clarke, S. A. Pozzi, A. Hero, “Identification of mixed sources with an organic scintillator-based radiation portal monitor,” Journal of Nuclear Materials Management, vol. 46, no. 4, (.html) 2019. DOE CVT.
  • I. Yun, C. Jung, X. Wang, A. Hero, J. Kim, “Part-Level Convolutional Neural Networks for Pedestrian Detection Using Saliency and Boundary Box Alignment,” IEEE Access, Feb. 2019. (.html) .

Conferences 2019

  • A. Magner, M. Baranwal, A.O. Hero, The Power of Graph Convolutional Networks to Distinguish Random Graph Models,” IEEE Intl Symposium on Information THeory (ISIT), Paris, July 2019. arXiv:1910.12954 (.html). Blue Sky, Non-commutative MURI
  • L. Zhou, A. Hero, Exponential Strong Converse for Successive Refinement with Causal Decoder Side Information, IEEE Intl Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Paris, July 2019. arXiv:1901.01356 (.html) . Non-commutative MURI
  • B. Oselio, A. Sadeghian, S. Savarese, AO Hero, “Time-varying interaction estimation using ensemble methods,” IEEE Data Science Workshop, Minneapolis, May 2019. arxiv:1906.10746 (.html) . Non-commutative MURI, AFRL.
  • H. Tiomoko Ali, S. Liu, Y. Yilmaz, AO Hero, R. Couillet, I. Rajapakse, “Latent heterogeneous multilayer community detection,” IEEE Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brighton 2019. (.html) . Deep Purple FunCC, Non-commutative MURI
  • M. Noshad, Y. Zeng, AO Hero, “Scalable Mutual Information Estimation using Dependence Graphs,” IEEE Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brighton 2019. (.html) . Non-commutative MURI.
  • SY Sekeh and A.O. Hero, “Feature Selection for mutlti-labeled variables via Dependency Maximization,” IEEE Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brighton 2019. (.html) . Non-commutative MURI.
  • B. Jang and A.O. Hero, “Minimum volume topic modeling,” AISTATS 2019, Japan. (.html) . Non-commutative MURI.

Book Chapters

  • P.-Y. Chen, Sutanay Choudhury, Luke Rodriguez, A.O. Hero and I. Ray, “Enterprise Cyber Resiliency Against Lateral Movement: A Graph Theoretic Approach,” Chapter in Industrial Control Systems Security and Resiliency: Practice and Theory, Eds. C. Rieger, I. Ray, Q. Zhu, M. Haney, Springer 2019. (.html) . CVT

Technical Reports 2019

  • M. Baranwal, Kunal Garg, Dimitra Panagou, A.O. Hero, Distributed Fixed-Time Economic Dispatch under Time-Varying Topology and Uncertain Information. Available on arXiv (.html) .
  • A. Magner, M. Baranwal, A.O. Hero, The Power of Graph Convolutional Networks to Distinguish Random Graph Models,” Available on arXiv (.html) .
  • L. Zhou and A. Hero, “Resolution Limits of Noisy 20 Questions Estimation.” Available on arXiv (.html) . ARO Non-Commutative MURI.
  • K. Garg, M. Baranwal, A. Hero, D. Panagou, “Distributed Optimization in Fixed-Time under Time-Varying Communication Topology,” Sept. 2019 (.html) . ARO Non-Commutative MURI, DOE ETI,
  • L. Xu, M. Noshad and A. Hero, “Learning to Benchmark: Estimating Best Achievable Misclassification Error from Training Data,” Sept. 2019. .html .
  • J LeBlanc, B Thelen and AO Hero, “Testing that a Local Optimum of the Likelihood is Globally Optimum using Reparameterized Embeddings,” May 2019. arxiv:1906.00101 (.html) . Non-commutative MURI, DOE CVT.
  • Y Chen, WB Manchester, AO Hero, G Toth, B DuFumier, T Zhou, X Wang, H Zhu, Zeyu Sun, TI Gombosi, “Identifying Solar Flare Precursors Using Time Series of SDO/HMI Images and SHARP Parameters,” April 2019. arxiv:1904.00125 (.html) . NAsa Drive
  • B. Jang and A. Hero, “Minimum volume topic modeling,” arxivL:1904.02064 (.html) . Appeared in Proceedings of AISTATS 2019. Non-commutative MURI.
  • B. Xichen She, Yaya Zhai, Ricardo Henao, Christopher W. Woods, Geoffrey S. Ginsburg, Peter X.K. Song, Alfred O. Hero, “An unsupervised transfer learning algorithm for sleep monitoring,” arxiv:1904.03720 (.html) . DARPA Prometheus.
  • L. Zhou and A. Hero, “Exponential Strong Converse for Successive Refinement with Causal Decoder Side Information,” arxiv:1504.02762 (.html) . Appeared in Entropy, 2019. ARO Non-commutative MURI
  • W. Dempsey, B. Oselio, A. Hero, “Hierarchical network models for structured exchangeable interaction processes,” arxiv:1901.09982 (.html) ARO Non-commutative, USAF SIRCUS, DOE CVT.
  • L. Zhou and A. Hero, “Exponential Strong Converse for Successive Refinement with Causal Decoder Side Information,” arxiv:1901.01356, Jan 2019 (.html) .


Journals 2018

  • S Liu, H Chen, S Ronquist, L Seaman, N Ceglia, W Meixner, P-Y Chen, G Higgins, P Baldi, S Smale, A Hero, L A Muir, and I Rajapakse, “Genome Architecture Mediates Transcriptional Control of Human Myogenic Reprogramming,” iScience (Cell Press), vol. 6, pp. 232–246, August 31 2018. (.html) . DARPA Deep Purple and Fun CC
  • K.R. Moon, K. Sricharan, K. Greenewald, and A.O. Hero, “Ensemble Estimation of Information Divergence,” Entropy (Special Issue on Information Theory for Machine Learning), vol. 20, no. 8, p. 560, July 2018. doi: 10.3390/e20080560. (.htm) . arxiv (.html) . Non-commutative MURI.
  • Y. Altmann, S. McLaughlin, M.J. Padgett, V.K. Goyal, A.O. Hero, and D.Faccio, “Quantum-inspired computational imaging,” Science, Vol. 361, Issue 6403, 17 Aug 2018. (.html) . Non-commutative MURI, AFRL, DOE CVT.
  • T. Banerjee, H. Firouzi, and A.O. Hero, “Quickest Detection for Changes in Maximal kNN Coherence of Random Matrices,” IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, Vol. 66, No. 17, pp. 4490-4503, Sept 2018. (.html) . DOE CVT, AFOSR.
  • M.P. Nemitz, A.A. Stokes, R.J. Marcotte, M.E. Sayed, G. Ferrer, A.O. Hero, .B. Olson, “Multi-Functional Sensing for Swarm Robots Using Time Sequence Classification: HoverBot, an Example,” Frontiers of Robotics and AI, Vol. 17, pp. 5, May 2018.
  • P.-Y. Chen and A. Hero, “Phase Transitions and a Model Order Selection Criterion for Spectral Graph Clustering,” IEEE Trans on Signal Processing, Vol. 66 No. 13, pp. 3407 – 3420, July 2018. (.html) ARO Non-commutative MURI, DOE CVT.
  • S. Liu, P.-Y. Chen and A. Hero, “Accelerated Distributed Dual Averaging over Evolving Networks of Growing Connectivity,” IEEE Trans on Signal Processing. Vol. 66, No. 7, pp.1845-1859, July 2018. (.html) ARO Non-commutative MURI and ARO Violi MURI.
  • E. Hou, K. Sricharan, A.O. Hero, “Latent Laplacian Maximum Entropy Discrimination for Detection of High-Utility Anomalies” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Vol. 13, No. 6, pp. 1446-1459, June 2018. (.html) . Xerox, DOE CVT.
  • J. LeBlanc, B. Thelen, and A.O. Hero, “Joint camera blur and pose estimation from aliased data,” Journ. of Optical Society of America (JOSA), vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 639-651, 2018. (.html) .
  • H.-W. Chung, L. Zheng, B. Sadler, A.O. Hero, “Unequal Error Protection Querying Policies for the Noisy 20 Questions Problem,” IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, vol. 64, no. 2, pp.1105-1131, Feb. 2018. (.pdf) . Non-Commutative MURI.

Conferences 2018

  • H-.W. Chung, J-.O. Lee, D. Kim, A.O. Hero, “Trade-offs Between Query Difficulty and Sample Complexity in Crowdsourced Data Acquisition,” 2018 56th Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Oct 2018. Non-commutative MURI.
  • S. Sekeh, B. Oselio, A.O. Hero, “Multi-class Bayes error estimation with a global minimal spanning tree,” 2018 56th Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Oct 2018. Non-commutative MURI.
  • Y. Altmann, M.G. Paff, A. DiFulvio, A. Hero, S. Pozzi, “Bayesian unmixing algorithms for identification of gamma sources using radiation portal monitors,” Symposium on Radiation Measurements and Applications (SORMA), Ann Arbor June 2018. DOE CVT.
  • M. Noshad and A. Hero, “Rate-optimal meta learning of classification error,” IEEE Conf on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Calgary, April 2018 (.html) . ARO Non-commutative.
  • S. Sekeh, B. Oselio, A. Hero, “A Dimension-Independent discriminant between distributions,” IEEE Conf on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Calgary, April 2018. (.html) . ARO Non-commutative
  • E. Hou and A. Hero, “Sequential maximum margin classifiers for partially labeled data,” IEEE Conf on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Calgary, April 2018. DOE CVT.
  • S. Liu, P.-Y. Chen, I. Rajapakse, A. Hero, “First-order bifurcation detection for dynamic complex networks,” IEEE Conf on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Calgary, April 2018. arxiv (.html) . DARPA DeepPurple and FunCC
  • H.-W. Chung, B. Sadler, L. Zheng, A, Hero, “Unequal error protection querying policies for the noisy 20 questions problem,” IEEE Conf on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Calgary, April 2018. arxiv (.html) . ARO Non-commutative
  • M. Noshad and A. Hero, “Scalable Hash-Based Estimation of Divergence Measures,” AISTATS 2018. (.html) . Non-commutative MURI.
  • S. Liu, P.-Y. Chen, J. Chen, and A. Hero, “Zeroth-Order Online Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers: Convergence Analysis and Applications,” AISTATS 2018. (.html) . Non-commutative MURI.

Book Chapters

  • B. Oselio, S. Liu, A. Hero, “Multilayer social networks,” Ch. 25 in Cooperative and Graph Signal Processing, Elsevier 2018. AFRL, ARO Non-commutative MURI

Discussant publications

  • A.O. Hero, “Comment on Minimax Optimal Procedures for Locally Private Estimation by J.C. Duchi, MI Jordan, MJ Wainwright,” Journ. of the American Statistical Association, 113(521), pp. 203–204, May 2018.

National Academies Reports

  • National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2018. Data Science for Undergraduates: Opportunities and Options. (L. Haas and AO. Hero, study co-chairs), Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. (.html)

Technical Reports 2018

  • F. Harirchi, D. Kim, O. Khalil, S. Liu, P. Elvati, A. Hero, A. Violi, “A New Data-Driven Sparse-Learning Approach to Study Chemical Reaction Networks,” arxiv:1712.06281, Dec 2018. (.html) . Combustion MURI.
  • S. Sekeh, B. Oselio and A. Hero, “Learning to Bound the Multi-class Bayes Error,” submitted to IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing. Nov 2018. (.html) . AFRL, ARO Non-commutative MURI.
  • H.-W. Chung, J.-O. Lee, D. Kim and A.O. Hero, “Parity Crowdsourcing for Cooperative Labeling,” submitted to IEEE Trans on Information Theory, Sept. 2018. (.html)
  • I. Yun, C. Jung, X. Wang, A. Hero, J. Kim, “Part-Level Convolutional Neural Networks for Pedestrian Detection Using Saliency and Boundary Box Alignment,” arXiv:1810.00689. Oct 1 2018. (.html) .
  • H. Tiomoko Ali, S. Liu, Y. Yilmaz, A. Hero, R. Couillet, I. Rajapakse, “Latent heterogeneous multilayer community detection,” arXiv.1806.07963 2018. (.html) . DARPA Deep Purple and FunCC, Non-commutative MURI.
  • M.S. Barr, B.T. Koziara, M. Flood, A.O. Hero, H.V. Jagadish, “Big Data in Finance: Highlights from the Big Data in Finance Conference Hosted at the University of Michigan in 2016,” published Mar 2018. Available at SSRN (.html)
  • S. Liu, P.Y. Chen, A. Hero and I. Rajapakse, “Dynamic Network Analysis of the 4D Nucleome,” bioarxiv (.html) . DARPA DeepPurple


Journals 2017

  • Yonina C. Eldar, Alfred O. Hero III, Li Deng, Jeff Fessler, Jelena Kovacevic, H. Vincent Poor, and Steve Young, “Challenges and Open Problems in Signal Processing: Panel Discussion Summary from ICASSP 2017,” pp. 8-23, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Nov 2017. (.pdf)
  • Markus P. Nemitz, Mohammed E. Sayed, John Mamish, Gonzalo Ferrer, Lijun Teng, Ross McKenzie, Alfred O. Hero, Edwin Olson, Adam A. Stokes, “HoverBots: Precise Locomotion Using Robots That Are Designed for Manufacturability,” Frontiers in Robotics and AI, doi: 10.3389/frobt.2017.00055, Oct 2017.
  • A. Wisler, V. Berisha, A. Spanias, A.O. Hero, “A data-driven basis for direct estimation of functionals of distributions” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 66, no. 3, pp. 558-572, Feb. 2018. arXiv 1702.06516 (.html) ARO Non-commutative MURI
  • H.-W. Chung, B. Sadler, A.O. Hero, “Bounds on Variance for Unimodal Distributions,” IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, vol 63, no 11, pp. 6936-6949, 2017. Also available as arxiv:1510.08341 (.html) . ARO Non-commutative MURI.
  • K. Greenewald, S. Kelley, B. Oselio, A.O. Hero, “Similarity Function Tracking using Pairwise Comparisons,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 65, no. 21, pp. 5635-5648, 2017. Also available as arxiv:1701.02804 Jan. 2017, (.html) . ARO Non-commutative MURI.
  • Y, Altmann, A. Maccarone, A. McCarthy, G. Newstadt, G. S. Buller, S. McLaughlin, A. O. Hero, “Robust spectral unmixing of sparse multispectral Lidar waveforms using gamma Markov random fields,”  IEEE Trans. on Computational Imaging, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 658-670, 2017. Also available as arxiv:1610.00195 Oct. 2016, (.html) . CVT, ARO-Noncommutative.
  • D. Castenon, T. Tsiligkaridis, A.O. Hero, “Correction to `On decentralized estimation with active queries” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,  2017. Author preprint (.pdf) .
  • P.-Y. Chen and A.O. Hero, “Multilayer Spectral Graph Clustering via Convex Layer Aggregation: Theory and Algorithms,” IEEE Tran. in Signal and Information Processing over Networks, vol. 3, no. 3 pp. 553-567, 2017. Arxiv:1609.07200 (.html) . ARO-Social, No-Commutative MURI, CVT.
  • Thomas W Burke, R. Henao, E. Soderblom, E.L. Tsalik. J. Thompson, M. Mcclain, M. Nichols, B. Nicholson, T. Veldman, J. Lucas. A. Hero, C. Woods. G.S. Ginsburg, “Nasopharyngeal Protein Biomarkers of Acute Respiratory Virus Infection,” BioMedicine, vol. 17, pp. 172-181, 2017. DARPA Biochron
  • T.-P. Xie, N. Nasrabadi, A.O. Hero, “Learning to classify with possible sensor failures,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 65, no. 4, pp. 836-849, 20172016. Available as arxiv 1507.04540 (.html) . ARO-VOI MURI
  • P. Piantanida, L. Rey Vega, A.O. Hero, “The Three-Terminal Interactive Lossy Source Coding Problem” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 63, no. 1, pp. 532 – 562, Jan. 2017. Available as arxiv 1502.01359 (.html) .
  • H. Firouzi, B. Rajaratnam, A.O. Hero, “Two-stage Sampling, Prediction and Adaptive Regression via Correlation Screening (SPARCS),” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 63, no. 1, pp. 698 – 714, Jan. 2017. Available as arxiv 1502:06189 (.html) . Parts of this paper were presented at AISTAT 2013 in a paper by the same authors entitled “Predictive Correlation Screening: Application to Two-stage Predictor Design in High Dimension.” AFOSR, NSF, Non-Commutative MURI.

Conference 2017

  • K. Moon, K. Sricharan, A. Hero, “Ensemble Estimation of Distributional Functionals via k-Nearest Neighbors,” Allerton Conference, 2017.
  • M. Noshad, S. Sekeh, K. Moon and A. Hero, “Direct Estimation of Information Divergence Using Nearest Neighbor Ratios,” Proceedings of the IEEE Intl Symp. on Information Theory (ISIT), Aachen, June 2017. arXiv preprint arXiv:1702.05222 (.html) 2017. Non-commutative ARO-MURI and DOE CVT
  • K. Moon, K. Sricharan, A.Hero, “Ensemble estimation of mutual information,” Proceedings of the IEEE Intl Symp. on Information Theory (ISIT), Aachen, June 2017. arXiv preprint arXiv:1701.08083 (.html) 2017. Non-commutative ARO-MURI and DOE CVT
  • X. Wang, C. Jung, A. O Hero, “Part-Level Fully Convolutional Networks for Pedestrian Detection,” IEEE Conf on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), New Orleans, Mar 2017. Non-commutative ARO-MURI
  • B. Oselio and A.O. Hero, “Dynamic reconstruction of influence graphs with adaptive directed information,” IEEE Conf on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), New Orleans, Mar 2017. Non-commutative ARO-MURI
  • S. P. Chepuri, S. Liu, G. Leus, and A.O. Hero, “Learning sparse graphs under smoothness prior,” IEEE Conf on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), New Orleans, Mar 2017. Non-commutative ARO-MURI
  • S. Liu, S. P. Chepuri, G. Leus and A.O. Hero, “Distributed sensor selection for field estimation,” Conf on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), New Orleans, Mar 2017. Non-commutative ARO-MURI
  • S. Liu, P.-Y. Chen and A.O. Hero, “Distributed optimization for evolving networks of growing connectivity,” IEEE Conf on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), New Orleans, Mar 2017. Non-commutative ARO-MURI
  • P.-Y. Chen and A.O. Hero, “AMOS: an automated model order selection algorithm for spectral graph clustering,” IEEE Conf on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), New Orleans, Mar 2017. Non-commutative ARO-MURI
  • K. Moon, S. Sekeh, M. Noshad and A.O. Hero, “Information theoretic structure learning with confidence,” IEEE Conf on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), New Orleans, Mar 2017. arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.03912 (.html) Non-commutative ARO-MURI

Technical Reports

  • Farshad Harirchi, Omar A. Khalil, Sijia Liu, Paolo Elvati, Angela Violi, Alfred O. Hero, “A Data-Driven Sparse-Learning Approach to Model Reduction in Chemical Reaction Networks,” Proceedings of NIPS 2017 Workshop on Advances in Modeling and Learning Interactions from Complex Data, Dec 2017. (.html)
  • Sijia Liu, Haiming Chen, Scott Ronquist, Laura Seaman, Nicholas Ceglia, Walter Meixner, Lindsey A. Muir, Pin-Yu Chen, Gerald Higgins, Pierre Baldi, Steve Smale, Alfred Hero, Indika Rajapakse, “Genome Architecture Leads a Bifurcation in Cell Identity” Bioarxiv.1515555 (.html) . June 2017. DARPA Deep Purble and FunCC
  • K. Greenewald, S. Zhou, A.O. Hero, “The Tensor Graphical Lasso (TeraLasso)” arxiv1705.03983 (.html) . Feb 2017.
  • T. Banerjee and A.O. Hero, “Quickest Hub Discovery in Correlation Graphs,” arxiv:1702.01225 (.html) , Feb 2017. This also appeared in Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 2016. (.pdf) . DOE-CVT


Journals 2016

  • N. Halay, K. Todros and A.O. Hero, “Binary Hypothesis Testing via Measure Transformed Quasi Likelihood Ratio Test,” IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 65, no. 24, pp. 6381-6396, Dec 2016. arXiv 1609.07958 (.pdf) Non-commutative MURI
  • J. Zheng, M. R. Harris, A. M. Masci; Y. Lin; A.O. Hero; B. Smith; Y. He, “The Ontology of Biological and Clinical Statistics (OBCS) for Standardized and Reproducible Statistical Analysis,” Journal of Biomedical Semantics, vol. 7 no. 1, 15 pages, Sept 2016, doi:10.1186/s13326-016-0100-2. (.html) . DARPA Biochronicity.
  • Yasin Yilmaz and Alfred Hero, “Multimodal Event Detection in Twitter Hashtag Networks,” Journ. of Signal Processing Systems, pp.1-16, 2016, doi:10.1007/s11265-016-1151-4. arXiv 1601.00306, Jan 2016. (.html) . CVT, ARO Social, ARO-VOI
  • K. Greenewald, E. Zelnio, A.O. Hero III, “Robust SAR STAP via Kronecker decomposition,” IEEE Trans on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 52, no. 6, pp 2612-2625, 2016. arxiv 1502:07481 (.html) . AFRL, ARO-VOI
  • J. Chen, A. Hero and I. Rajapakse, “Spectral identification of topological domains,” Bioinformatics, vol. 32, no. 14, pp. 2151-2158, June 2016. DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btw221. Preprint (.pdf) . Supplementary (.pdf) . DARPA Biochronicity.
  • Micah T. McClain, Bradly P. Nicholson, Larry P. Park, Tzu-Yu Liu, Alfred O. Hero III, Ephraim Tsalik, Aimee K. Zaas,c, Timothy Veldmanc, Lori L. Hudsonc, Robert Lambkin-Williamsg, Anthony Gilbert, Geoffrey S. Ginsburgc, and Christopher W. Woods, “A genomic signature of influenza infection shows potential for presymptomatic detection, guiding early therapy, and monitoring clinical responses,” Open Forum Infectious Disease, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2016. (.html) . Online publication date Jan 16, 2016. DARPA PHD.
  • T.-Z. Liu, T. Burke; L.P. Park; C.W. Woods; A.K. Zaas; G.S. Ginsburg; and A.O. Hero, “An individualized predictor of health and disease using paired reference and target samples.” BMC Bioinformatics, vol. 17, no 1, 15 pages, 2016. DOI 10.1186/s12859-016-0889-9. (.html) . Online publication date Jan 22, 2016. The gene expression data used in this paper can be downloaded from the GEO database (accession number GSE73072) and the viral shedding and symptom scores, and subject phenotype labels are available in the repository here. DARPA PHD and DARPA Biochronicity
  • S.-J. Hwang, S. Damelin, A.O. Hero, “Shortest path through random points,” Annals of Applied Probability, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 2791-2823, 2016. Available as arXiv:1202.0045 (.html) . ARO-noncommutative, ARO-Indexing, NSF
  • Marcelo Pereyra, Philip Schniter, Emilie Chouzenoux, Jean-Christophe Pesquet, Jean-Yves Tourneret, Alfred Hero and Steve McLaughlin, “A Survey of Stochastic Simulation and Optimization Methods in Signal Processing,” IEEE Journ of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 10, no. 2 pp. 224-241, 2016. Available as arXiv:1505.00273 (.html) . ARO-noncommutative
  • K. Moon, J. Li, V. Delouille, R. De Visscher, F. Watson, A. Hero, “Image patch analysis of sunspots and active regions. II. Clustering via dictionary learning,” Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, vol. 6, 2016. Available as arxiv 1504.02762 (.html) . NSF.
  • K. Moon, J. Li, V. Delouille, R. De Visscher, F. Watson, A. Hero, “Image patch analysis of sunspots and active regions. I. Intrinsic dimension and correlation analysis,” Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, vol. 6, 2016. Available as arxiv 1503.04127 (.html) . NSF.
  • Yoann Altmann, Steve McLaughlin, Alfred O. Hero, “Robust linear spectral unmixing using outlier detection,” IEEE Trans on Computational Imaging, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 74-85, 2015. Available as arxiv:1501.03731 (.html). ARO-VOI
  • A.O. Hero and B. Rajaratnam, “Foundational principles for large-scale inference: illustrations through correlation mining,” Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 104, no. 1, pp. 93-110, Jan 2016. Also available as Stanford University Dept of Statistics Technical Report 2015-13 May 2015 (.html) and as arxiv 1505.02475 (.pdf) . AFOSR, ARO-VOI, NSF, NIH, DOE.
  • M. Yokokawa, D.-Y. Jung, A.O. Hero, K. Baser, F. Morady, F. Bogun, “Single- and dual-site pace mapping of idiopathic septal intramural ventricular arrhythmias” Heart Rhythm, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 72–77, Jan 2016. Online version (.html) .
  • V. Berisha, A. Wisler, A.O. Hero, and A. Spanias, “Empirically Estimable Classification Bounds Based on a Nonparametric Divergence Measure” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 64, no. 3, pp.580-591, Feb. 2016. Available as arxiv 1412.6534, Jan 2015. (.html) . ARO-VOI, NSF, NIH

Conference Proceedings 2016

  • M. Wilmanski, C. Kreucher, A.O. Hero, “Complex input convolutional neural networks for wide angle SAR ATR,” IEEE GlobalSIP Conference, Dec 2016. Author preprint: (.pdf) . Non-commutative ARO-MURI.
  • W. Lu, V. Tarokh and A.O. Hero, “Analysis of a privacy-preserving PCA algorithm via random matrix theory,” IEEE GlobalSIP Conference, Dec 2016. Author preprint: (.pdf). Non-commutative ARO-MURI.
  • T. Banerjee and A.O. Hero, “Quickest Hub Discovery in Correlation Graphs,” Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 2016. (.pdf) . DOE-CVT
  • K. Greenewald, S. Kelley, A.Hero, “Dynamic metric learning from pairwise comparisons,” Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing 2016. Author preprint: (.pdf). ARO Noncommutative MURI.
  • Y.Yilmaz, M. McGarry, E. Hou, P. Wilson, A.Hero, “Online Diversion Detection in Nuclear Fuel Cycles via Multimodal Observations,” 2016 ANS Advances in Nuclear Nonproliferation Technology and Policy Conference (ANTPC) April 2016. Available as arxiv:1605.00282 (.html) . DOE-CVT
  • E. Hou, Y. Yilmaz, and A.O. Hero, “Diversion Detection in Nuclear Fuel Cycle Networks,” Advances in Nuclear Nonproliferation Technology and Policy Conference, Santa Fe, NM Sept. 2016. Available as arxiv:1604.04322 (.pdf) . DOE-CVT
  • L. Wei, A.O. Hero and V. Tarokh, “Scaling laws and phase transitions for target detection in MIMO radar,” IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Cambridge UK, 2016. (.pdf) . Non-commutative MURI
  • P.-Y. Chen, B. Zhang, M. Al Hasan, “Incremental Method for Spectral Clustering of Increasing Orders,” 12th International Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs, San Francisco Aug. 2016. CVT, Non-commutative MURI.
  • Y. Altmann, A. Maccarone, A. McCarthy, G. Newstadt, G. S. Buller, S. McLaughlin, A. Hero, “Robust spectral unmixing of multispectral LIDAR waveforms,” 8th Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS) Los Angeles, June 2016. (.pdf) . CVT
  • N. Halay, K. Todros and A.O. Hero, “Measure transformed quasi-likelihood ratio test for Bayesian binary hypothesis testing,” IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing (SSP), Pamplona Spain, June 2016. (.pdf) . ISF, VoI MURI
  • B. Oselio and A.O. Hero, “Dynamic Directed Influence Networks: A Study of Campaigns on Twitter,” Proceedings of Conference on Social Behavioral Prediction 2016. Washington DC, June 2016. ARO Social.
  • K. Greenewald, E. Zelnio and A.O. Hero, “Kronecker STAP and SAR GMTI,” Proceedings of SPIE Symposium on Defense, Sensing and Security April 2016. Available as arXiv:1604.03622 (.pdf) . AFRL, VoI MURI.
  • K. Moon, K. Sricharan, and A.O. Hero, “Improving Convergence of Divergence Functional Ensemble Estimators,” IEEE Intl Conf. on Information Theory (ISIT), July 2016, Barcelona Spain. Avail on arxiv 1601.06884, Dec 2015. (.pdf) . NSF, Non-Comm MURI.
  • H.-W. Chung, L. Zheng, B. Sadler, A.O. Hero, “Unequal Error Protection Coding Approaches to the Noisy 20 Questions Problem,” IEEE Intl Conf. on Information Theory (ISIT), July 2016, Barcelona Spain. (.pdf) . VoI MURI.
  • S.V. Gliske, W.C. Stacey, K.R. Moon and A.O. Hero, “The intrinsic value of HFO features as a biomarker for epileptic activity,” IEEE Intl Conf on Acoust, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Mar. 2016, Shanghai China. (.pdf) . NSF.
  • P.-Y. Chen, S. Choudhury, A.O. Hero, “Multi-centrality Graph Spectral Decompositions and their Application to Cyber Intrusion Detection,” IEEE Intl Conf on Acoust, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Mar. 2016, Shanghai China. Avail on arxiv 1512.07372, Dec 2015. (.html) . CVT.
  • K. Todros and A.O. Hero, “Measure transformed quasi-likelihood ratio test,” IEEE Intl Conf on Acoust, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Mar. 2016, Shanghai China. (.pdf) . BSF, NonCom MURI
  • Y.-H. Chen, R. Mitteleman, B. Kim, C. Meyer and A.O. Hero, “Particle filtering for slice-to-volume motion correction in EPI-based fMRI,” ICASSP 2016. NIH, NonCom MURI Full version on arxiv 1511.03369, Nov 2015. (.html) .

Technical Reports 2016

  • Y, Altmann, A. Maccarone, A. McCarthy, G. Newstadt, G. S. Buller, S. McLaughlin, A. O. Hero, “Robust spectral unmixing of sparse multispectral Lidar waveforms using gamma Markov random fields,” arxiv:1610.00195 Oct. 2016. (.html) . CVT.
  • E. Hou, E. Lawrence and A. O. Hero, “Penalized Ensemble Kalman Filters for High Dimensional Non-linear Systems,” arxiv:1610.00195 Sept 2016. (.html) . CVT.
  • P.-Y. Chen, C.-C, Tu, P.-S. Ting, Y.-Y. Lo, D. Koutra and A.O. Hero, “Identifying Influential Links for Event Propagation on Twitter: A Network of Networks Approach,” arXiv:1609.05378, Sep 2016. (.html) . ARO Social, non-commutative MURI.
  • K. Moon, S. Sekeh, M. Noushad and A.O. Hero, “Information theoretic structure learning with confidence,” arXiv:1609.03912, Sept 2016 (.html) . Non-commutative ARO-MURI
  • E. Hou, Y. Yilmaz and A.O. Hero, “Diversion detection in partially observed nuclear fuel cycle networks,” arXiv:1604.04322, Apr 2016 (.html) . DOE CVT
  • Y. Yilmaz, E. Hou, and A.O. Hero, “Online Diversion Detection in Nuclear Fuel Cycles via Multimodal Observations,” arXiv:1604.04322, Apr 2016 (.html) . DOE CVT
  • K. Greenewald, E. Zelnio, A.O. Hero, “Kronecker STAP and SAR GMTI,” arXiv:1604.03622, Apr 2016 (.html) . AFRL, VoI-MURI
  • P.-Y. Chen and A.O. Hero, “Phase Transitions and a Model Order Selection Criterion for Spectral Graph Clustering,” arXiv:1604.03159 (.html) . ARO Social, Noncomm-MURI, DOE.
  • K. Greenewald, S. Kelley, A.O. Hero, “Distance Metric Tracking,” arXiv:1603.03678, Mar 2016 (.html)
  • K. Moon, K. Sricharan, K. Greenewald, A.O. Hero, “Nonparametric Ensemble Estimation of Distributional Functionals,” arxiv 1601.06884, Jan 2016. (.html) . Noncomm MURI, NSF, NSF Fellowship.
  • Y. Yilmaz and A.O. Hero, “Multimodal Event Detection in Twitter Hashtag Networks,” submitted to arxiv 1601.00306, Jan 2016. (.html) . CVT, ARO Social, ARO-VOI


Journals 2015

  • Gregory E. Newstadt, Beipeng Mu, Dennis Wei, Jonathan P. How, Alfred O. Hero III, “Importance-weighted adaptive search for multi-class targets,” IEEE Trans on Signal Processing, vol. 63, no. 23, 6299-6314, Dec. 2015. Available as arxiv:1409.7808 (.html). ARO-VOI
  • P.-Y. Chen and A. Hero, “Deep community detection,” IEEE Trans on Signal Processing, vol. 63, no. 21, pp. 5706-5719, Nov. 2015. Available as arxiv:1407.6071 (.html). ARO-Social
  • P.-Y. Chen and A. Hero, “Phase Transitions in Spectral Community Detection,” IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 63, no. 16, pp. 4339-4347, Aug. 2015. Available as arxiv:1409.3207 (.html). ARO-Social
  • K.J. Hsiao, J. Calder, A.O. Hero, “Multi-criteria Anomaly Detection using Pareto Depth Analysis,” IEEE Journ on Neural Network Learning Systems, no. 6, vol. 27, pp. 1307-1321, Aug. 2015. Available as arxiv:1508.04887 (.html) . ARO-Indexing, ARO-VOI, NSF.
  • Y.-H. Chen, S.U. Park, D. Wei, M. Jackson, G. Newstadt, J. Simmons, M. De Graef and A. O. Hero, “A Dictionary Approach to the EBSD Indexing Problem,” Microscopy and Microanalysis, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 739-752, June 2015. Also available as arxiv:1502.07436 (.html) . AFRL, AFOSR.
  • G. Marjanovic and A. O. Hero, “l0 Sparse Inverse Covariance Estimation,” in IEEE Trans on Signal Processing, vol. 63, no. 12, pp. 3218-3231, May 2015. Available on arXiv as (.html) . AFOSR.
  • T. Tsiligkaridis, B. M. Sadler and A. O. Hero III, “On decentralized estimation with active queries,” IEEE Trans on Signal Processing, vol. 63, no. 10, pp. 2610-2622, May 2015. Also available as arxiv:1312.7848 (.html) . ARO-VOI
  • P.Y. Chen and A. Hero, “A universal phase transition in community detectability under a stochastic block model,” Physical Review E, vol. 91, no. 3, 032804 Mar. 6 2015. Also available as arxiv:1409.2186 (.html) . ARO Social.
  • G. Newstadt, D. Wei, A.O. Hero, “Adaptive Search and Tracking of Sparse Dynamic Targets under Resource Constraints,” IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 63, no. 9, pp. 2321-2335, May 2015. Available as arXiv:1404.2201 (.html) . AFRL-ATR and ARO-VOI
  • K. Greenewald and A.O. Hero. “Robust Kronecker Product PCA for Spatio-Temporal Covariance Estimation.” Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on vol 63, no 23, pp. 6368-6378, Dec. 2015. Available as arxiv:1411.1352 (.html).
  • K. Todros and A.O. Hero, “Robust Multiple Signal Classification via Probability Measure Transformation,” IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol.63, no. 5, pp. 1156-1170, Mar 2015. Available as arxiv:1508.01625 (.html).
  • Y.-H. Chen, D. Wei, G. Newstadt, M. Jackson, J. P. Simmons, M. De Graef and A. Hero, “Parameter estimation in spherical symmetry groups,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 22, no. 8, pp. 1152-1155, Jan. 2015. Available as arXiv:1411.2540 (.html) . AFRL Fusion, AFOSR
  • A. Dufour, T.-Z. Liu, C. Ducroz, R. Tournemenne, B. Cummings, R. Thibeaux, N. Guillen, A.O. Hero and J.C. Olivo-Marin, “Signal processing challenges in quantitative 3D cell morphology,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 30-40, Jan. 2015. Published online on Dec. 5, 2014 (.html) . NSF
  • V. Berisha and A. O. Hero, “Empirical non-parametric estimation of the Fisher Information,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 22, no. 7, pp. 988-992, 2015. Available as arxiv 1408.1182 (.html) . ARO-VOI.
  • J. Calder, S. Esedoglu and A. Hero, “A PDE-based approach to non-dominated sorting,” SIAM Numerical Analysis, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 82-104, Jan 2015. Electronic preprint (.pdf) . Available as arxiv:1320.2498 (.html) . ARO-indexing, NSF
  • D. Wei and A.O. Hero, “Performance Guarantees for Adaptive Estimation of Sparse Signals,” IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, vol. 61, no. 4, pp. 2043-2059, Jan 2015. Available as arxiv:1311.6360 (.html) . ARO-VOI
  • K.J. Hsiao, J. Calder and A.O. Hero, “Pareto-depth for Multiple-query Image Retrieval,” IEEE Trans on Image Processing, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 583-594, 2015. Author preprint (.html) . ARO Indexing, ARO-VOI, NSF.
  • H. Chen, N. Comment, J. Chen, S. Ronquist, I. T. Ried, A. Hero and I. Rajapakse, “Chromosome conformation of human fibroblasts grown in 3-Dimensional spheroids,” Nucleus, 6, no. 1, pp. 55-65, Mar. 2015. DARPA PHD

Books 2015

  • S. Cui, A. Hero, T. Luo, J. Moura, Big Data Over Networks, Cambridge University Press, 2015

Conference Proceedings 2015

  • Hye Won Chung, Brian M. Sadler, and Alfred O Hero, “Bounds on variance for symmetric unimodal distributions,” Allerton Conference, Oct. 2015. ARO-VOI.
  • Yasin Yilmaz and Alfred O Hero, “Multimodal factor analysis,” Proc. of IEEE Workshop on Machine Learning and Signal Processing, Boston, 2015. Available as arxiv:1508.00408 <href=”″> (.html) . ARO-VOI, DOE-CVT
  • K. Moon, V. Delouille and A.O. Hero, “Meta learning of bounds on the Bayes classifier error,” IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing and Signal Processing Education, 2015, Snowbird UT. Available as arxiv 1504.07116 (.html) . NSF.
  • Y.H. Chen, D. Wei, G. Newstadt, M. DeGraef, J. Simmons, A.O. Hero, “Statistical Estimation and Clustering of Group-invariant Orientation Parameters,” Fusion 2015, Washington D.C. Available as arxiv 1503.04474 (.html) . AFRL Fusion, AFOSR.
  • B. Mu, G. Newstadt, D. Wei, A.O. Hero, J.P. How, “Adaptive Search for Multi-class Targets with Heterogeneous Importance,” Fusion 2015, Washington D.C. Available as arxiv 1409.7808 (.html) . ARO-VOI.
  • Y.H. Chen, D. Wei, G. Newstadt, J. Simmons, A.O. Hero, “Coercive Region-level Registration for Multi-modal Images,” IEEE Intl Conf on Image Processing, Quebec 2015. Available as arxiv 1502.07432 (.html) . AFRL Fusion, AFOSR.
  • T. Banerjee, H. Firouzi and A.O Hero, “Non-parametric Quickest Change Detection for Large Scale Random Matrices,” IEEE Intl Symposium on Information Theory, Hong Kong, 2015. Available as arxiv 1506.06199 (.html) . DOE CVT, NSF.
  • Leonardo Rey Vega, Pablo Piantanida, Alfred O. Hero, “On the rate distortion regions for interactive source coding,” IEEE Intl Symposium on Information Theory, Hong Kong, 2015. Full version available as arxiv 1502.01359 (.html) . Digiteo.
  • Pin-Yu Chen and Alfred O. Hero, “Phase transitions in spectral community detection of large noisy networks,” IEEE Intl Conf on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brisbane, April 2015. Available as arxiv 1504.02412 (.html) . ARO-VOI.
  • Brandon Oselio, Alex Kulesza, Alfred Hero, “Information extraction from large multi-layer social networks,” IEEE Intl Conf on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brisbane, April 2015. Available as arxiv 1507.00087 (.html) . ARO-Social
  • Yoann Altmann, Steve McLaughlin, Alfred O. Hero, “Robust linear spectral unmixing using outlier detection,” IEEE Intl Conf on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brisbane, April 2015. Available as arxiv 1501.03731 (.html) . ARO-VOI.
  • Koby Todros and Alfred O. Hero, “Measure transformed quasi maximum likelihood estimation with application to source localization,” IEEE Intl Conf on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brisbane, April 2015 (.pdf) .NSF.
  • Goran Marjanovic, Magnus Ulfarsson, Alfred O. Hero, “MIST: L0 sparse linear regression with momentum,” IEEE Intl Conf on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brisbane, April 2015. Available as arxiv (.html) . ARO-VOI.
  • Tianpei Xie, Nasser Nasrabadi, Alfred O. Hero, “Multi-sensor classification via consensus-based multi-view maximum entropy discrimination,” IEEE Intl Conf on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brisbane, April 2015. Available as arxiv 1507.01269 (.html) . ARO-VOI.
  • Brandon Oselio, Alex Kulesza, and Alfred O Hero, “Socio-spatial Pareto frontiers of Twitter networks,” Social Behavioral Prediction 2015. Available as arxiv 1506.08916 (.html) . ARO-Social
  • Jie Che, Cedric Richard and Alfred O. Hero and Ali H. Sayed, “Diffusion LMS For Multitask Problems With Overlapping Hypothesis Subspaces,” IEEE Conf on Machine Learning and Signal Processing, Reims France 2014. (.pdf) .

Book chapters 2015

  • Y. Yilmaz, G.V. Moustakides, X. Wang and A.O. Hero, “Event based statistical signal processing,” in Event-Based Control and Signal Processing, Ed. M. Miskowicz, CRC/Taylor Francis, 2015.
  • A.O. Hero and B. Rajaratnam, “Large scale correlation mining for biomolecular network discovery,” in Big Data Over Networks, Eds. S. Cui, A. Hero, T. Luo, J. Moura, Cambridge University Press, 2015. Available as Stanford University Dept of Statistics Technical Report 2015-2 (.pdf) . AFOSR.
  • A.O. Hero, “Sparsity regularized image reconstruction,” in Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Vol. 34, edited by Dale E. Chimenti and L. J. Bond, published by American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, 2015. This paper supports Keynote address given at QNDE 2014 in Boise ID. ARO Indexing, ARO-VOI, NSF.

Technical reports 2015

  • P.-Y. Chen, S. Choudhury, A.O. Hero, “Multi-centrality Graph Spectral Decompositions and their Application to Cyber Intrusion Detection,” arxiv 1511.07372, Dec 2015. (.html) . NIH P01, ARO Non-commutative CVT.
  • Yu-Hui Chen, Roni Mittelman, Boklye Kim, Charles Meyer, and Alfred Hero, “Multimodal MRI Neuroimaging with Motion Compensation Based on Particle Filtering,” submitted to arxiv 1511.03369, Jan 2015. (.html) . NIH P01, ARO Non-commutative
  • K. Todros and AO Hero, “Measure-Transformed Quasi Maximum Likelihood Estimation,” arxiv 1511.00237 (.html) . ARO-VoI.
  • a Taposh Banerjee and Alfred Hero, “Quickest Detection for Changes in Maximal kNN Coherence of Random Matrices,” arxiv 1508.04720, Aug 2015. (.html) . DOE CVT, AFOSR
  • Taposh Banerjee, Hamed Firouzi and Alfred O Hero, “Non-parametric Quickest Change Detection for Large Scale Random Matrices,” arxiv 1506.06199 (.html) . Appeared in Proc. of IEEE ISIT, Hong Kong, 2015. DOE CVT.
  • A. O. Hero and B. Rajaratnam, “Foundational principles for large scale inference: Illustrations through correlation mining,” Stanford University Dept of Statistics Technical Report 2015-13 (.html) also available as arxiv 1505.02475, May 2015 (.pdf) . AFOSR, ARO, NSF, NIH, DOE.
  • A.O. Hero and B. Rajaratnam, “Large scale correlation mining for biomolecular network discovery,” Stanford University Dept of Statistics Technical Report 2015-02 (.pdf) . This appeared as a chapter in “Big Data Over Networks,” Eds. S. Cui, A. Hero, T. Luo, J. Moura, Cambridge University Press, 2015. AFOSR.
  • K. R. Moon, V. Delouille, A. O. Hero, “Meta learning of bounds on the Bayes classifier error,” arxiv 1504.07116, April 2015. (.html) . NSF.
  • K. Moon, J. Li, V. Delouille, R. De Visscher, F. Watson, A. Hero, “Image patch analysis of sunspots and active regions. I. Intrinsic dimension and correlation analysis,” arxiv 1503.04127, Mar. 2015. (.html) . NSF.
  • K. Moon, J. Li, V. Delouille, R. De Visscher, F. Watson, A. Hero, “Image patch analysis of sunspots and active regions. II. Clustering via dictionary learning,” Submitted to Journal of Space Weather and Space arxiv 1504.02762 , April 2015. (.html) . NSF.
  • Y.-H. Chen, D. Wei, G. Newstadt, M. DeGraef, J. Simmons, A.O. Hero, “Statistical Estimation and Clustering of Group-invariant Orientation Parameters,” arxiv 1503.04127, Mar. 2015. (.html) . AFOSR.
  • Yu-Hui Chen, Se Un Park, Dennis Wei, Gregory Newstadt, Michael Jackson, Jeff P. Simmons, Marc De Graef, Alfred O. Hero. “A Dictionary Approach to EBSD Indexing,” arxiv 1502:07436, Feb 2015. (.html) . This paper appeared in the Journal of Microscopy and MicroAnalysis, Mar. 2015. AFOSR, AFRL
  • Yu-Hui Chen, Dennis Wei, Gregory Newstadt, Jeffrey Simmons, Alfred hero “Coercive Region-level Registration for Multi-modal Images,” arxiv 1502:07436, Feb 2015. (.html) . AFOSR, AFRL
  • Hamed Firouzi, Bala Rajaratnam, Alfred Hero, “Two-stage Sampling, Prediction and Adaptive Regression via Correlation Screening (SPARCS),” arxiv 1502:06189, Feb 2015. (.html) . AFOSR
  • Leonardo Rey Vega, Pablo Piantanida, Alfred Hero III, “The Three-Terminal Interactive Lossy Source Coding Problem,” arxiv 1502:01359, Feb 2015. (.html) . Digiteo
  • Kristjan Greenewald, Edmund Zelnio, Alfred O. Hero III, “Kronecker PCA Based Robust SAR STAP,” arxiv 1502:07481, Jan 2015. (.html) . AFRL, ARO-VOI
  • Yoann Altmann, Steve McLaughlin, Alfred Hero , “Robust Linear Spectral Unmixing using Anomaly Detection,” arxiv 1501.03731, Jan 2015. (.html) . ARO-VOI
  • Visar Berisha, Alan Wisler, Alfred O. Hero, Andreas Spanias, “Empirically Estimable Classification Bounds Based on a New Divergence Measure,” arxiv 1412.6534, Jan 2015. (.html) . ARO-VOI, NSF, NIH This appeared in 2015 in the IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing.


Journals 2014

  • P.-Y. Chen and A.O. Hero, “Assessing and Safeguarding Network Resilience to Nodal Attacks,” IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 52, no. 11, pp. 138-143, Nov 2014. (.pdf) ARO Social.
  • Z. Meng, D. Wei, A. Wiesel, A. Hero, “Distributed Learning of Gaussian Graphical Models via Marginal Likelihoods,” IEEE Trans on Signal Processing, vol 62, no. 20, pp. 5425-5438. 2014. The paper’s main figure was chosen by the editor to be featured on the cover of this issue. Available as arxiv:1303.2378 (.html) . ARO-VOI
  • M. Yokokawa, D.Y. Jung, K. K. Joseph, A.O. Hero, F. Morady, F. Bogun “Computerized Analysis of the 12-Lead Electrocardiogram to Identify Epicardial Ventricular Tachycardia Exit Sites,” Heart Rythym, vol 11, No. 11, pp. 1966–1973, 2014.
  • B. Oselio, J. Kulezsa, and A.O. Hero, “Multi-layer graph analysis for dynamic social networks,” IEEE Journ on Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 514-523. Aug. 2014. Available as arxiv:1309.5129 (.html) . ARO Social.
  • K.-J. Hsiao, J. Kulezsa and A.O. Hero, “Social Collaborative Retrieval,” IEEE Journ on Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 680-689. Aug. 2014. Available as arxiv:1404.2342 (.html) .ARO Social, ARO Indexing.
  • K. Xu and A.O. Hero, “Dynamic stochastic blockmodels for time-evolving social networks,” IEEE Journ. on Special Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 552–562. Aug. 2014. Available as arXiv:1403.0921 (.html) . ARO Social.
  • T. Tsiligkaridis, B. M. Sadler and A.O. Hero, “Collaborative 20 questions for localization,” IEEE Trans on Information Theory, vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 2233-2252, Apr 2014. Available as arXiv:1306.1922 (.html) . ARO-VOI
  • J. Calder, S. Esedoglu and A.O. Hero, “A Hamilton-Jacobi equation for the continuum limit of non-dominated sorting”, SIAM Mathematical Analysis, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 603-638, 2014. Electronic preprint (.html) . Available as arXiv:1302.5828 (.html) . ARO-Databases and NSF
  • G. Newstadt, E. Zelnio, and A.O. Hero III, “Moving target inference with Bayesian models in SAR imagery”, IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol.50, no.3, pp.2004,2018, July 2014. Author preprint (.pdf) . AFRL-ATR, AFOSR.
  • N. Dobigeon, J.-Y. Tourneret, C. Richard, J. Bermudez, S. McLaughlin and A.O. Hero, “Nonlinear unmixing of hyperspectral images: models and algorithms,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 82-94, Jan. 2014. Available as arXiv:1304.1875 (.html) .
  • KS. Xu, M. Kliger, AO Hero, “Adaptive evolutionary clustering,” J. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, DOI 10.1007/s10618-012-0286-6. Vol 28, Issue 2, pp 304-336, March 2014. (.html) Available as arXiv:1104.1990 (.html) . ONR, ARO Databases, NSF-TF.

Conferences 2014

  • K. Moon and A.O. Hero, “Multivariate f-divergence estimation with confidence,” NIPS, Montreal, Dec 2014. Available as arXiv:1411.2045 (.html) . NSF
  • K. Moon, J. Li, V. Delouille, F. Watson and A.O. Hero, “Image patch analysis of sunspots: a dimensionality reduction approach,” IEEE Intl Conference on Imge Processing (ICIP), Paris, Oct 2014. This paper won a “Top 10% award” from the conference program committee. Available as arxiv:1406.6390 (.html) . NSF
  • K. Greenewald, A.O. Hero, “Regularized Block Toeplitz Covariance Matrix Estimation via Kronecker Product Expansions,” Proc. of IEEE Statistical Signal Processing (SSP) Workshop, Gold Coast, June 2014. Available as arxiv:1402.5568 (.html) . AFRL-ATRC.
  • G. Newstadt, A.O. Hero, and J. Simmons, “Robust spectral unmixing for anomaly detection,” Proc. of IEEE Statistical Signal Processing (SSP) Workshop, Gold Coast, June 2014. (.pdf) . AFRL-Simmons
  • Z. Meng, B. Erikson, A.O. Hero, “Learning Latent Variable Gaussian Graphical Models,” Proc. of Intl Conf. on Machine Learning (ICML), Beijing, July 2014. Available as arxiv:1406.2721 (.html) . ARO-VOI
  • K. Moon and A.O. Hero, “Ensemble estimation of multivariate f-divergence,” Proc. of IEEE Intl. Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Hawaii, June 2014. Long version available as arxiv:1404.6230 (.html) . NSF
  • L.R. Vega, P. Piantanida and A.O. Hero, “On the Three-Terminal Interactive Lossy Source Coding Problem,” Proc. of IEEE Intl. Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Hawaii, June 2014. (.pdf) DIGITEO.
  • P. Piantanida, L.R. Vega, and A.O. Hero, “A Proof of the Generalized Markov Lemma with Countable Infinite Sources,” Proc. of IEEE Intl. Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Hawaii, June 2014. (.pdf) . DIGITEO.
  • G. Newstadt and AO Hero, “Cramer-Rao lower bound analysis of multichannel SAR with spatially varying, correlated noise.” in Proc. of SPIE 9093, Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery XXI,” June 2014. DOI 10.1117/12.2058257. AFRL-ATR and ARO-VOI.
  • P.-Y. Chen and A.O. Hero, “Local Fiedler Vector Centrality for Detection of Deep and Overlapping Communities in Networks,” Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Florence, May 2014. (.pdf) ARO-databases.
  • G. Marjanovic and A.O. Hero, “On lq Estimation of Sparse Inverse Covariance,” Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Florence, May 2014. (.pdf) ARO-VOI
  • J. Chen, A.O. Hero, “Nonlinear unmixing of hyperspectral images using a semiparametric model and spatial regularization,” Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Florence, May 2014. (.pdf)
  • T. Xie, N. Nasrabadi and A.O. Hero, “Learning to classify with possible sensor failures,” Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Florence, May 2014. (.pdf) ARO-VOI.
  • K. Todros and A.O. Hero, “Robust Measure Transformed MUSIC for DOA Estimation,” Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Florence, May 2014. (.pdf) ARO indexing
  • B. Oselio, J. Kulesza and A.O. Hero, “Multi-objective optimization for multi-level networks”, Proc. of Workshop on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling and Prediction, pp. 129-136. Washington DC, April 2014. Available as arXiv:1309.5124 (.html) . ARO Social.
  • J. Calder, S. Esedoglu and A.O. Hero, “A continuum limit for non-dominated sorting,” Conference on Information Theory and Applications(ITA), San Diego, Feb. 2014. Download from (.pdf) . ARO indexing, NSF.
  • K.J. Hsiao, J. Kulesza and A.O Hero, “Social Collaborative Retrieval”, Proc. of 7-th ACM Workshop on Web Search and Data Mining, New York, Feb. 2014. (.html) . ARO Social.

Book Chapters

  • H. Firouzi, D. Wei, and A.O. Hero, “Spectral Correlation Hub Screening of Multivariate Time Series,” Excursions in Harmonic Analysis, Eds. R. Balan, M. Begue, J. J. Benedetto, W. Czaja and K. Okoudjou, Springer 2014 Available as arXiv:1403.3371 (.html) . AFOSR

Technical reports 2014

  • P.Y. Chen and A. Hero, “Phase Transitions in spectral community detection,” available as arxiv:1409.3207 (.html) . Sept 2014.
  • P.Y. Chen and A. Hero, “A universal phase transition in community detectability under a stochastic block model,” available as arxiv:1409.2186 (.html) . Sept 2014.
  • V. Berisha and A. O. Hero, “Empirical non-parametric estimation of the Fisher Information,” arXiv:1408.1182 (.html) , Aug 2014. ARO-VOI and NSF
  • G. Marjanovic and A. O. Hero, “l0 Sparse Inverse Covariance Estimation,” arXiv:1408.0850 (.html) , Aug 2014. AFOSR.
  • B. Oselio, A. Kulesza and A. Hero “Multi-layer graph analysis for dynamic social networks,” Available as arXiv:1309.5124 (.html) . Appeared in IEEE Journ of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 2014. ARO Social.
  • P.Y. Chen and A. Hero, “Deep community detection,” Available as arxiv:1407.6071 (.html) . Appeared in IEEE Trans. on SP, 2015.
  • K. Moon and A. Hero “Ensemble estimation of multivariate f-divergence,” Available as arxiv:1404.6230 (.html) . Long version of paper that appeared in ISIT 2014. NSF.
  • X. Chen, A. Hero, S. Saverese, “Shrinkage Optimized Directed Information using Pictorial Structures for Action Recognition,” Available as arxiv:1404.3312 (.html) . ARO Indexing
  • K.-J. Hsiao, A. Kulesza, AO Hero, “Social Collaborative Retrieval.” Available as arxiv:1404.2342 (.html) . Appeared in IEEE JSTSP 2014. ARO Indexing
  • G. Newstadt, D. Wei and AO Hero, “Resource-Constrained Adaptive Search and Tracking for Sparse Dynamic Targets.” Available as arXiv:1404.2201 (.html) . AFRL-ATR and ARO-VOI
  • X. Chin, S. Syed, and AO Hero, “EEG Spatial Decoding and Classification with Logit Shrinkage Regularized Directed Information Assessment (L-SODA).” Available as arXiv:1404.0404 (.html) . ARO Indexing
  • H. Firouzi, D. Wei, and A.O. Hero, “Spectral Correlation Hub Screening of Multivariate Time Series,” Available as arXiv:1403.3371 (.html) . Appeared in Excursions on Harmonic Analysis 2014. AFOSR
  • K.J. Hsiao, J. Calder and A.O. Hero, “Pareto-depth for multiple-query image retrieval,” Available as arxiv:1402.5176 (.html) . ARO Indexing
  • K. Xu and A.O. Hero, “Dynamic stochastic blockmodels for time-evolving social networks,” Available as arXiv:1403.0921 (.html) . Appeared in IEEE Journ. on Special Topics in Signal Processing, 2014. ARO Social.
  • T. Tsiligkaridis, B. M. Sadler and A. O. Hero III, “On decentralized estimation with active queries,” available as arxiv:1312.7848 (.html) . ARO-VOI
  • K. Greenewald and A. O. Hero, “Detection of Anomalous Crowd Behavior Using Spatio-Temporal Multiresolution Model and Kronecker Sum Decompositions,” available as arxiv:1401.3291 (.html) . AFRL ATR Center
  • K. Greenewald and A. O. Hero, “Regularized Block Toeplitz Covariance Matrix Estimation via Kronecker Product Expansions,” available as arxiv:1402.5568 (.html) . AFRL ATR Center


Journals 2013

  • T. Tsiligkaridis and A.O. Hero, “Covariance Estimation in High Dimensions via Kronecker Product Expansions,” IEEE Trans on Signal Processing, Vol 61, No. 21, pp. 5347 – 5360, Nov 2013. Extended version vailable as arXiv 1302.2686 Feb 2013, (.html) . ARO-VOI
  • A.K. Zaas, T. Burke, M. Chen, M. McClain, B. Nicholson, T. Vekdman, E.L. Tsalik, V. Fowler, E.P. Rivers, R. Otero. S.F. Kinjgsmore. D. Voora. J. Lucas. A.O. Hero, L.Carin, C.W. Woods, and G.S. Ginsburg, “Evaluation of a Host Based RT-PCR Gene Expression Signature for Identifying Acute Respiratory Viral Infection,” Science Translational Medicine, Vol. 5, Issue 203, p. 203-126, Sept 2013. (.html) . DARPA-PHD
  • S.-U. Park, N. Dobigeon, A.O. Hero, “Variational Semi-blind Sparse Deconvolution with Orthogonal Kernel Bases and its Application to MRFM,” Signal Processing, pp. 386-400, Aug 2013. (.html). ARO MRFM.
  • D. Wei and A.O. Hero, “Multistage Adaptive Estimation of Sparse Signals,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 783-796, October 2013. Available as arXiv 1210.1473 (.html) . ARO-VOI.
  • K. Sricharan, D. Wei, and A.O. Hero, “Ensemble estimators for multivariate entropy estimation,” IEEE Trans on Information Theory. Vol 59, No 7, pp. 4374-4388, July 2013. Preprint at arxiv:1203.5829 (.html) . ARO indexing and NIH.
  • K.S. Xu, M. Kliger, AO Hero, “A regularized graph layout framework for dynamic network visualization,” J. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Volume 27, Issue 1, pp 84-116, July 2013, . (.html) . Available as arXiv:1202.6042 (.html) . NSF TF, ARO indexing
  • L. Galluccio, O. Michel, P. Comon, M. Kliger, A.O. Hero, “Clustering with a new distance measure based on a dual-rooted tree,” Information Sciences, 251 (2013): 96-113. Available online 27 June 2013, ISSN 0020-0255, (.html) . NSF.
  • W, Gong , H. V. Gupta, D. Yang., K. Sricharan, A.O. Hero III, “Estimating Epistemic & Aleatory Uncertainties During Hydrologic Modeling: An Information Theoretic Approach,” Water Resources Research. Volume 49, Issue 4, pages 2253-2273, April 2013. Author preprint (.html) .
  • B. He, R. Baird, R. Butera, A. Datta, S. George, B. Hecht, A. Hero, J. Liang, G. Lazzi, R.C.. Lee, M. Newman, G.C.Y. Peng, E. Perreault, M. Ramasubramanian, M.D. Wang, J. Wikswo, Fellow, G.-Z. Yang, Y.-T. Zhang, “Grand Challenges in Interfacing Engineering with Life Sciences and Medicine,” IEEE Trans on Biomedical Engineering, 60(3):589-98, Mar. 2013. Author preprint (.pdf) .
  • C Bazot, N Dobigeon, J-Y Tourneret, AK Zaas, GS Ginsburg, AO Hero, “Unsupervised Bayesian linear unmixing of gene expression microarrays.” BMC Bioinformatics, 14:99 (19 March 2013). (.html) . DARPA PHD.
  • T. Tsiligkaridis, AO Hero, S. Zhou, “Convergence properties of Kronecker graphical lasso algorithms,” IEEE Trans on Signal Processing, Vol. 61, No 7, pp. 1743-1755, 2013. DOI 10.1007/s10618-012-0286-6. Available as arXiv:1204.0585 (.html) . ARO-VOI
  • CW Woods; MT. McClain; M Chen; AK Zaas; B Nicholson; J Varkey; T Veldman; SF Kingsmore; Y Huang; R Lambkin-Williams; AG Gilbert; AO Hero; E Ramsburg; S Glickman; J Lucas; L Carin; GS Ginsburg, “A host transcriptional signature for presymptomatic detection of infection in humans exposed to influenza H1N1 or H3N2,” PLoS One, Jan 2013. (.html) . DARPA-PHD

Conferences 2013

  • Z. Meng, D. Wei, A, Wiesel A.O. Hero, “Marginal Likelihoods for Distributed Estimation of Graphical Model Parameters,” Proceedings of IEEE Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP) 2013. (Received a Best Student Paper Award). Author preprint (.pdf) . ARO-VOI.
  • H. Firouzi, B. Rajaratnam, A.O. Hero, “Two-stage variable selection for molecular prediction of disease,” Proceedings of IEEE Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP) 2013. (Nominated for Best Student Paper Award). Author preprint (.pdf) . AFOSR.
  • K. Greenwald, T. Tsiligkaridis and A.O. Hero, “Kronecker Sum Decompositions of Space-Time Data,” roceedings of IEEE Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP) 2013. Available as arxiv:1307.7306 (.html) . AFRL-ATRC, ARO-VOI.
  • G. Newstadt, D. Wei, A.O. Hero, “Adaptive Search for Sparse, Dynamic Targets,” Proceedings of IEEE Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP) 2013. (.pdf) . AFRL-ATR.
  • B. Oselio, J.A. Kulesza, A.O. Hero, “Multi-layer graph analytics for social networks,” Proceedings of IEEE Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP) 2013. (.pdf) . Full version available as arxiv:1309.5124 (.html) . ARO Social.
  • H. Firouzi, D. Wei, and A.O. Hero, “Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Gaussian WSS Processes via Complex Correlation and Partial Correlation Screening,” Proceedings of GlobalSIP 2013. (.pdf) . An extended version of this paper appeared as a book chapter Excursions on Harmonic Analysis 2014, which is available as arXiv:1403.3371 (.html) . AFOSR.
  • T. Tsiligkaridis, B. Sadler, A.O. Hero, “Blind Collaborative 20 Questions for Target Localization,” Proceedings of GlobalSIP 2013. (.pdf) . ARO-VOI.
  • P.-Y. Chen and A.O. Hero, “Node Removal Vulnerability of the Largest Component of a Network,” Proceedings of IEEE GlobalSIP 2013. (.pdf) . ARO Databases.
  • D. Cochran and A.O. Hero, “Information-driven sensor planning: navigating a statistical manifold,” Proceedings of GlobalSIP 2013. (.pdf) . ARO-VOI.
  • T.-Y. Liu and A.O. Hero, “A Sparse Multi-class Classifier for Biomarker Screening,” Proceedings of IEEE GlobalSIP 2013. (.pdf) .
  • D. Wei and A.O. Hero, “A Performance Guarantee for Adaptive Estimation of Sparse Signals,” Proceedings of IEEE GlobalSIP 2013. (.pdf) . Available as arxiv:1311.6360 (.html) . ARO-VOI.
  • P. Shearer, A. Gilbert and A.O. Hero, “Correcting camera shake by incremental sparse approximation,” ICIP 2013 (Received a Best Paper Award). Author preprint (.pdf) . ARO-VOI
  • S.-U. Park, D. Wei, M. DeGraef, M. Shah, J. Simmons and A.O. Hero, “EBSD image segmentation using a physics-based model,” ICIP 2013. Author preprint (.pdf) AFRL-Fusion
  • H. Firouzi and A.O. Hero, “Local hub screening for partial correlation graphs,” Proceedings of SPIE workshop on Wavelets and Sparsity, 2013. (.pdf) . AFOSR
  • S.-U. Park, D. Wei, M. DeGraef, M. Shah, J. Simmons and A.O. Hero, “A Physics-Based Pattern Dictionary for EBSD Image Segmentation,” Proceedings of Conf on Microscopy and Microstructures, 2013. AFRL-Fusion
  • Theodoros Tsiligkaridis and Alfred O. Hero III, “Low Separation Rank Covariance Estimation using Kronecker Product Expansions,” Proc. of IEEE ISIT 2013, Istanbul. (.pdf) . ARO-VOI
  • Dennis Wei and Alfred O. Hero, III, “Adaptive spectrum sensing and estimation,” ICASSP 2013, Vancouver. (.pdf) . ARO-VOI
  • Theodoros Tsiligkaridis, Brian M. Sadler and Alfred O. Hero III, “A collaborative 20 questions model for target search with human-machine interaction,” ICASSP 2013, Vancouver. (.pdf) . A full version of this is available in our Technical Report (.html) . ARO-VOI
  • Z. Meng, D. Wei, A. Wiesel, A. Hero, “Distributed Learning of Gaussian Graphical Models via Marginal Likelihoods,” AISTATS 2013. Available as arxiv:1303.4756 (.html) . (Notable Paper Award). ARO-VOI.
  • H. Firouzi, B. Rajaratnam, A. Hero, “Predictive Correlation Screening: Application to Two-stage Predictor Design in High Dimension,” AISTATS 2013. Available as arxiv:1303.2378 (.html) . AFOSR.
  • KS Xu and AO Hero III, “Dynamic stochastic blockmodels: Statistical models for time-evolving networks,” Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling and Prediction. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 201-210, 2013. (.pdf) . ARO Social.
  • Newstadt, Gregory E., Edmund G. Zelnio, and Alfred O. Hero. “Adaptive resource allocation for synthetic aperture radars under resource constraints.” SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2013. (.pdf) . AFRL-ATRC.

Book chapters 2013

  • Dobigeon, N., S. Moussaoui, M. Coulon, J-Y. Tourneret, and A. O. Hero. “MCMC Algorithms for Supervised and Unsupervised Linear Unmixing of Hyperspectral Images.” EAS Publications Series 59 (2013): 381-401.
  • T.-Y. Liu, L. Trinchera, A. Tenenhaus, D. Wei and A.O. Hero III, “Globally sparse PLS regression,” in New perspectives in Partial Least Squares and Related Methods, Springer Series in Mathematics & Statistics, H. Abdi, W. Chin, V. Esposito Vinzi, G. Russolillo and L. Trinchera, Eds., Springer-Verlag, 2013. (.pdf) .

Technical reports 2013

  • D. Wei and A.O. Hero, “Performance Guarantees for Adaptive Estimation of Sparse Signals,” available as arxiv:1311.6360 (.html) . Appeared in IEEE Trans. on Information Theory. ARO-VOI.
  • D. Wei and A.O. Hero, “A Performance Guarantee for Adaptive Estimation of Sparse Signals,” available as arxiv:1311.6360 (.html) . Appeared in Proceedings of IEEE GlobalSIP 2013. ARO-VOI.
  • J. Chen, C. Richard, A. O. Hero, “Nonlinear unmixing of hyperspectral images using a semiparametric model and spatial regularization,” available as arxiv:1310.8612 (.html) .
  • K. Greenewald, T. Tsiligkaridis, A. O. Hero, “Kronecker Sum Decompositions of Space-Time Data,” available as arxiv:1307.7306 (.html) . AFRL ATRC, ARO-VOI.
  • J. Calder, S. Esedoglu, A. O. Hero, “A PDE-based approach to non-dominated sorting,” available as arxiv:1320.2498 (.html) . ARO Databases, NSF.
  • B. Oselio, J. Kulezsa, and A.O. Hero, “Multi-layer graph analytics for dynamic social networks,” available as arxiv:1309.5124 (.html) . ARO Social.
  • T. Tsiligkaridis, B. M. Sadler and A. O. Hero III, “A collaborative 20 questions model for target search with human-machine interaction,” available as arxiv:1306.1922 (.html) . ARO-VOI
  • Z. Meng, D. Wei, A. Wiesel, A. Hero, “Distributed Learning of Gaussian Graphical Models via Marginal Likelihoods,” Available as arxiv:1303.2378 (.html) . ARO-VOI
  • H. Firouzi, A. Hero, B. Rajaratnam, “Predictive Correlation Screening: Application to Two-stage Predictor Design in High Dimension,” Available as arxiv:1303.2378 (.html) . AFOSR.
  • T. Tsiligkaridis and A.O Hero, “Covariance Estimation in High Dimensions via Kronecker Product Expansions,” Available as arXiv 1302.2686 Feb 2013, (.html) . ARO-VOI
  • J. Calder, S. Esedoglu and A. O. Hero III, “A Hamilton-Jacobi equation for the continuum limit of non-dominated sorting”, arXiv:1302.5828, Feb 2013 (.html) . ARO, NSF.
  • K. Todros and A. O. Hero III, “On measure transformed independent component analysis”, arXiv:1302.0730, Feb 2013 (.html) . ARO 2.
  • G. E. Newstadt, E. G. Zelnio, and A. O. Hero III, ” Moving target inference with hierarchical Bayesian models in synthetic aperture radar imagery”, arXiv:1302.4680, Feb 2013 (.html) . AFRL ATR-C.


Journals 2012

  • K. Todros and A.O. Hero, “On Measure Transformed Canonical Correlation Analysis,” IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol 60, no. 9, pp. 4570-4585, Sept. 2012. Available as arXiv:1111.6308 (.html) . ARO.
  • A.O. Hero and B. Rajaratnam, “Hub discovery in partial correlation graphs,” IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, vol. 58, no. 9, pp. 6064-6078, Sept. 2012. . Author preprint (.pdf) . The Poisson limit asserted in this paper is incorrect, although it is approximately valid for small n and large p. The limit is actually compound Poisson, as shown in the paper by Wei, Rajaratnam, Hero, IEEE IT Transactions 2023. NSF, DIGITEO
  • K. Sricharan, R. Raich and A.O. Hero, “Estimation of non-linear functionals of densities with confidence,” IEEE Trans on Information Theory, vol. 58, no. 7, pp. 4135-4159, July 2012. Author preprint (.pdf) . Extended version available as arXiv:1012.4188 (.html) . AFOSR
  • S.-U. Park, N. Dobigeon, A.O. Hero, “Semi-blind Sparse Image Reconstruction with Application to MRFM,” IEEE Trans on Image Processing, vol. 21, no. 9, pp. 3838-3849, Sept. 2012. Available as arXiv:1203.4723 (.html) . ARO MRFM MURI.
  • P. Shearer, R. Frazin, A.O. Hero, and A. Gilbert, “The first stray light corrected EUV images of solar coronal holes,” Astrophysical Journal Letters, ApJ, 749, L8, Mar. 2012. (.pdf) .
  • Y. Chen and A.O. Hero, “Recursive $\ell_{1,\infty}$ group lasso,” IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol 68, no 8, pp. 3978-3987, Aug 2012. IEEE Xplore version (.pdf) . Author preprint (.pdf) . AFOSR MURI.
  • S. Chretien, A. O. Hero and H. Perdry, “Space alternating penalized Kullback proximal point algorithms for maximizing likelihood with nondifferentiable penalty ,” Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, vol. 64, no. 4, pp. 791-809, 2012. (.html) . Final author version (.pdf) . NSF-TF.
  • R. Mittelman, N. Dobigeon and A.O Hero, “Hyperspectral image unmixing using multiresolution sticky hierarchical Dirichlet process,” IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 1656-1671, April 2012. Author preprint (.pdf). IEEE XPlore version (.pdf) . AFOSR MURI.
  • A. Wiesel and A.O. Hero, “Distributed covariance estimation in Gaussian graphical models,” IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, Vol. 60, No. 1, pp. 211-220, Jan 2012. (.pdf) . IEEE Xplore version (.pdf) AFOSR-MURI
  • M. Yokokawa, T.-Y. Liu, C. Scott, A.O. Hero, K. Yoshida, E. Good, F. Morady, F. Bogun, “Automated Analysis of the 12-Lead Electrocardiogram to Identify the Exit Site of Post-Infarction Ventricular Tachycardia,” Heart Rhythm, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 330-334, Mar 2012. Published online Oct 2011. (.html) . NSF-TF
  • Y. Huang, K. Sitwala, J. Bronstein, D. Sanders, M. Dandekar, C. Collins, G. Robertson, J. MacDonald, T. Cezard, M. Bilenky, N. Thiessen. Y. Zhao, T. Zeng, M. Hirst, A.O. Hero, S. Jones, and J. L. Hess, “Identification and characterization of Hoxa9 binding sites in hematopoietic cells,” Blood, vol. 119, no. 2, pp. 388-398, 2012. Published online Nov 9, 2011 (.html)
  • L. Gallucio, O. Michel, P. Comon, E. Slezak, A. O. Hero, “Graph Based k-Means Clustering,” EURASIP Journal on Signal Processing,vol. 92, no. 9, pp 1970-1984, Sept 2012. Published online 20 Jan 2012. Author prepublication version (.pdf) . NSF-TF.
  • X, Chen, S. Savarese and A.O. Hero, “Multimodal Video Indexing Using Directed Information ,” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 3-16, Feb 2012. Author final preprint (.pdf) . ARO
  • E. Oubel, M. De Craene, A. O. Hero, M. Huguet, G. Avegliano, B. H. Bijnens, A. F. Frangi, “Cardiac motion estimation by joint alignment of tagged MRI sequences,” Medical Image Analysis, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 339-350, Jan 2012. Published online Sept 28, 2011 (.html) NIH-P01
  • L. Carin, A.O. Hero, J. Lucas, D. Dunson, M. Chen, R. Henao, A. Tibau-Puig, A. Zaas, C.W. Woods, and G.S. Ginsburg, “Analysis of high-dimensional longitudinal genomic data for monitoring viral infection,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 108-123, 2012. IEEE Xplore (.html) . Author final preprint (.pdf) . DARPA PHD

Conference 2012

  • K.-J. Hsiao, K. S. Xu, J. Calder and A. O. Hero, “Multi-criteria Anomaly Detection using Pareto Depth Analysis”, Proc. of Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), Dec 2012. (.pdf) . This paper and its supplements were aggregated on arXiv as arXiv:1110.3741 . ARO.
  • K. Sricharan and A. O. Hero. “Ensemble weighted kernel estimators for multivariate entropy estimation”, Proc. of Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), Dec 2012. Manuscript: (.pdf) . ARO.
  • C. Bazot, N. Dobigeon, J. Y. Tourneret and A. Hero III, “Bayesian Linear Unmixing of Time-Evolving Gene Expression Data Using a Hidden Markov Model” European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Aug 2012.
  • T. Tsiligkardis, A.O. Hero, S. Zhou, “Convergence properties of Kronecker graphical lasso algorithms,” IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop, Ann Arbor MI, Aug. 2012. Author preprint (.pdf) . ARO-VOI.
  • D. Wei and A.O. Hero, “Multistage adaptive estimation of sparse signals,” IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop, Ann Arbor MI, Aug. 2012. Author preprint (.pdf) . ARO-VOI.
  • F. Bassi and A.O. Hero, “Large scale correlation detection,” IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, pp. 2591-2595, June 2012.
  • K. Todros and A.O. Hero, “Measure transformed canonical correlation analysis with application to financial data,” IEEE Sensors Arrays and Multichannel (SAM) Workshop, June 2012. Author preprint (.pdf) .
  • G. E. Newstadt, E. G. Zelnio, and A. O. Hero III, “A generalizable hierarchical Bayesian model for persistent SAR change detection”, E. G. Zelnio and F. D. Garber, Eds., vol. 8394, no. 1. SPIE, 2012. Author preprint (.pdf) . AFRL
  • X. Chen, Z. Syed and A.O. Hero, “EEG spatial decoding with shrinkage regularized directed information assessment,” IEEE ICASSP 2012. Author preprint (.pdf) . ARO
  • T. Tsiligkardis and A.O. Hero, “Sparse covariance estimation under kronecker product structure,” IEEE ICASSP 2012. Author preprint (.pdf) . ARO-VOI
  • Y.-W. Tang, G. Hamarneh, and A.O. Hero, “Locally-adaptive similarity metric for deformable medical image registration,” IEEE Intl Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Barcelona, May 2012. Author preprint (.pdf) . NIH P01.
  • G. Newstadt and A.O. Hero, “Sensor management and provisioning for multiple target radar tracking systems,” IEEE ICASSP 2012. Author preprint (.pdf) . This is an application of the techniques in CSPL Tech Report 407 (.pdf) . AFRL
  • Z. Meng, A. Wiesel, A.O. Hero, “Distributed principal component analysis on networks via directed graphical models,” IEEE ICASSP 2012. Author preprint (.pdf) . ARO-VOI
  • S.-U. Park, N. Dobigeon, A.O. Hero, “Variational semi-blind sparse image reconstruction with application to MRFM,” SPIE Conf on Electronic Imaging, San Jose, Jan 2012. Author preprint (.pdf) . ARO-VOI (Sidles)

Technical reports 2012

  • K.-J. Hsiao, K. S. Xu, J. Calder and A. O. Hero, “Multi-criteria anomaly Ddetection using Pareto depth analysis”, arXiv:1110.3741, Oct 2012 (.html) . Published in the NIPS 2012 Proceedings. ARO.
  • D. Wei and A.O. Hero, “Multistage adaptive estimation of sparse Signals,” arXiv:1210.1473, Oct. 2012. (.html) . ARO-VOI
  • K. Sricharan, D. Wei and A.O. Hero, “Ensemble estimators for multivariate entropy estimation,” arxiv:1203.5829, Mat 2012. (.html) . ARO and NIH.
  • A.O. Hero and B. Rajaratnam, “Hub discovery in partial correlation graphical models,” Stanford University, Dept Statistics Technical Report No. 2012-03, Mar. 2012. (.html) . Published in IEEE Trans on Information Theory, 2012.
  • T. Tsiligkardis, A.O. Hero, S. Zhou, “Convergence properties of Kronecker graphical lasso algorithms,” arXiv:1204.0585, Mar 2012 (.html) . Published in IEEE Trans on Signal Processing, 2013. ARO-VOI


Journals 2011

  • A.O. Hero and D. Cochran, “Sensor management: past, present and future,” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 11, no. 12, pp. 3064-3075, Dec. 2011. Penultimate version available as arXiv:1109.2363v1 (.html). DARPA, AFOSR MURI, ARO-VOI.
  • A.O. Hero and B. Rajaratnam, “Large Scale Correlation Screening,” Journal of the American Statistical Association (JASA), 106(496): 1540-1552, December 1, 2011. doi:10.1198/jasa.2011.tm11015.. Also available as arXiv:1102.1204, Feb. 2011 (.html) NSF-TF, DIGITEO.
  • A. Tibau Puig, A. Wiesel, A. Zaas, C. Woods, G. S. Ginsburg, G. Fleury, and A.O Hero, “Order-preserving factor analysis – application to longitudinal gene expression,” IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 59, no 9, pp. 4447-4458, Sept 2011. (.html) . Final prepublication version (.pdf) . DARPA PHD.
  • Y. Chen, A. Wiesel and A. O. Hero, “Robust shrinkage estimation of high dimensional covariance matrices,” vol. 59, no 9, pp. 4097-4107, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 59, no 9, pp. 4097-4107, Sept 2011. Available on arXiv:1009.5331v1 (.html) . Final prepublication version (.pdf) . AFOSR MURI.
  • Y. Huang, A.K. Zaas, A. Rao, N. Dobigeon, P. Woolf, T. Veldman, N.C. Oien, M.T. McClain, J. Varkey, B. Nicholson, L. Carin, S. Kingsmore, C.W. Woods, G.S. Ginsburg, A.O. Hero, “Temporal Dynamics of Host Molecular Responses Differentiate Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Influenza A Infection,” (.html) , PLoS Genetics, Aug 25, 2011. See (.html) for articles on this paper in popular press. The significance of this paper is discussed in the following journal articles Genome Medicine and Nature . DARPA-PHD.
  • A.T. Puig, A. Wiesel, G. Fleury, and A.O Hero, “Multidimensional shrinkage-thresholding operator and Group LASSO penalties,” vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 363-366, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, June 2011. (.html) . Author final preprint. (.pdf) . DIGITEO.
  • E. Bashan, G. Newstadt, A.O. Hero, “Two-stage multi-scale search for sparse targets” IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 59, no. 5, pp. 2331-2341, April 2011. IEEE Xplore (.html) . AFRL ATR Center. Author final preprint (.pdf) .
  • K. Carter, R. Raich, W. Finn, A.O. Hero, “Information geometric dimensionality reduction” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 89-99, mar. 2011. IEEE Xplore (.html) . Author preprint (.pdf) . AFOSR, ARO, NSF-TF
  • W.G. Finn, A.M. Harrington, K.M. Carter, R. Raich, S.H. Kroft, and A. O. Hero, “Immunophenotypic signatures of benign and dysplastic granulopoiesis by cytomic profiling,” Cytometry Part B (Clinical Cytometry), vol. 80B, issue 5, pp. 282-290. Sept. 2011. (.html) . This paper was featured on the cover of this issue of Cytometry.
  • M. Chen and D. Carlson and A. Zaas and C. Woods and G. S. Ginsburg and A. O. Hero and J. Lucas and L. Carin, “Detection of Viruses Via Statistical Gene Expression Analysis,” IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 58, issue 3, pp. 468-479, Mar. 2011. IEEE Xplore (.html) . DARPA-PHD.

Conference 2011

  • K. Sricharan and AO Hero, “Efficient anomaly detection using bipartite k-NN graphs,” Proc. of Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), Grenada Spain, Dec. 2011. (.pdf) AFOSR.
  • L. Mei, J. Liu, AO Hero, S. Savarese, “Robust object pose estimation via statistical manifold modeling,” 13th Intl Conf on Computer Vision (ICCV), Barcelona, Nov. 2011. (.pdf) ARO.
  • K. Sohn, D-Y Jung, H Lee, AO Hero, “Efficient learning of sparse, distributed, convolutional feature representations for object recognition,” 13th Intl Conf on Computer Vision (ICCV), Barcelona, Nov. 2011. (.pdf) ARO.
  • X. Chen, Yilun Chen and Alfred Hero, “Shrinkage Fisher Information Embedding of High Dimensional Feature Distributions”, Asilomar Conference, Pacific Grove, Nov 2011. (.pdf) ARO.
  • G. Newstadt, E Bashan and AO Hero, “Adaptive Search for Sparse Moving Targets under Resource Constraints,” Asilomar Conference, Pacific Grove, Nov 2011. (.pdf) ATR-Center.
  • A. Puig and AO Hero, “Misaligned principal components analysis (misPCA),” Asilomar Conference, Pacific Grove, Nov 2011. (.pdf) DARPA PHD.
  • C. Bazot, N. Dobigeon, JY Tourneret, A. Hero, “Modele Bernoulli-Gaussien pour lÂ’analyse genetique,” GRETSI, Bordeaux 2011.
  • G. Newstadt, E. Zelnio, AO Hero, “Persistent SAR Change Detection with Posterior Models,” 2011 SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing Conference, Orlando FA. (.pdf) (SPIE Best Paper Award) AFRL ATR.
  • K. Xu, M. Kliger, AO Hero, “Visualizing the Temporal Evolution of Dynamic Networks,” Ninth Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs (MLG-2011), San Diego, Aug 2011. (.pdf) NSF-TF.
  • K. Sricharan, R. Raich and A.O. Hero, “k-nearest neighbor estimation of entropies with confidence,” IEEE Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), St Petersburg RU, July 2011, (.pdf) AFOSR
  • K. Sricharan, R. Raich and A.O. Hero, “Performance-driven information fusion,” Workshop on Defense Applications of Signal Processing (DASP), Brisbane AU, July 2011, (.pdf) AFOSR
  • K. Sricharan, A.O. Hero, and B. Rajaratnam “A Local Dependence Measure and Its Application to Screening for High Correlations in Large Data Sets,” International Conference on Information Fusion, Chicago, July 2011, (.pdf) AFOSR
  • K. Sricharan and A.O. Hero, “Weighted k-NN graphs for Renyi entropy estimation in high dimensions,” . IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing (SSP), Nice, June 2011, (.pdf) AFOSR
  • K. Xu, M. Kliger and A.O. Hero, “A shrinkage approach to dynamic networks,” IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing (SSP), Nice, June 2011, (.pdf) NSF-TF
  • B. Bahmardi, R. Raich and A.O Hero, “Entropy estimation using the principle of maximum entropy,” Conf on Acoust., Speech, and Signal Proc. (ICASSP), Prague, May 2011. AFOSR
  • C. Bazot, N. Dobigeon, J.-Y. Tourneret and A.O Hero, “A Bernoulli-Gaussian model for gene factor analysis,” Conf on Acoust., Speech, and Signal Proc. (ICASSP), Prague, May 2011. (.pdf) . NSF-TF
  • A. Rao and A.O Hero, “Biological Pathway Inference using Manifold Embedding,” Conf on Acoust., Speech, and Signal Proc. (ICASSP), Prague, May 2011. NSF-TF.
  • A. Jang, S. Schmutzhard, F. Hlawatsch and A.O Hero, “Performance bounds for sparse parametric covariance estimation in Gaussian models,” Conf on Acoust., Speech, and Signal Proc. (ICASSP), Prague, May 2011. Available as arXiv:1101.3838 (.html) . Best Student Paper Award winner.
  • K. Xu, M. Kliger, A.O. Hero, “Tracking communities in dynamic social networks”, 2011 NICO/SONIC complexity conference, Evanston, Mar 2011. NSF-TF ABSTRACT ONLY–>
  • K. Xu, M. Kliger and A.O Hero, “Tracking communities in dynamic social networks,” Conf on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling, and Prediction, Mar. 2011. (.pdf) NSF-TF
  • Se Un Park and A.O. Hero, “Myopic reconstruction and its application to MRFM data,” SPIE Electronic Imaging Conference, San Jose, Jan 2011. (.pdf) ARO-VOI.
  • Xu Chen and A.O. Hero, “Video indexing and retrieval using Fisher information non-linear embedding (FINE),” SPIE Electronic Imaging Conference, San Jose, Jan. 2011. (.pdf) . ARO.

Technical Reports 2011

  • K. Todros and A.O. Hero, “On measure transformed canonical correlation analysis,” arXiv:1111.6308, Nov. 2011 (.html) ARO
  • K.-J. Hsiao, S. Xu, and A.O. Hero, “Multi-criteria anomaly detection using Pareto depth analysis,” arXiv:1110.3741, Oct. 2011 (.html) ARO
  • A.O. Hero and B. Rajaratnam, “Hub discovery in partial correlation graphical models,” arXiv:1109.6846, Sept. 2011 (.html) NSF-TF DIGITEO.
  • K. S. Xu, M. Kliger and A.O. Hero, “Adaptive Evolutionary Clustering,” arXiv:1104.1990, April. 2011 (.html) NSF-TF
  • A.O. Hero and B. Rajaratnam, “Large Scale Correlation Screening,” arXiv:1102.1204, Feb. 2011 (.html) NSF-TF DIGITEO
  • Y. Chen and A. O. Hero, “Recursive $\ell_{1,\infty}$ Group lasso ,” arXiv:1101.5734, Jan. 2011 (.html) . AFOSR MURI.

Published datasets 2011

  • N. Patwari, A.O. Hero, and K. Sricharan “umich/rss (v. 2011-08-10),” Aug. 2011. Posted on IEEE DataPort (.html) and Crawdad (.html). This is a dataset of RSS measurements collected by Mica2 sensor nodes deployed inside and outside a lab room, with anomaly patterns occurring when students walked into and out of the lab. A web camera recorded the activity that could be matched with detected anomalies.


Journals 2010

  • B. Chen and M. Chen and J. Paisley and A. Zaas and C. Woods and G. S. Ginsburg and A. O. Hero and J. Lucas and D. Dunson and L. Carin, “Bayesian inference of the number of factors in gene-expression analysis: application to human virus challenge studies,” BMC Bioinformatics, vol. 11, no. 552, 9 Nov. 2010. (.html) DARPA-PHD.
  • K. S. Xu and A.O. Hero, “Social Networks of Spammers,” The Next Wave, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 36-44, Aug. 2010. (.pdf). This is a popularized version of our ICC-09 paper (.pdf). ONR/NSF-TF.
  • H. Park, A.O. Hero, P. Bland, M. Kessler. J. Seo, C. Meyer, “Construction of abdominal probabilistic atlases and their value in segmentation of normal organs in abdominal CT scans,” IEICE Trans Inf. & Syst., vol., E93-D, no. 8, pp. 2291-2301, Aug. 2010. (.pdf) NIH-P01
  • N. Dobigeon, S. Moussaoui, M. Coulon, J.-Y. Tourneret and A.O. Hero III, “Algorithms bayesiens pour le demelange supervise, semi-supervise et non-supervise d’images hyperspectrales,” (English Title: Bayesian algorithms for supervised, semi-supervised and non-supervised hyperspectral image unmixing), Traitement du Signal, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 79-108. 2010. (.pdf)
  • Y. Chen, A. Wiesel, Y. C. Eldar and A. O. Hero III, “Shrinkage Algorithms for MMSE Covariance Estimation,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 58, no. 10, pp. 5016-5029, Oct. 2010. Available as arXiv:0907.4698 (.html) . The OAS estimator in this paper has had impact in several fields, including functional connectome analysis, Honnorat, Nicolas, and Mohamad Habes. “Covariance shrinkage can assess and improve functional connectomes.” NeuroImage 256 (2022): 119229 (.html). AFOSR-MURI.
  • K. Yoshida, T.-Z. Liu, C. Scott, A.O. Hero, M. Yokokawa, S. Gupta, E. Good, F. Morady, F. Bogun, “The Value of Defibrillator Electrograms for Recognition of Clinical Ventricular Tachycardias and for Pace-Mapping Of Post-Infarction Ventricular Tachycardia,” Journal of the American College of Cardiology, vol 56, pp 969-979, doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2010.04.043, 2010. (.html) . NSF-TF
  • Zaas, A.K., Chen,M., Varkey,J., Veldman,T., Hero,A.O., III, Lucas,J., Huang,Y., Turner,R., Gilbert,A., Lambkin-Williams,R., Oien,N.C., Nicholson,B., Kingsmore,S., Carin,L., Woods,C.W., and Ginsburg, G.S., “Response to: ‘Improving development of the molecular signature for diagnosis of acute respiratory viral infections’, A. Statnikov, L. McVoy, N. Lytkin, C. F. Aliferis,” Cell Host and Microbe, 2010.
  • A. Rao, D. States, A. O. Hero, and D. Engel, “Understanding distal transcriptional regulation from sequence, expression and interactome perspectives,” Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 219-246, Apr. 2010. (.pdf) . AFOSR MURI.
  • K. Carter, R. Raich, and A.O. Hero, “On Local Dimension Estimation and Its Applications,” IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 58, no. 2, Feb. 2010. (.pdf) . NSF-ITR.

Conference 2010

  • C. Bazot, N. Dobigeon, J.-Y. Tourneret, and A.O. Hero III, “Unsupervised Bayesian analysis for gene expression analysis,” Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 2010. (.pdf) .
  • A. Tibau-Puig, A. Wiesel and A.O. Hero, “Order-preserving factor discovery from misaligned data,” IEEE Workshop on Sensor, Array and Multichannel Signal Processing (SAM), Jerusalem, Oct 2010. (.pdf) . DARPA-PHD
  • Y. Chen, A. Wiesel, and A.O. Hero, “Robust Shrinkage Estimation of High-dimensional Covariance Matrices,” IEEE Workshop on Sensor, Array and Multichannel Signal Processing (SAM), Jerusalem, Oct 2010. (.pdf) . AFOSR-MURI.
  • A. Wiesel and A.O. Hero, “Distributed covariance estimation in Gaussian graphical models,” IEEE Workshop on Sensor, Array and Multichannel Signal Processing (SAM), Jerusalem, Oct 2010. (.pdf) . AFOSR-MURI.
  • K. Xu, M. Kliger, and A. O. Hero, “Identifying spammers by their resource usage patterns,” Seventh annual Collaboration, Electronic messaging, Anti-Abuse and Spam (CEAS) Conference, Redmond WA, July 2010. (.pdf) . NSF-ITR.
  • K. Xu, M. Kliger, and A. O. Hero, “Tracking communities of spammers by evolutionary clustering,” Intl. Conf on Machine Learning (ICML), Workshop on Social Analytics: Learning from human interactions, Haifa, June 2010. (.pdf) . ONR, NSF-TF.
  • R. Mittelman and A.O. Hero, “Hyperspectral image segmentation and unmixing using hidden Markov trees”, IEEE Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP), Hong Kong, Sept 2010. (.pdf) . AFOSR-MURI
  • K. Sricharan, R. Raich and A.O. Hero, “Boundary compensated kNN graphs,” IEEE Workshop on Machine Learning in Signal Processing, (MLSP), Aug 2010. (.pdf) . AFOSR
  • G. Newstadt, E. Zelnio, L. Gorham, and A.O. Hero, “Detection/Tracking of moving targets with synthetic aperture radars,” Advanced Motion Processing Session, Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery XVII, SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing Conference, Orlando, April 2010. (.pdf) . AFRL
  • K. Xu, M. Kliger, A.O. Hero, “Evolutionary spectral clustering with adaptive forgetting factor,” IEEE Intl. Conf on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), April 2010. (.pdf) . ONR, NSF-TF.
  • Y. Chen, M. Mishali, Y.C. Eldar, A.O. Hero, “Modulated wideband converter with non-ideal lowpass filters,” IEEE Intl. Conf on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), April 2010. (.pdf) . AFOSR-MURI
  • G. Newstadt, E. Bashan, and A.O. Hero, “Adaptive search for sparse targets with informative priors,” IEEE Intl. Conf on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), April 2010. (.pdf) . AFRL
  • K. Sricharan, R. Raich and A.O. Hero, “Optimized intrinsic dimension estimation using nearest neighbor graphs,” IEEE Intl. Conf on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), April 2010. (.pdf) . AFOSR

Technical Reports 2010

  • Y. Chen, Y. Gu and A.O. Hero, “Regularized least-mean-square algorithms,” arXiv:1012.5066, Dec 22, 2010 (.html) AFOSR
  • K. Sricharan, R. Raich, A. O. Hero, “Empirical estimation of entropy functionals with confidence,” CSPL Technical Report 398, Dept. of EECS, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Dec 2010. arXiv:1012.4188v1, Dec 19 2010 (.html) . AFOSR
  • P. Harrington, A. Zaas, C. W. Woods, G. S. Ginsberg, L. Carin, and A. O. Hero, “Robust logistic regression with bounded data uncertainties,” University of Michigan Technical Report. Sept. 2010 DARPA PHD. (.pdf)
  • P. Harrington and A. O. Hero, “Spatio-temporal graphical model selection,” Apr 14 2010. arXiv:1012.4188v1 (.html) . AFRL-ATR.

Patents 2010

  • A.O. Hero, K. Carter, R. Raich, and W. Finn, “Method and apparatus for clustering and visualization of multicolor cytometry data,” US Patent 7,853,432. Filed Oct. 1, 2008. Issued Dec. 14, 2010. (.pdf). NSF ITR
  • A. Hero, H. Neemuchwala, P. Carson. C.R. Meyer, “Method of determining alignment of images in high dimensional feature space,” US Patent 7,653,264 B2. Filed Mar 3, 2006. Issued Jan 26, 2010. (.pdf). NIH P01


Journals 2009

  • A.K. Zaas, M. Chen, J. Varkey, T. Veldman, A.O. Hero, J. Lucas, R. Turner, A. Gilbert, C. Oien, B. Nicholson, S. Kingsmore, L. Carin, C.W. Woods, and G.S. Ginsburg, “Gene Expression Signatures Diagnose Influenza and Other Symptomatic Respiratory Viral Infections in Humans,” Cell Host and Microbe, vol. 6, issue 3, pp 207-217, Aug. 2009. (.html). DARPA-PHD
  • A. Wiesel and A.O. Hero, ‘Decomposable Principal Components Analysis,’ IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 57, no. 11, pp. 4369-4378, 2009. (.pdf). Available on Arxiv (.html) AFOSR MURI.
  • N. Dobigeon, J.-Y. Tourneret, S. Massaoui, M. Coulon and A.O. Hero, ‘Joint Bayesian endmember extraction and linear unmixing for hyperspectral imagery,’ IEEE Trans. on Signal Pocessing, vol. 57, no. 11, pp. 4355-4369. 2009. (.pdf) AFOSR MURI.
  • N. Dobigeon, A.O. Hero and J.-Y. Tourneret, “Hierarchical Bayesian sparse image reconstruction with application to MRFM,” IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, vol. 18, no. 9, pp. 2059-2070, 2009. (.pdf). Available on Arxiv as (.html) ARO-VOI.
  • J.A. Sidles, J.L. Garbini, L.E. Harrell, A.O. Hero, J.P. Jacky, J.R. Malcomb, A.G. Norman, A.M. Williamson, “Practical recipes for the model order reduction, dynamical simulation, and compressive sampling of large-scale open quantum systems,” New Journal of Physics, vol. 11, 065002 (96pp), doi: 10.1088/1367-2630/11/6/065002, June 11 2009. (.html). (.pdf) ARO-VOI.
  • K. Carter, R. Raich, W.G. Finn and A. O. Hero, “Information preserving component analysis: data projections for flow cytometry analysis,” IEEE Journ. of Selected Topics in Signal Processing,vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 148-158, Jan. 2009. Available on Arxiv (.html) (.pdf) . NSF-ITR.
  • M. Ting, R. Raich and A.O. Hero, ‘Sparse image reconstruction for molecular imaging,’ IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 1215-1227, June 2009. Available on Arxiv (.html) (.pdf) . ARO-VOI.
  • K. Carter, R. Raich, W.G. Finn and A. O. Hero, “{FINE}: Fisher information non-parametric embedding,” IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 2093-2098, 2009. Available on Arxiv (.html). (.pdf) . NSF-ITR.
  • E. Chong, C. Kreucher and A. O. Hero, “Partially Observable Markov Decision Process Approximations for Adaptive Sensing,” (.pdf) , Journal of Discrete Event Dynamical Systems, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 377-422. Sept. 2009. (.html) AFOSR MURI.
  • W.G. Finn, K. Carter, R. Raich, L. Stoolman and A. O. Hero, “Analysis of Clinical Flow Cytometric Immunophenotyping Data by Clustering on Statistical Manifolds: Treating Flow Cytometry Data as High-Dimensional Objects,” Cytometry: Part B – Clinical Cytometry, vol. 76B, pp. 1-7, Jan. 2009. Electronic publication (.html). DOI 10.1002/cyto.b.20435, July 18, 2008. (.pdf) . This paper was selected by the journal’s Editorial Board to receive the Best Original Paper Award for papers published in Clinical Cytometry in 2008-2009. NSF-ITR.

Conference 2009

  • K. Sricharan, R. Raich, A.O. Hero, “Geometric factor graph discovery”, NIPS Workshop on “Manifolds, sparsity, and structured models: When can low-dimensional geometry really help?,” (abstract only). Dec. 2009. The material presented appears in Section 8 of K. Sricharan, R. Raich, A. O. Hero, “Empirical estimation of entropy functionals with confidence,” CSPL Technical Report 398, Dept. of EECS, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Dec 2010. Available on arXiv (arXiv:1012.4188v1) (.html) .
  • L. Mei, M. Sun, K.M. Carter, A.O. Hero, and S. Savarese, ‘Unsupervised object pose classification from short video sequences,’ British Machine Vision Conference, 2009. (.pdf) . ARO.
  • N. Dobigeon, S. Moussaoui, M. Coulon, A.O. Hero and J.-Y. Tourneret, ‘Subspace-based Bayesian blind source separation for hyperspectral imagery,’ IEEE CAMSAP, 2009. (.pdf) . AFOSR MURI.
  • P. Harrington, A.O. Hero, “Information Theoretic Adaptive Tracking of Epidemics in Complex Networks,” Allerton Conference, Sept. 2009. (.pdf) . Also available as arxiv 1307.3125 (.html) . NSF-TF.
  • N. Dobigeon, A. O. Hero and J.-Y. Tourneret, “Reconstruction Bayesienne d’images MRFM parcimonieuses,” GRETSI, Grenoble, 2009.
  • N. Dobigeon, S. Moussaoui, M. Coulon, J.-Y. Tourneret and A. O. Hero, “Extraction de composants purs et demelange lineaire bayesiens en imagerie hyperspectrale,” GRETSI, Grenoble, 2009.
  • K. Carter, R. Raich and A. O. Hero, “Spherical laplacian information maps (SLIM) for dimensionality reduction,” IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing (SSAP), Cardiff, UK. Sept. 2009. (.pdf). AFRL
  • K. Sricharan, R. Raich and A. O. Hero, “Global performance prediction for divergence-based image registration,” IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing (SSAP), Cardiff, UK. Sept. 2009. (.pdf). NIH P01.
  • A. T. Puig, A. Wiesel, and A. O. Hero, “A multidimensional shrinkage-thresholding operator,” IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing (SSAP), Cardiff, UK. Sept. 2009. (.pdf). NSF-ITR.
  • A. Rao, D. States, A. O. Hero, and D. Engel, “Understanding Distal Transcriptional Regulation from Sequence, Expression and Interactome Perspectives,” Workshop on Computational Systems Biology Bioinformatics (CSB), Stanford, Aug 2009.
  • L. Galluccio, O. Michel, P. Comon, A.O. Hero, and M. Kliger, “Consensus clustering using multiple rooted minimal spanning trees,” IEEE Workshop on Machine Learning and Signal Processing, Grenoble, 2009.
  • W. G. Finn, K. M. Carter, R.Raich, A. Harrington, S. H. Kroft and A. O. Hero, “Flow Cytometric Evaluation of Reactive and Dysplastic Granulocyte Maturation by a Novel Method of High Dimensional Data Analysis,” Proceeedings of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology. Platform talk with abstract only.
  • K. S. Xu, M. Kliger, Y. Chen, P. Woolf, A.O. Hero, Social Networks of Spammers Through Spectral Clustering,” IEEE Intl. Conf. on Communications (ICC), June 2009. (.pdf). ONR.
  • N. Dobigeon, A. O. Hero and J.-Y. Tourneret, “Bayesian sparse image reconstruction for MRFM,” IEEE Intl Conf. on Acoust., Speech, and Signal Processing, Taiwan, Mar 2009. (.html). (.pdf) ARO-VOI.
  • Y. Chen, A. Wiesel and A. O. Hero, “Shrinkage estimation of high dimensional covariance matrices,” IEEE Intl Conf. on Acoust., Speech, and Signal Processing, Taiwan, Mar 2009. (.pdf).NSF-TF.
  • Y. Chen, Y. Gu, A. O. Hero, “Sparse LMS for system identification,” IEEE Intl Conf. on Acoust., Speech, and Signal Processing, Taiwan, Mar 2009. (.pdf). AFOSR MURI.
  • A. Wiesel and A. O. Hero, “Decomposable PCA,” IEEE Intl Conf. on Acoust., Speech, and Signal Processing, Taiwan, Mar 2009. (.pdf). AFOSR MURI.
  • K. M. Carter, R. Raich, A. O. Hero, “An information geometric approach to supervised dimensionality reduction ,” IEEE Intl Conf. on Acoust., Speech, and Signal Processing, Taiwan, Mar 2009. (.pdf). NSF ITR.
  • P. Harrington, A. Rao and A.O. Hero, “Classification and Subspace Selection of Multiple Biomedical Time-Series via Ensemble Learning,” Summit on Translational Bioinformatics, San Francisco, Mar 2009. (Abstract only)
  • K. Carter, K-M. Kim, R. Raich, A.O. Hero, “Information preserving embeddings for discrimination,” Proc. of IEEE Workshop on Digital Signal Processing, Jan. 2009. (.pdf). AFRL.
  • P. Harrington and A.O. Hero, “Classification of multiple time-series via boosting,” Proc. of IEEE Workshop on Digital Signal Processing, Jan. 2009. (.pdf).

Reports 2009

  • L. Galluccio, O. J. Michel, P. Comon, E. Slezak (CASSIOPEE), A. O. Hero, “Initialization Free Graph Based Clustering,” arXiv:0909.4395v1, Sept. 24 2009. (.html)
  • P. Harrington and A.O. Hero, “Percolation Thresholds of Updated Posteriors for Tracking Causal Markov Processes in Complex Networks,” arXiv:0905.2236v1, May 14 2009. (.html)

  • . (.pdf) . NSF-ITR


Journals 2008

  • E. Bashan, R. Raich., and A. O. Hero, “Optimal two-stage search for sparse targets using convex criteria,” IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 56, no. 11, pp. 5389-5402, Nov. 2008. (.pdf) . AFOSR MURI.
  • A. Rao, A. O. Hero III, D.J. States, and J.D. Engel, “Using Directed Information to Build Biologically Relevant Influence Networks,” in Journal on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, vol. 6, no.3, pp. 493-519, June 2008. ( (.pdf)
  • S. Chretien and A. O. Hero, “On EM algorithms and their proximal generalizations,” (.pdf) , ESAIM Journ. on Probability and Statistics (, vol. 12, pp. 308-326, 2008.

Book Chapters 2008

  • R. Rangarajan, R. Raich and A.O. Hero, “Sparse multidimensional scaling for blind tracking in sensor networks,” Ch. 2 in Advances in Sensor Networks, Ed. V. Saligrama, Springer NY, pp. 39-69, 2008. (.pdf). NSF ITR.

Conference 2008

  • K. M. Carter, R. Raich, W. Finn, A. O. Hero, “Dimensionality reduction of flow cytometric data through information preservation,” IEEE Intl Conf. on Machine Learning and Signal Processing, Cancun, Nov. 2008. (.pdf). NSF ITR.
  • A. Rao, A. O. Hero, D.J. States, and J.D. Engel, “Using directed information for influence discovery in interconnected dynamical systems,” Proc. of SPIE, San Diego, 2008. (.pdf).
  • H. Bagci, R. Raich, A. E. Hero, and E. Michielssen, “Sparsity-Regularized Born Iterations for Electromagnetic Inverse Scattering,” Proc. of IEEE Antennas and Propagation Symposium, 2008. (.pdf). AFOSR-MURI.
  • S. Oubel etal, “Strain analysis in myocardial infarction by using tagged MRI: correlation with delayed enhancement and perfusion,” Computer assisted radiology and surgery (CARS-08), Barcelona, June 2008.
  • E. K.P. Chong, C. M. Kreucher and A. O. Hero, “Monte-Carlo-Based Partially Observable Markov Decision Process Approximations for Adaptive Sensing,” (.pdf) Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES-08), 2008. AFOSR MURI.
  • Raghuram Rangarajan, Raviv Raich and Alfred O. Hero, “Euclidean matrix completion problems in tracking and geo-localization,” (.pdf). IEEE Intl Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing , April 2008. NSF ITR.
  • Kevin Carter and Alfred O. Hero, “Variance reduction with neighborhood smoothing for local intrinsic dimension estimation,” (.pdf) IEEE Intl Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing , April 2008. NSF ITR.
  • Kevin Carter, Raviv Raich and Alfred O. Hero, “FINE: information embedding for document classification,” (.pdf) IEEE Intl Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing , April 2008. NSF ITR.
  • Kyle Herrity, Raviv Raich and Alfred O. Hero, “Blind deconvolution for sparse molecular imaging,” (.pdf) IEEE Intl Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing , April 2008. ARO-VOI.
  • Nicolas Dobigeon, Jean-Yves Tourneret, and Alfred O. Hero, “Bayesian linear unmixing of hyperspectral images corrupted by colored Gaussian noise with unknown covariance matrix,” (.pdf) IEEE Intl Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing , April 2008. (.pdf) AFOSR MURI.
  • K. Herrity, R. Raich and A.O. Hero, “Blind reconstruction of sparse images with unknown point spread function,” (.pdf) Computational Imaging Conference in IS&T/SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology , San Jose, Jan. 2008. (.pdf) ARO-VOI.

Reports 2008

  • A. O. Hero, “Guaranteed uncertainty management (GUM) for sensor provisioning in missile defense,” (.pdf) , CSPL Technical Report 407, Mar. 10 2008. Techfinity-MDA.
  • D. Justice and A. O. Hero, “Online Methods for Network Endpoint Localization,” (.pdf) , CSPL Technical Report 390, Dec 30 2009. Originally submitted to the IEEE Trans on Information Theory, April 2007. NSF-ITR.
  • A. Wiesel, M. Kliger and A.O. Hero, “A greedy approach to sparse canonical correlation analysis,” submitted to ArXiv, Jan 18, 2008. (.html) . (.pdf). AFOSR-MURI.
  • R. Raich, J. Costa, S. Damelin and A.O. Hero, “Classification constrained dimensionality reduction,” submitted to ArXiv, Feb 20, 2008. (.html) . (.pdf) DARPA ISP.


Journals 2007

  • D. Zhu and A.O. Hero, “Bayesian Hierarchical Model for Large-Scale Covariance Matrix Estimation,” Journal of Computational Biology (JCB), Vol. 14, No. 10: 1311-1326, Dec 2007. (.pdf). .
  • A. Rao, A. O. Hero III, D.J. States, and J.D. Engel, “Motif Discovery in Tissue-Specific Regulatory Sequences Using Directed Information,” in EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology, vol. 2007, article ID 13853, 13 pages. (.pdf)
  • A. Rao, A. O. Hero III, D.J. States, and J.D. Engel, “Inferring Time-varying Network Topologies from Gene Expression Data,” in EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology, vol. 2007, article ID 51947, 12 pages. (.pdf)
  • C. M. Kreucher, A. O. Hero III, K. D. Kastella, and M. R. Morelande, “An Information Based Approach to Sensor Management in Large Dynamic Networks,” IEEE Proceedings, vol. 95, no. 5, pp. 978-999, May 2007. (.pdf) AFOSR-MURI.
  • R. Rangarajan, A.O. Hero and R. Raich, “Optimal Sequential Energy Allocation for Inverse Problems,” IEEE Journ. Selected Topics in Signal Processing (JSTSP), vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 67-78, June 2007. (.pdf) .IEEE Xplore version (.pdf). AFOSR-MURI
  • M.-F. Shih and A. O. Hero, “Hierarchical inference of unicast network topologies based on end-to-end measurements”, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 55, No. 5, pp. 1708-1718, May 2007. (.pdf). NSF-ITR.
  • M. Godavarti and A. O. Hero, “Training in multiple antenna Rician fading wireless channels,” IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 110-119, Jan. 2007. (.pdf)
  • P-J Chung., J. F. Bohme, C. F. Mecklenbrauker, A. O. Hero, “Detection of the Number of Signals Using the Benjamini-Hochberg Procedure,” IEEE Trans on Signal Processing, vol 55, no 5, pp. 2497-2508, June 2007. (.pdf) .
  • H. Neemuchwala, A. Hero, S. Zabuawala, and P. Carson, “Image registration methods in high dimensional space,” International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, vol. 16, No. 5, pp. 130-145, Mar 2007. (Invited) (.pdf) . NIH P01.
  • D. Blatt and A. O. Hero, “On tests for global maximum of the log-likelihood function,” , IEEE Trans. on Info Theory , vol. 53, no. 7, pp. 2510-2526. (.pdf) . ARO-VOI.
  • D. Blatt, A. O. Hero and H. Gauchman, “A convergent incremental gradient algorithm with a constant stepsize”, SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 29-51, Feb. 2007. (.pdf) . ARO-VOI, NSF-ITR.

Books 2007

  • A. Hero, D. Castenon, D. Cochran and K. Kastella (Eds), Foundations and applications of sensor management, Springer, 2007. DARPA ISP, ARO-VOI.

Book Chapters 2007

  • A. Hero, C. Kreucher and D. Blatt, “Information theoretic approaches to sensor management,” Ch. 3 in Foundations and Applications of Sensor Management, A. Hero, D. Castenon, D. Cochran and K. Kastella (Eds), Springer, 2007. ARO-VOI.

Conference 2007

  • Kevin Carter, Raviv Raich and Alfred O. Hero, “Learning on statistical manifolds for clustering and visualization,” (.pdf) Proc. of Allerton Conference , Oct. 2007. NSF-ITR.
  • A. Rao, A. O. Hero III, D.J. States, and J.D. Engel, “Using Directed Information to Build Biologically Relevant Influence Networks,” Life Sciences Society Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference, vol. 6, pp. 145-56, Aug. 2007. (.html)
  • A. Rao, A.O. Hero, D. States and D. Engel, “Directed-information based feature selection for tissue-specific sequences,” IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing (SSP), Aug. 2007. (.pdf).
  • P. Harrington, A. Rao, M. Kliger and A.O. Hero, “Spatio-temporal bionetworks for predictive health and disease,” IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing (SSP), Aug. 2007. (Invited) Poster only.
  • R. Rangarajan, R. Raich and A.O. Hero, “Blind tracking using sparsity penalized MDS,” IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing (SSP), Aug. 2007. (.pdf). NSF-ITR.
  • K. Carter, R. Raich and A.O. Hero, “De-biasing local dimension estimation,” IEEE Workshop on Statist. Sig. Processing (SSP ), 2007. (.pdf). NSF-ITR.
  • B. Ma, R, Narayan, H. Park, A.O. Hero, P.H. Bland, and C. Meyer, “Comparing pairwise and simultaneous joint registrations of decorrelating interval exams using entropic graphs,” IPMI, 2007. (.pdf) . NIH P01.
  • R. Rangarajan, R. Raich and A.O. Hero, “Sequential energy allocation strategies for channel estimation,” IEEE Intl. Conf on Acoust., Speech, and Sig. Processing (ICASSP ), Oahu, April 2007. (.pdf). ARO-VOI.
  • A. Tsai, C-F Westin, A.O. Hero and A. Willsky, “Fiber Tract Clustering on Manifolds With Dual Rooted-Graphs,” IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), July 2007. (.pdf).
  • E. Oubel, M. De Craene, M, Gazzola, A.O. Hero and A. Frangi, “Multiview registration of cardiac tagging MRI images,” IEEE Intl Symp. on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), April 2007. (.pdf)
  • D. Zhu and A.O. Hero, “Reconstructing Condition-Specific Signal Transduction Hierarchy using Bayesian Networks,” (RECOMB), April 2007. (.pdf),

Reports 2007

  • A. Rao, A.O Hero, D.J. States, J. D. Engel, “Understanding transcriptional regulation using de-Nove sequence discovery, network inference and interactome data,” submitted to arXiv Oct 9 2007. (.pdf)

Orphans 2007


Journals 2006

  • C. Kreucher, D. Blatt, A. Hero, and K. Kastella, “Adaptive Multi-modality Sensor Scheduling for Detection and Tracking of Smart Targets,” Digital Signal Processing, Digital Signal Processing, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 546-567, Sept. 2006. (.pdf) . ScienceDirect link (.html)
  • D. Justice and A. O. Hero, “Estimation of message source and destination from link intercepts”, (.pdf) , IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security, vol 1, no. 3, pp. 374-385, Sept. 2006.
  • M. Akimoto, H. Cheng, D. Zhu, J. A. Brzezinski, R Khanna, E. Filippova, E. C.T. Oh., Y. Jing, J-L Linares, S. Zareparsi, A. J. Mears, A. O. Hero, T. Glaser, and A.Swaroop, “Targeting of green fluorescent protein to new-born rods by Nrl promoter and temporal expression profiling of flow-sorted photoreceptors,” Proceeedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). Vol 103, No. 10, pp. 3890-3895, March 7 2006. (.pdf) . PNAS web version (.html) .
  • D. Justice and A.O. Hero, “A binary linear programming reformulation of the graph edit distance for graph recognition,” (.pdf) , IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), vol. 28, no. 8, 1200-1214, Aug 2006.
  • S. Ahn, J.A. Fessler, D. Blatt, and A. Hero, “Convergent incremental optimization transfer algorithms: application to tomography”, (.pdf) , IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging, vol. 25, no. 3, pp.283-296, March 2006.
  • D. Blatt and A. O. Hero, “Energy based sensor network source localization via projection onto convex sets (POCS)”, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 54, no. 9, pp. 3614-3619, 2006. (.pdf)
  • M.Ting, A. O. Hero, D. Rugar, C.-Y. Yip and J. Fessler, “Near optimal signal detection for finite state Markov signals with application to magnetic resonance force microscopy,” IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 2049-2062, June 2006. (.pdf),
  • J. Costa, N. Patwari and A. O. Hero, “Distributed weighted-multidimensional scaling with adaptive weighting for node localization in sensor networks”, (.pdf) , ACM Journal on Sensor Networking. vol. 2, No. 1, pp 39-64, Feb. 2006.

Book chapters 2006

  • D. Zhu, M. Rabbat, A. O. Hero, R. Nowak, M. Figuieredo, “de Novo signaling pathway reconstruction from multiple data sources,” in New research on signal transduction, Ed. F. Columbus , Nova Publishing, 2006. (.pdf)
  • N. Patwari, A. O. Hero and J. Costa, “Learning Sensor Location from Signal Strength and Connectivity,” in Secure Localization and Time Synchronization for Wireless Sensor and Ad Hoc Networks , Eds. Radha Poovendran, Cliff Wang, and Sumit Roy, Advances in Information Security series, Vol. 30, Springer, Dec. 2006, ISBN 978-0-387-32721-1. (.pdf) .
  • D. Blatt and A. O. Hero, “From weighted classification to policy search”, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), vol 18, pp. 139-146, 2006. (.pdf)
  • J. Costa and A. O. Hero, “Learning intrinsic dimension and entropy of shapes,” in Statistics and analysis of shapes, Eds. H. Krim and T. Yezzi, Birkhauser, pp. 231-252, 2006. (.pdf)

Conference 2006

  • A. O. Hero III, “Geometric entropy minimization (GEM) for anomaly detection and localization”, in Proc. of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), Vancouver Nov. 2006 (.pdf)
  • N. Patwari and A. O. Hero III, “Demonstrating Distributed Signal Strength Location Estimation”, in Proceedings of the 4th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys06), Boulder, CO, November 1-3, 2006 (.pdf)
  • J. A. Marble, R. Raich and A.O. Hero, “Iterative Redeployment of Illumination and Sensing (IRIS): Application to STW-SAR Imaging,” Proc. of 25th Army Science Conference, Nov. 2006. (.pdf)
  • J. A. Marble and A.O. Hero, “Phase Distortion Correction for See-Through-The-Wall Imaging Radar,” 2006 IEEE Intl. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP), Atlanta 2006. (.pdf)
  • R. Raich and A.O. Hero, “Sparse image reconstruction for partially unknown blur functions,” 2006 IEEE Intl. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP), Atlanta 2006. (.pdf)
  • M. Ting, R. Raich and A.O. Hero, “Sparse image reconstruction using a sparse prior,” 2006 IEEE Intl. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP), Atlanta, 2006. (.pdf)
  • C. Kreucher and A.O. Hero, “Monte Carlo methods for sensor management in target tracking,” 2006 IEEE Nonlinear Statistical Signal Processing Workshop, Cambridge UK, Sept. 2006. (.pdf)
  • A. Rao, A.O. Hero, D.J. States and J.D. Engel, “Probabilistic integration and visualization for understanding transcriptional regulation,” 2006 European Conf. on Signal Processing (EUSIPCO), Florence, Sept. 2006. (.pdf)
  • N. Patwari and A.O. Hero, “Signal strength localization bounds in ad hoc and sensor networks when transmit powers are random,” Third IEEE Conf on Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing (SAM), Waltham, MA, July 2006. (.pdf)
  • D. Blatt and A.O. Hero, “Optimal sensor scheduling via classification reduction of policy search (CROPS),” 2006 Workshop on POMDP’s, Classification and Regression (Intl Conf on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS)), Cumbria UK, June 2006. (.pdf)
  • N. Patwari and A.O. Hero,”Indirect Radio Interferometric Localization via Pairwise Distances,” Third IEEE Conf on Embedded Sensor Networks (EmNets), Cambridge, MA, May. 2006. (.pdf)
  • A. Rao, A.O. Hero, D.J. States and J.D. Engel, “Manifold embedding for understanding mechanisms of transcriptional regulation,” 2006 IEEE Workshop on Genomics, Signal Processing and Statistics (GENSIPS), College Station TX, May 2006. (.html) (.pdf)
  • D. Zhu and A.O. Hero, “Bayesian hierarchical model for estimating gene association network from microarray data,” 2006 IEEE Workshop on Genomics, Signal Processing and Statistics (GENSIPS). College Station TX, May 2006. (.pdf)
  • R. Rangarajan, R. Raich and A.O. Hero, “Single-stage waveform selection for adaptive resource constrained state estimation,” 2006 IEEE Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Toulouse France, 2006. (.pdf)
  • A. Rao, A.O. Hero, D.J. States and J.D. Engel, “Using Directed Information to Build Biologically Relevant Influence Networks,” 2006 IEEE Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Toulouse France, 2006. (.pdf)
  • R. Raich and A.O. Hero, “On dimensionality reduction for classification and its application,” 2006 IEEE Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Toulouse France, 2006. (.pdf)
  • S. Grikschat, J. Costa and A.O. Hero, “Dual rooted-diffusions for clustering and classification on manifolds,” 2006 IEEE Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Toulouse France, 2006. (.pdf)
  • M. Ting and A.O. Hero, “Detection of a random walk signal in the regime of low signal to noise ratio and long observation time,” 2006 IEEE Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Toulouse France, 2006. (.pdf)
  • S. Oubel, A. Frangi and A.O. Hero, “Complex wavelets for registration of tagged sequences,” 2006 IEEE Intl. Symp. on Biomedical Imaging, 2006. (.pdf)


Journals 2005

  • C. Kreucher, K. Kastella, and A. Hero, “Multitarget Tracking using the Joint Multitarget Probability Density,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 39(4):1396-1414, October 2005. [ (.pdf) ]
  • D. Zhu, A.O. Hero, H. Cheng, R. Khanna and A. Swaroop, “Network constrained clustering for gene microarray data,” (.html) , Bioinformatics, vol. 21, 4014-4020, Nov. 2005. (.pdf).
  • D. Zhu, A.O. Hero, Z.S. Qin, A. Swaroop, “High throughput screening of co-expressed gene pairs with controlled False Discovery Rate (FDR) and Minimum Acceptable Strength (MAS),” Journal of Computational Biology, 2005 (.pdf) .
  • N. Patwari, A. O. Hero, J. Ash, R. L. Moses, S. Kyperountas, N. S. Correal, “Locating the nodes: cooperative localization in wireless sensor networks”, (.html) IEEE Signal Processing Magazine ,vol. 22, no. 4, pp 54-69, July 2005. Link to data presented in this article on Wireless Sensor Network Localization Measurement Repository (.pdf). This paper received a best paper award from the IEEE Signal Processing Society in 2009.
  • M. Godavarti, A. O. Hero, and T. Marzetta, “Min-Capacity of a Multiple-Antenna Wireless Channel in a Static Rician Fading Environment,” IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications . (.pdf), vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 1715-1723, July 2005.
  • M. Godavarti and A. O. Hero, “Partial update LMS algorithms,” IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 53, No. 7, pp. 2382-2399, July 2005. (.pdf) (IEEE Explore version). (.pdf).
  • C. Kreucher, K. Kastella, and A. Hero, “Sensor Management Using An Active Sensing Approach”. Signal Processing, 85(3):607-624, March 2005.(.pdf)
  • H. Neemuchwala, A. O. Hero, and P.L. Carson, “Image matching using alpha-entropy measures and entropic graphs,” (.pdf) , Signal Processing (Special Issue on Content-based Visual Information Retrieval), vol 85, pp. 277-296, 2005.
  • P.-J. Chung, J. Bohme, and A. O. Hero, “Tracking of multiple moving sources using recursive EM algorithm,” .pdf , EURASIP Journ. of Applied Signal Processing (JASP), vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 50-60, January 2005.

Book chapters 2005

  • H. Park, P.H Bland, A.O. Hero III, and C.R. Meyer, “Least Biased Target Selection in Probabilistic Atlas Construction,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 3750 (MICCAI-05 Proceedings – Palm Springs), Springer-Verlag, pp. 419-496, 2005. (.pdf).
  • E. Oubel, C. Tabon-Gomez, A.O. Hero and A.F. Frangi, “Myocardial Motion Estimation in Tagged MR Sequences by Using alpha-MI-Based Non Rigid Registration,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 3750 (MICCAI-05 Proceedings – Palm Springs), Springer-Verlag, pp. 271-278, 2005. (.pdf).
  • O. Michel, A.O. Hero and A. Ferrari, “Signaux aleatoires: modelisation, estimation, detection,” (English title: Random signals: modeling, estimation, detection”), Ed. M. Gugliemi, Hermes, 2005. (.pdf)
  • H. Neemwuchwala and A. O. Hero, “Entropic Graphs for Registration” (.pdf), Ch. 6 in Multi-Sensor Image Fusion and its Applications, Eds. R. S. Blum and Z. Liu, Marcel Dekker, Inc., pp. 185-235, 2005.

Conferences 2005

  • C. Kreucher, A. Hero, and K. Kastella, “A Comparison of Task Driven and Information Driven Sensor Management for Target Tracking,” 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) Special Session on Information Theoretic Methods for Target Tracking, December 12-15 . [ (.pdf) ]
  • P-J Chung, J.F. Boehme, C.F. Mecklenbraeucker, “Multiple Signal Detection Using the Benjamini-Hochberg Procedure,” IEEE Workshop on Computational advances in multi-sensor adaptive processing (CAMSAP), Dec. 2005. (.pdf)
  • S. Ahn, J.A. Fessler, D. Blatt, and A. Hero, “Incremental optimization transfer algorithms: application to transmission tomography”, (.pdf) , IEEE Conf on Medical Imaging, Oct. 2005. (.pdf)
  • D. Blatt and A. O. Hero, “From weighted classification to policy search”, NIPS Dec. 2005. (.pdf)
  • N. Patwari, A.O. Hero and A. Pacholski, “Manifold learning visualization of network traffic data,” SIGCOMM 2005 Workshop on Mining Network Data, Philadelphia, Aug. 2005. (.pdf)
  • D. Blatt and A.O. Hero, “APOCS: a rapidly convergent source localization algorithm for sensor networks,” IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing (SSP), Bordeaux, July 2005. (.pdf)
  • P-J Chung, J.F. Boehme, C.F. Mecklenbraeucker, “On signal detection using the Benjamini–Hochberg procedure,” IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing (SSP), Bordeaux, July 2005. (.pdf)
  • J.A. Costa, A. Girotra and A.O. Hero, “Estimating Local Intrinsic Dimension with k-Nearest Neighbor Graphs,” IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing (SSP), Bordeaux, July 2005. (.pdf)
  • D. Zhu, A. Hero, “Identifying differentially expressed genes from probe level intensities in longitudinal Affymetrix microarray experiments,” IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing (SSP), Bordeaux, July 2005. (.pdf)
  • R. Rangarajan, R. Raich, and A.O. Hero, “Sequential Design of Experiments for a Rayleigh Inverse Scattering Problem,” IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing (SSP), Bordeaux, July 2005. (.pdf)
  • C. Kreucher, A. Hero, K. Kastella, and B. Shapo. Information-based Sensor Management for Simultaneous Multitarget Tracking and Identification. The Proceedings of The Thirteenth Annual Conference on Adaptive Sensor Array Processing (ASAP), June 7 – 8 2005.[PDF ]
  • D. Zhu, A.O. Hero, H. Cheng, M. Akimoto, R. Khanna and A. Swaroop, “Network constrained clustering for gene microarray data,” Annual Meeting of International Society for Computational Biology, Detroit, 2005.PDF
  • N. Patwari and A.O. Hero, “Adaptive neighborhoods for manifold learning-based sensor localization,” IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Comminications (SPAWC), New York, NY 2005. (.pdf)
  • A. Rao, A.O. Hero, J.D. Engel, D.J. States, and D. Zhu, “Inferring Time-varying Network Topologies from Gene Expression Data,” Proc. of IEEE Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics (GENSIPS) , Newport, May 2005. (.pdf) (.pdf)
  • D. Zhu and A. O. Hero, “Unsupervised posterior analysis of signaling pathways from gene microarray data,” Proc. of IEEE Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics (GENSIPS) , Newport, May 2005. (.pdf)
  • C. Kreucher, K. Kastella, and A. Hero., “Multiplatform Information-based Sensor Management,” The Proceedings of the SPIE Defense Transformation and Network-Centric Systems Symposium, volume 5820, pages 141-151, March 28 – April 1 2005. [PDF ]
  • S. Haykin, A.O. Hero, and E. Moulines, “Modeling, identification, and control of large-scale dynamical systems,” IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2005 (ICASSP), Volume 5, 18-23 March 2005 Page(s):v/945 – v/948, May 2005. Explore version: (.pdf). (.pdf)
  • J. Costa and A. O. Hero, “Classification constrained dimensionality reduction,” (.pdf), IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2005 (ICASSP), Philadelphia, March, 2005.
  • R. Rangangaran, R. Raich and A. O. Hero, “Optimal experimental design for an inverse scattering problem,” (.pdf), IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2005 (ICASSP), Philadelphia, March, 2005.
  • A. O. Hero and D. Blatt, “Sensor network source localization via projection onto convex sets (POCS),” (.pdf), IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2005. Proceedings (ICASSP) , Philadelphia, March, 2005.
  • D. Blatt and A. O. Hero, “Tests for global maximum of the likelihood function,” (.pdf), IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2005 (ICASSP)C, Philadelphia, March, 2005.
  • J. Costa, N. Patwari and A. O. Hero, “Achieving high-accuracy distributed localization in sensor networks,” (.pdf), IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2005 (ICASSP), Philadelphia, March, 2005.
  • D. Zhu and A. O. Hero, “Gene co-expression network discovery with controlled statistical and biological significance,” (.pdf), Proc. of ICASSP , Philadelphia, March, 2005.
  • D. Zhu and A. O. Hero, “Network constrained clustering for gene microarray data,” (.pdf), Proc. of ICASSP , Philadelphia, March, 2005.
  • M. Morelande, C. Kreucher, and K. Kastella, “Multiple Target Tracking with a Pixelized Sensor,” Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), volume V, pages 585-588, March 18 – 23 2005. [PDF ]
  • C. Kreucher, M. Morelande, K. Kastella, and A. Hero, “Particle Filtering for Multitarget Detection and Tracking (Invited Paper),”. Proceedings of The Twenty Sixth Annual IEEE Aerospace Conference, March 5 – 12 2005. [PDF ]
  • E. Oubel, H. Neemuchwala, A. O. Hero, L. Boisrobert, M. Laclaustra, A. Frangi “Assessment of artery dilation by using image registration based on spatial features,” (.pdf), Medical Imaging 2005: Image Processing , Eds. J.M Fitzpatrick and J.M. Reinhardt, Proceedings of SPIE vol. 5747, 2005.
  • H. Neemuchwala and A. O. Hero, “Image registration in high dimensional feature space,” (.pdf), Proc. of SPIE Conference on Electronic Imaging , San Jose, Jan. 2005.



  • C. Vignat, A. O. Hero and J. Costa, “About closedness by convolution of the Tsallis maximizers,” (.pdf), Physica A, Vol. 340, Issue 1-3, pp. 147-152, Sept. 2004.
  • M. Godavarti and A. O. Hero, “Convergence of differential entropies,” , IEEE Trans. on Info Theory , Vol 50, No. 1, pp. 171-176, Jan. 2004. (.pdf) . IEEE Explore reprint (.pdf) (.pdf)
  • J. Costa and A. O. Hero, “Geodesic entropic graphs for dimension and entropy estimation in manifold learning,” (.pdf) , IEEE Trans. on Signal Process., Vol. 52, No. 8, pp. 2210-2221, Aug. 2004. . IEEE Explore (.pdf) (.pdf)
  • S. Zareparsi, A.O. Hero, D.J. Zack, R. Williams, A. Swaroop, “Seeing the Unseen: Microarray-based Gene Expression Profiling in Vision,” (.pdf), Journal of Investigative Ophthalmology and Vision Research (IOVS), Oct. 2004.
  • S. Yoshida, A. J. Mears, J. S. Friedman, T. Carter, S. He, E. Oh, Y. Jing, R. Farjo, G. Fleury, C. Barlow, A. O. Hero, A. Swaroop, “Expression profiling of the developing and mature Nrl-/- mouse retina: Identification of retinal disease candidates and transcriptional regulatory targets of Nrl,” (.pdf) , Human Molecular Genetics, vol. 13, no. 14, pp. 1497=1503, 2004.
  • G. Fleury, A. Hero, S. Zareparsi, and A. Swaroop, “Gene Discovery Using Pareto Depth Sampling Distributions” (.html) , (.pdf) , Special Issue on Genomics, Signal Processing and Statistics, Journ. of Franklin Institute, vol. 341, No. 1-2, pp. 55-75, Jan-Mar 2004.
  • A. Hero, G. Fleury, A. Mears and A. Swaroop, “Multicriteria Gene Screening for Analysis of Differential Expression with DNA Microarrays,” color version with corrections (.pdf) , journal version (.pdf) , Special Issue on Genomic Signal Processing, EURASIP Journ. of Applied Signal Processing (EURASIP JASP), vol. 2004, No. 1, pp. 43-52, 2004. Note: the journal version has some typos: 1) in equation (9) $\hat{\xi}(g)$ is the maximum paired t statistic defined in previous paragraph; 2) above (9) “…>fcmin” should be replaced by “…>f”, where f is the standard FDR significance threshold; 3) in equation (10) $\alpha$ should be replaced by $1-(1-\alpha)^{1/3}$ (Thanks to Jing Qiu of Cornell University for picking these typos up). These typos have been corrected in the color version.
  • A. Hero and G. Fleury, “Pareto-optimal methods for gene ranking” (.pdf) , Journ. of VLSI Signal Processing, Special Issue on Genomic Signal Processing, vol. 38, pp. 259-275, 2004.
  • J. Li and A. O. Hero “A fast spectral method for active 3D shape reconstruction,” (.pdf) , Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision , Vol. 20, pp. 73-87, 2004.

Book Chapters

  • C. Kruecher, K. Kastella, A. Hero, “Multi-target sensor management using alpha-divergence,” Vol. 2634/2003, Information Processing in Sensor Networks: Second International Workshop, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, pp. 209-222, 2003. (.html) . (.pdf)


  • C. Kreucher, A. Hero, K. Kastella, and D. Chang, “Efficient Methods of Non-myopic Sensor Management for Multitarget Tracking,” The Proceedings of the 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), volume 1, pages 722-727, December 14 – 17 2004. [PDF ]
  • Alan J. Mears, Shigeo Yoshida, James S. Friedman, Shirley He, Edwin Oh, Gilles Fleury, Alfred O. Hero and Anand Swaroop, “Identification of the downstream targets of Nrl: the key regulator of rod photoreceptor differentiation,” ARVO-2004. PDF
  • S. Ahn, J.A. Fessler, D. Blatt, and A. Hero, “Incremental optimization transfer algorithms: application to transmission tomography”, (.pdf), IEEE Conf on Medical Imaging, Nov. 2004.
  • C. Kreucher, D. Blatt, A. Hero, and K. Kastella, “Adaptive Multi-modality Sensor Scheduling for Detection and Tracking of Smart Targets,” The 2004 Defense Applications of Signal Processing Workshop (DASP), October 31 – November 5 2004. [PDF ]
  • J. Costa and A. O. Hero, “Learning intrinsic dimension and intrinsic entropy of high dimensional datasets,” (.pdf), Proc. of EUSIPCO , Vienna, Sept, 2004.
  • M. Ting, A. O. Hero, and J. Fessler, “Two state Markov modelling and detection of single electron spin signals” (.pdf), Proc. of EUSIPCO , Vienna, Sept, 2004.
  • P.-J. Chung, J. Bohme, A. O. Hero and C. Mecklenbrauker “Detection of the number of signals using a hypothesis test,” (.pdf), Proceedings of IEEE SAM Workshop, Barcelona, Spain, 2004.
  • H. Neemuchwala and A. Hero and P. Carson and C. Meyer, “Local feature matching using entropic graphs,” (.pdf), IEEE Intl. Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, June 2004
  • G. Fleury, A. Hero, S. Zareparsi, and A. Swaroop, “Pareto Depth Sampling Distributions for Gene Ranking” (.pdf), in Proc. of IEEE Intern, Symp. on Biomedical Imaging, April June 2004.
  • D. Blatt and A. O. Hero, “Distributed maximum likelihood estimation in sensor networks,” (.pdf), Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoust. Speech and Sig. Proc, Montreal, May, 2004.
  • J. Costa and A. O. Hero, “Manifold learning using Euclidean K-nearest neighbor graphs,” (.pdf), Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoust. Speech and Sig. Proc, Montreal, May, 2004.
  • N. Patwari and A. O. Hero, “Manifold learning algorithms for localization in wireless sensor networks,” (.pdf), Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoust. Speech and Sig. Proc, Montreal, May, 2004.
  • M.-F. Shih and A. O. Hero, “Network Topology Discovery using Finite Mixture Models,” (.pdf), Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoust. Speech and Sig. Proc., Montreal, May, 2004.
  • C. Kreucher, A. Hero, and K. Kastella. “Multiple Model Particle Filtering for Multitarget Tracking,” The Proceedings of The Twelfth Annual Conference on Adaptive Sensor Array Processing (ASAP), March 16 – 18 2004. [ (.pdf) . In “Retinal dystrophies: functional genomics to gene therapy.” Wiley, Chichester (Novartis Foundation Symposium 255) pp 147-164, 2004.

Technical reports

  • C. Hory and A. O. Hero, “Sequential Probability Ratio Test for the detection of a single electron spin in the OSCAR setup,” arXiv mansucript quant-ph/0402181, (arXiv), (.pdf) Feb. 2004.



  • A. O. Hero, “Secure Space-Time Communication,” , IEEE Trans. on Info Theory , Vol. 49, No. 12, pp. 1-16, Dec. 2003. (.pdf) . IEEE Explore reprint (.pdf)
  • N. Patwari, A. O. Hero, M. Perkins, N. S. Correal and R. J. O’Dea , “Relative location estimation in sensor networks,” (.pdf) . IEEE Explore reprint (.pdf)
  • M.F. Shih and A. O. Hero, “Unicast-based inference of network link delay distributions using mixed finite mixture models,” (.pdf) , , IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, Special Issue on Signal Processing in Networking , vol. 51, No. 9, pp. 2219-2228, Aug. 2003. IEEE Explore reprint (.pdf)
  • R. Gupta and A.O. Hero, , “High Rate Vector Quantization for Detection,” (.pdf), IEEE Trans. on Info Theory , vol. 49, No. 8, pp. 1951-1969, Aug. 2003. IEEE Explore reprint (.pdf)


  • J. Costa and A. O. Hero, “Entropic graphs for Manifold Learning,” (.pdf), Proc. of IEEE Asilomar Conf. on Sig, Syst., and Comm.,, Pacific Grove CA, Nov. 2003
  • C.-Y. Yip, A. O. Hero, D. Rugar, and J. Fessler, “Baseband Detection of Bistatic Electron Spin Signals in Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy (MRFM),” (.pdf), Proc. of IEEE Asilomar Conf. on Sig, Syst., and Comm.,, Pacific Grove CA, Nov. 2003
  • N. Patwari and A. O. Hero, “Using Proximity and Quantized RSS for Sensor Localization in Wireless Networks,” (.pdf), Proc. of 2nd International ACM Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks and Applications (WSNA),, San Diego, CA, Sept, 2003.
  • C. Kreucher, K. Kastella, and A. Hero. “Information-based Sensor Management for Multitarget Tracking,” The Proceedings of SPIE Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets Conference 2003, volume 5204, pages 480 – 489, August 3 – 8 2003. [PDF ]
  • C. Kreucher, K. Kastella, and A. Hero, “Tracking Multiple Targets Using a Particle Filter Representation of the Joint Multitarget Probability Density,” The Proceedings of SPIE Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets Conference 2003, volume 5204, pages 258 – 269, August 3 – 8 2003. [PDF ]
  • C. Kreucher, K. Kastella, and A. Hero, “A Bayesian Method for Integrated Multitarget Tracking and Sensor Management,” The Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Information Fusion, volume 1, pages 704 – 711, July 8 – 11 2003. [PDF ]
  • N. Patwari and A. O. Hero, “Reducing transmissions from wireless sensors in distributed detection networks using hierarchical censoring,” (.pdf), Proc. of IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, July 2003.
  • C. Hory, M. Ting and A. O. Hero, “Frequency estimation derived from a dynamical system analysis,” in Proceedings of IEEE Workshop Statistical Signal Processing (.pdf) , St. Louis, 2003.
  • M. Ting and A. O. Hero, “Detection of electron spin in a MRFM cantilever experiment,” in Proceedings of IEEE Workshop Statistical Signal Processing (.pdf) , St. Louis, 2003.
  • D. Blatt and A. O. Hero “Asymptotic Distribution of Log-Likelihood Maximization Based Algorithms and Applications”, (.pdf) in Proc. Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition , Lisbon, July 2003
  • J. Costa, A. O. Hero and C. Vignat, “On Solutions to Multivariate Maximum $\alpha$-entropy Problems”, (.pdf) in Proc. Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Lisbon, July 2003
  • A. Hero, “Gene selection and ranking with microarray data” (.pdf) , paper accompanying plenary talk. Proc. of Intl Conf on Signal Processing and Applications, Paris, July 2003.
  • N. Patwari and A. O. Hero, “Hierarchical censoring for distributed detection in wireless sensor networks,” (.pdf), Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoust. Speech and Sig. Proc., Hong Kong, May 2003.
  • C. Kreucher, K. Kastella, and A. Hero, “An Information Based Sensor Management for Multitarget Tracking,” The 2003 Workshop on Multiple Hypothesis Tracking: A Tribute to Samuel S. Blackman, pages 77 – 81, May 30 2003. [PDF ]
  • C. Kreucher, K. Kastella, and A. Hero, “Multi-target Sensor Management Using Alpha Divergence Measures (General Dynamics Medal Paper Award Winner, 2003),” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, The Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), number 2634, pages 209 – 222, April 22 – 23 2003. [PDF

Technical reports

  • M. Ting, A. O. Hero, D. Rugar, C.-Y. Yip, and J. Fessler, “Electron spin detection in the frequency domain under the interrupted Oscillating Cantilever-driven Adiabatic Reversal (iOSCAR) protocol,” arXiv mansucript quant-ph/0307042, (arXiv), , (.pdf)Dec. 2003.
  • C.-Y. Yip, A. O. Hero, and D. Rugar, “Baseband Detection of Bistatic Electron Spin Signals in Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy (MRFM),” arXiv mansucript quant-ph/0307042, (arXiv), , (.pdf)June 2003.
  • J. Costa and A. O. Hero, “Manifold learning with geodesic minimal spanning trees,” arXiv manuscript cs.CV/0307038 (arXiv) , (.pdf)July 2003.
  • A. O. Hero, J. Costa and B. Ma, “Asymptotic relations between minimal graphs and alpha-entropy,” (.pdf), Technical Report CSPL-334 Communications and Signal Processing Laboratory, The University of Michigan, 48109-2122, Mar. 2003.



  • A. O. Hero, B. Ma, O. Michel and J. Gorman, “Applications of entropic spanning graphs,” (.pdf) , in IEEE Signal Proc. Magazine (Special Issue on Mathematics in Imaging), Vol 19, No. 5, pp 85-95, Sept. 2002. IEEE Explore reprint (.pdf) .
  • Dan Bliss, K. Forsythe, A. Hero and A. F. Yugulalp, “Environmental Issues for MIMO capacity”, (.pdf), IEEE Trans on Signal Processing, Vol. 50, No. 9, pp. 2128-2142, Sept. 2002. IEEE Explore reprint
  • (.pdf) Mark Coates, Alfred Hero, Robert Nowak, Bin Yu, “Internet Tomography”, (.pdf), IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 47-65, May 2002. IEEE Explore reprint (.pdf)


  • T. Kragh and A. O. Hero, “Emission tomography from compressed data”, (.pdf) Proc. Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, Nov 2002.
  • K.I. Siddiqui, A. Hero, and M. Siddiqui, “Mathematical Morphology applied to Spot Segmentation and Quantification of Gene Microarray Images”, (.pdf) , 2002 Asilomar Conference on Signals and Systems, Nov. 2002.
  • T. Kragh and A. O. Hero, “Emission tomography from compressed data”, Proc. Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, Nov 2002.
  • N. Patwari and A. O. Hero, “Location estimation accuracy in wireless sensor networks,” (.pdf), Proc. of IEEE Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers,, Pacific Grove, CA, Nov. 2002. IEEE Explore reprint. (.pdf)
  • H. Neemuchwala, A. O. Hero, and P.L. Carson, “Image registration using alpha-entropy measures and entropic graphs,” in Proceedings of Asilomar Conference on Signals and Systems (.pdf)
  • A. Hero and G. Fleury, “Posterior Pareto front analysis for gene filtering,” (.pdf) , Proc. of Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics (GENSIPS), Raleigh NC, Oct 11-13 2002.
  • J. Li and A. O. Hero “A spectral approach to statistical polar shape modeling,” (.pdf), Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Proc., Rochester, NY, Oct 2002.
  • T. Kragh and A. O. Hero “Image resolution-variance tradeoffs using the uniform Cram\`{e}r-Rao bound”, (.pdf) in Proc. XI European Signal Processing Conference, Toulouse France, Sept 2002.
  • G. Fleury, A. Hero, S. Yoshida, T. Carter, C. Barlow and A. Swaroop, “Pareto analysis for gene filtering in microarray experiments,” (.pdf) Proc. XI European Signal Processing Conference, Toulouse France, Sept 2002.
  • M.-F. Shih and A. O. Hero, “Unicast-based inference of network link delay distributions using finite-mixture models” (.pdf), Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoust. Speech and Sig. Proc., Orlando FL May 2002.
  • RG Baraniuk, CS Burrus, BM Hendricks, GL Henry, AO Hero III, DH Johnson, DL Jones, J Kusuma, RD Nowak, JE Odegard, LC Potter, K Ramchandran, RJ Reedstrom, P Schniter, IW Selesnick, DB Williams, WL Wilson, “Connexions: DSP education for a networked world” (.pdf), Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoust. Speech and Sig. Proc., Orlando FL May 2002.
  • G. Fleury, A.0. Hero, S. Yoshida, T. Carter, C. Barlow and A. Swaroop, “Clustering Gene Expression Signals from Retinal Microarray Data,” (.pdf) G. Fleury, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoust., Speech, and Sig. Process., Orlando FL, May 2002.

Technical Reports

  • A. O. Hero and B. Ma and O. Michel and J. D. Gorman, “Alpha-Divergence for Classification, Indexing and Retrieval (Revised),” (.pdf), (May 2001) stated convergence rates for minimal graphs that were not correct.



  • H.-S. Kim and A.O. Hero, “Comparison of GLR and invariant detectors under structured clutter covariance,” (.pdf) , IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (IP), Vol IP-10, No. 10, pp. 1509-1520, Oct. 2001. IEEE Explore reprint (.pdf) .
  • A. O. Hero and T. L. Marzetta, “Cut-off Rate and Signal Design for the Quasi-Static Rayleigh Fading Space-Time Channel,” (.pdf) , IEEE Trans. on Info Theory , Vol 27, No 6, pp 2400-2416, July 2001. IEEE Explore reprint (.pdf)


  • A. O. Hero, B. Ma and O. Michel, “Imaging applications of stochastic minimal graphs (corrected Aug 2001)”, (.pdf), Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Proc., Thesaloniki, Greece, Oct 2001.
  • H. Neemuchwala, A. O. Hero, and P. Carson, “Feature coincidence trees for registration of ultrasound breast images”, (.pdf), Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Proc., Thesaloniki, Greece, Oct 2001.
  • J. Li and A. O. Hero “A spectral method for solving elliptical equations for surface reconstruction and 3D active contours,” (.pdf), Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Proc., Thesaloniki, Greece, Oct 2001.
  • M. Godavarti and A. O. Hero, “Diversity and degrees of freedom in wireless communications” (.pdf), Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoust. Speech and Sig. Proc., Orlando FL, May 2001.
  • M. Godavarti and A. O. Hero, “Stability analysis of the sequential partial update LMS algorithm” or (.pdf), Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoust. Speech and Sig. Proc., Salt Lake City UT May 2001.
  • A.-G. Ziotopoulos, A. O. Hero, and K. M. Wasserman, “Estimation of network link loss rates via chaining in multicast trees,” (.pdf), Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoust. Speech and Sig. Proc., Salt Lake City UT May 2001.
  • M.-F. Shih and A. O. Hero, “Unicast inference of network link delay distributions from edge measurements” (.pdf), Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoust. Speech and Sig. Proc. (invited), Salt Lake City UT May 2001.
  • H.S. Kim and A. O. Hero “Comparison of GLR and maximal invariant detectors under structured clutter covariance”, (.pdf) Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoust. Speech and Sig. Proc., Salt Lake City UT May 2001.

Technical reports


  • A. O. Hero, J. Costa and B. Ma, “Convergence rates of minimal graphs with random vertices,” 2000



  • B. Ma, S. Lakshmanan and A.O. Hero, “Simultaneous detection of lane and pavement boundaries using model-based multisensor fusion,” (.pdf), IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), special issue on Vision Applications and Technology for Intelligent Vehicles – Part II: Vehicles, Vol ITS-1, No. 3, pp. 135-147, Sept. 2000
  • R. Gupta and A. O. Hero, “Power vs. Performance Tradeoffs for Reduced Resolution Adaptive Filters”, (.ps.Z) , (.ps) ,IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. SP-48, No. 10, pp. 2772-2784, Sept. 2000. IEEE Explore reprint (.pdf) .
  • O. Michel, A. Hero, P. Flandrin: “Graphes de Représentations Minimaux, Entropies et Divergences : Applications,” Traitement du Signal, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 287-297, 2000.
  • (.pdf), IEEE Trans. on Inform. Theory, Vol IT-46, No. 5, pp. 1800-1810, Aug. 2000. IEEE Explore reprint (.pdf) .
  • W.J. Williams, E. Zalubas, and A.O. Hero, “Word spotting in bitmapped fax documents,” Information retrieval, vol 2, pp. 207-226, May 2000. (.pdf)


  • D. W. Bliss K. W. Forsythe, A. O. Hero, and A. L. Swindlehurst, “MIMO Environmental Capacity Sensitivity”, Proc. of IEEE Asilomar Conference on Sig, Syst., and Comm.,, Pacific Grove CA, Oct. 2000. (.pdf)
  • T, Kragh, A. Hero, N. Clinthorne, “Bias-resolution-variance tradeoffs for single pixel estimation tasks using the Uniform Cramer Rao Bound UCRB,” (.pdf), Proc. of IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Lyon France, Oct. 2000.
  • H.S. Kim and A. O. Hero “Adaptive target detection across a clutter boundary: GLRT and maximally invariant detectors”, (.pdf) , 2000 IEEE International Conf. on Image Processing,, Vancouver, Oct. 2000.
  • B. Ma, A. O. Hero, J. Gorman and O. Michel “Image registration with minimal spanning tree algorithm”, (.pdf), 2000 IEEE International Conf. on Image Processing,, Vancouver, Oct. 2000.
  • H. S. Kim and A. O. Hero, “When is a maximal invariant hypothesis test better than the GLRT?”, (.pdf), Proc. of IEEE Asilomar Conference on Sig, Syst., and Comm.,, Pacific Grove CA, Oct. 2000.
  • M. Nikolova and A.O. Hero, “Segmentation of a road from vehicle-mounted radar and accuracy of estimation,” (.pdf), 2000 IEEE Conf. on Intelligent Vehicle Systems (ITS-2000), Dearborn, MI, Oct 2000.
  • Bing Ma, Sridhar Lakshmanan, and Alfred O. Hero, “Pavement Boundary Detection Via Circular Shape Models,” (.pdf), Proceedings of 2000 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium,, Dearborn, Oct. 2000.
  • A. O. Hero and T. L. Marzetta, “Cut-off rate and signal design for the Rayleigh fading space-time channel,” (.pdf) Proceedings of the IEEE 2000 International Symposium on Information Theory , Sorrento, Italy, June 2000.
  • A. O. Hero and O. Michel, “Estimation of Renyi Information Divergence via Pruned Minimal Spanning Trees,” (.pdf) Proceedings of the IEEE 2000 International Symposium on Information Theory , Sorrento, Italy, June 2000.
  • R. Gupta, A. O. Hero, “Transient behavior of fixed point LMS adaptation”
  • , Proceedings of IEEE ICASSP 2000 , Istanbul, June 2000. (.pdf).
  • S. Hong, R. Gupta, W. E. Stark, A. O. Hero, “Performance and complexity analysis of VLSI multi-carrier receivers for low-energy wireless communications”, Proceedings of the IEEE 2000 Vehicular Technology Conference, May 2000. (.pdf)
  • A. O. Hero and T. L. Marzetta, “Optimal signal constellations for space-time Rayleigh channels
  • Proceedings of the 2000 Workshop on Sensors, Arrays and Multichannel Signal Processing, MIT Mar. 2000. (.ps)

Technical reports

  • H. S. Kim and A. O. Hero, “Comparison of GLR and invariance methods applied to adaptive target detection in structured clutter,” (.pdf) CSPL-323 Communications and Signal Processing Laboratory, The University of Michigan, 48109-2122, Nov. 2000. A subset of this work appears in IEEE Trans on IP.
  • T. Kragh and A. O. Hero, “Image Resolution-variance tradeoffs for image reconstruction using the Uniform Cramer Rao Bound,” (.pdf) , Technical Memo, Image Computing Laboratory, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 49109-2122, Dec 2000.


  • A. O. Hero, “Parameter estimation for multidimensional filtered Poisson processes,” (.pdf) , Festschrift for Donald Snyder, Feb 2000, Ed. J. O’Sullivan, Springer Verlag Monograph Series. This paper will probably never appear.



  • A. C. Sauve, A. O. Hero, W. L. Rogers, S. Wilderman and N. H. Clinthorne, “3D reconstruction for a Compton SPECT camera model” IEEE Trans. on Nuclear Science, Vol. 46, No. 6, pp. 2075-2084, Nov. 1999. IEEE Explore reprint (.pdf) .
  • O. Michel, A. O . Hero and A.-E. Badel, “Tree structured non-linear signal modeling and prediction,” (.pdf) , IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, Vol. SP-47, No. 11, pp. 3027-3041, Nov. 1999. IEEE Explore reprint (.pdf) .
  • A. O. Hero and O. Michel, “Asymptotic theory of greedy approximations to minimal $K$-point random graphs,” (.ps) , or (.pdf) . The Bounded Variation condition on the set of densities is non-standard and is overly strong. Analogous bounds to those in this paper hold under the much weaker assumption that the density lies in a Holder space.
  • A. O. Hero, “Sur un probleme d’estimation pour des processus de Poisson composes et filtres,” (In French – English title, “On a problem of estimation for filtered composed Poisson processes”), (.pdf) Traitement du Signal, Vol. 15, No. 6, pp. 493-502, May 1999.
  • A O Hero, R Piramuthu, S R Titus, J A Fessler, “Minimax emission computed tomography using high resolution anatomical side information and B-spline models.” (.pdf) .
  • I. Sharfer and A. O. Hero, “A maximum likelihood digital receiver using coordinate ascent and the discrete wavelet transform”, (.pdf) in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 47, No. 3, pp. 813-825, Mar. 1999.


  • Bing Ma, Sridhar Lakshmanan, and Alfred O. Hero, “Road and Lane Edge Detection with Multisensor Fusion Methods”, (.pdf) 1999 IEEE International Conf. on Image Processing , Kobe, Japan, Oct. 1999.
  • M. Godavarti and A. O. Hero “Stability bounds on step size for the partial update LMS algorithm,” (.pdf) Proceedings of the IEEE 1999 Conf. Acoust., Speech, and Sig. Proc. (ICASSP) , Phoenix, March 1999.
  • A. O. Hero, “On the problem of granulometry for a degraded Boolean image model”, (.pdf) 1999 IEEE International Conf. on Image Processing,, Kobe, Japan Oct. 1999.
  • M. Nikolova and A. O. Hero, “Noisy Word Recognition Using Denoising and Moment Matrix Discriminants”, (.pdf), 1999 IEEE Workshop on Higher Order Statistics, Caesaria ISRAEL, 1999.
  • A. O. Hero and O. Michel, “Estimation of Renyi Information Divergence via Pruned Minimal Spanning Trees”, (.pdf), 1999 IEEE Workshop on Higher Order Statistics, Caesaria ISRAEL, 1999.


  • S. Chretien and A. O. Hero, “Kullback Proximal Algorithms for Maximum Likelihood Estimation,” INRIA Rapport de Recherche (Tech. Report), No. 3756, Aug. 1999.



  • Hero, A.; Messer, H.; Goldberg, J.; Thomson, D.J.; Amin, M.G.; Giannakis, G.; Swami, A.; Tugnait, J.K.; Nehorai, A.; Swindlehurst, A.L.; Cardoso, J.-F.; Lang Tong; Krolik, J., “Highlights of statistical signal and array processing,” Signal Processing Magazine, IEEE , Volume: 15 Issue: 5, pp. 21-64, Sept. 1998. IEEE Explore reprint (.pdf) .
  • D. Goeckel, A. O. Hero, and W. E. Stark, “Data-recursive algorithms for blind channel identification in oversampled communication systems”, (.pdf), IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 46, No. 8, pp. 2217-2220, Aug. 1998.

Book chapters

  • A.O. Hero, “Signal Detection and Classification,” The Digital Signal Processing Handbook, Madisetti and Williams (Eds.), CRC Press, pp. 13.1-13.14, 1998


  • M. Nikolova and A. O. Hero, “Segmentation of road edges from a vehicle-mounted imaging radar,” (.pdf) Proceedings of IEEE Statistical Signal and Array Processing Workshop, Portland, July, 1998.
  • A. O. Hero and O. Michel, “Robust Entropy Estimation Strategies Based on Edge Weighted Random Graphs (with corrections)”, (.pdf) 1998 SPIE International Symposium on Optical Science, Engineering and Instrumentation, San Diego, July. 1998.
  • A. O. Hero and R. Gupta, “Power vs. Performance Tradeoffs for Reduced Resolution Adaptive Equalizers,” (.pdf) Proceedings of the IEEE 1998 Conf. on Miltary Communications , San Diego, Sept. 1998.
  • A. O. Hero and H. Hadinejad-Marham, “Digital Modulation Classification Using Power Moment Matrices,” (.pdf) Proceedings of the IEEE 1998 Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing , Seattle, May 1998.

Technical reports

  • S. Chretien and A. O. Hero “Generalized Proximal Point Algorithms and Bundle Implementations,” (.pdf) , CSPL Technical Report CSPL-313, Aug. 1998.



  • A. Badel, O. Michel and A. O. Hero, “Arbres de regression: modelisation non-parametrique et analyse des series temporelles”, Traitement du Signal, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 117-133, June 1997 (English title: “Regression trees for non-parametric modeling and time series prediction”). (.pdf) , (.pdf)
  • A O Hero, M Usman, A C Sauve, J A Fessler, “Recursive algorithms for computing the Cramer-Rao bound.” IEEE Tr. Sig. Proc., 45(3):803-7, Mar. 1997. (IEEE Explore version), (.pdf)


  • Bing Ma, Sridhar Lakshmanan, and Alfred O. Hero, “Detection of Curved Road Edges in Radar Images Via Deformable Templates”, (.pdf) 1997 IEEE International Conf. on Image Processing, Santa Barbara, 1997.
  • A. O. Hero, J. O’Neill, and W. J. Williams, “Moment Matrices for Recognition of Spatial Pattern in Noisy Images,” (.pdf), Proceedings of 1997 IEEE Int. Conf. Image Proc., Santa Barbara, 1997.
  • A.O. Hero and R. Piramuthu “Penalized Likelihood ECT image reconstruction with uncertain MRI side information using asymptotic marginalization,” (.pdf) Proceedings of IEEE/EURASIP Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing , Mackinac MI Sept. 1997.
  • A.O. Hero and O. Michel “Robust estimation of point process intensity features using K-minimal spanning trees,” (.pdf) Proceedings of IEEE Intl. Symposium on Inform. Theory , June. 1997.
  • A. Sauve, A. O. Hero and W. L. Rogers, “System modeling and spatial sampling techniques for simplification of transition matrix in 3D Electronically Collimated SPECT,” (.pdf) 1997 International Meeting on Fully 3-Dimensional Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine , Pittsburg, June 1997.
  • I. Sharfer and A. O. Hero, “Optimal CDMS multiuser decoder using grouped coordinate ascent and the DWT,” (.pdf) Proceedings of the IEEE 1997 Workshop in Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications, Paris, April 1997.
  • S. Titus, A. O. Hero and J. A. Fessler, “Penalized likelihood emission image reconstruction with uncertain boundary information” (.pdf) , Proceedings of 1997 IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoust., Speech, and Sig. Proc., Munich, April 1997.
  • A. O. Hero, Y. Zhang and W.L. Rogers, “Tomographic feature detection and classification using parallelotope bounded error estimation,” Proceedings of 1997 IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoust., Speech, and Sig. Proc., Munich, April 1997. .pdf

Book chapters

  • A. O. Hero, “Signal Detection and Classification,” (.pdf) , CRC Handbook on Signal Processing, 1997.


  • A. O. Hero, J. O’Neill, H. Hadinejad-Mehram, and W. J. Williams, “Moments and Moment Matrices for Invariant Classification of Noise Contaminated Spatial Patterns,” (.pdf) , CSPL-307 Communications and Signal Processing Laboratory, The University of Michigan, 48109-2122, Feb. 1997.



  • A. O. Hero, J. A. Fessler and M. Usman, “Exploring estimator bias-variance tradeoffs using the uniform CR bound” (Sec. II.C typos corrected) (.pdf) , IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 44, No. 8, pp. 2026-2042, Aug. 1996. (received 1998 Best Paper Award, IEEE Signal Processing Society). (IEEE Explore version). Errata (Explore version): p. 2026 first paragraph of Introduction should read “…variance \sigma^2_\theta= E_\theta[(\hat{t} – E_\theta[\hat{t}])^2];” p. 2030 top of second column, item labeled 4): should read “Compute the point (\delta, B(\theta, \delta)) via B(\theta, \delta) = \lambda^2 * ybar’ * Fy * ybar;” on p. 2031 Eq (24), the term “+\nabla b_\theta \nabla^T b_\theta” should be “+\nabla m_\theta \nabla^T m_\theta.” Thanks to Z. Chen at U. Alberta for pointing out this last typo.
  • R. Goyal, B. Vikstrom, A.O. Hero and F. Morady, “Simulation of cardiac memory in a computer model utilizing capacitive coupling,” Journal of Electrocardiology , Feb. 1996.

Book chapters

  • A.O. Hero, “Telecommunications Media,” Encyclopedia Britannica, pp. 493-500, 1997.


  • S. Titus, A. O. Hero and J. A. Fessler, “Improved penalized likelihood reconstruction of anatomically correlated emission data,” (.pdf) , Proceedings of 1996 IEEE Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP), Laussane, Sept. 1996.
  • J.C. O’Neill, A.O. Hero, and W.J. Williams “Word spotting via spatial point processes” (.pdf), Proceedings of 1996 IEEE Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP), Laussane, Sept. 1996.
  • W.J. Williams, E.J. Zalubas, A.O. Hero, “Separating desired image and signal invariant components from extraneous variations,” Proceedings of SPIE Advanced Architectures and Algorithms for Signal Processing , Aug. 1996. (.pdf)
  • B. Bygun and A. O. Hero, “An iterative solution to the min-max simultaneous detection and estimation problem”, (.pdf) , 1996 IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal and Array Processing, Corfu, Greece, June. 1996.
  • I. Sharfer and A. O. Hero, “A maximum likelihood CDMA receiver using the EM algorithm and the discrete wavelet transform,” (.pdf) Proceedings of the IEEE 1996 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing , Atlanta, pp. 1602-1605, May 1996.

Technical reports

  • A. O. Hero, M. Usman, Anne Sauve, and J. A. Fessler “Recursive algorithms for computing the Cramer-Rao bound,” (.pdf) CSPL Technical Report, Nov. 1996. A subset of this work appeared in IEEE Trans. SP, March 1997.



  • J A Fessler, A O Hero, “Penalized maximum-likelihood image reconstruction using space-alternating generalized EM algorithms.” IEEE Tr. Im. Proc., 4(10):1417-29, Oct. 1995. (IEEE Explore version) Errata: The powers of 2 in the triangle inequalities on p.\ 1427 should not be there. Condition 2 should also include the requirement that \nabla^{10}\phi be continuous in \emph{both} arguments, i.e. in R_S \times R^p There should not be any 1/2 in the definition of J on p.\ 1426. The plus before the final quadratic form in (38) should be a minus. (.pdf)
  • B. Baygun and A.O. Hero “Optimal simultaneous detection and estimation under a false alarm constraint,” IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 688-703, May 1995. IEEE Explore reprint (.pdf) .
  • A.O. Hero and J.A. Fessler, “Convergence in norm for EM-type algorithms,” , (.pdf) , Statistica Sinica , Vol 5, No. 1, pp. 41-54, Jan. 1995.

Book chapters

  • A.O. Hero and R.A. Delap “Task specific criteria for adaptive beamforming with slow fading signals,” Advances in Spectrum Analysis and Array Processing: vol. III, S. Haykin, Ed., 1995. (.pdf)


  • D. L. Goeckel, A. O. Hero, and W. E. Stark, “Blind channel identification for direct sequence spread spectrum systems,” (.pdf) Proceedings of 1995 IEEE Conference on Military Communications , Los Angeles, Nov. 1995.
  • A-E Badel, O. Michel, and Alfred Hero “Arbres de regression pour l’analyse de series chaotiques,” (.pdf) , (.pdf) Proceedings of GRETSI , Juan-les-Pins, France, Sept. 1995.
  • O. Michel, A.O. Hero, A.E. Badel and P. Flandrin “Tree-structured modeling, prediction, and analysis of chaotic time series,” (.ps) Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Non-linear Signal Processing , Halkiditi Greece, June 1995.
  • O. Michel and A. O. Hero “Tree structured non-linear signal modeling and prediction,” (.pdf) Proceedings of the IEEE 1995 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing , Detroit, pp. 1689-1692, 1995.
  • I. Sharfer and A. O. Hero, “Spread spectrum sequence estimation and bit synchronization using an EM-type algorithm,” (.pdf) Proceedings of the IEEE 1995 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing , Detroit, pp. 1864-1867, May 1995.
  • S. Titus, A. O. Hero, and J. A. Fessler “NMR object boundaries: B-spline modeling and estimator performance,” Proceedings of the IEEE 1995 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing , Detroit, pp. 2423-2426, May, 1995. (.pdf)
  • A. O. Hero and M. Usman “Achievable regions in the bias variance plane for parametric estimation problems,” (.pdf) Proceedings of the IEEE 1995 International Symposium on Information Theory , Whistler, BC, 1995.



  • N. Antoniadis, and A.O. Hero, “Time delay estimation for filtered Poisson processes using an EM-type algorithm,” IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, Vol. 42, No. 8, pp 2112-2123, Aug. 1994. IEEE Explore reprint (.pdf) . (.pdf)
  • N. Petrick, A.O. Hero, N.H. Clinthorne, W.L. Rogers, “A fast least squares estimator arrival time estimator for scintillation pulses,” IEEE Trans. on Nuclear Science , Vol. NS-41, No. 4, pp. 758-760, Aug. 1994. IEEE Explore reprint (.pdf) . (.pdf)
  • A O Hero, J A Fessler, “A recursive algorithm for computing Cramer-Rao-type bounds on estimator covariance.” (IEEE Explore) IEEE Tr. Info. Theory, 40(4):1205-10, Jul. 1994. (.pdf) (.pdf)
  • J A Fessler, A O Hero, “Space-alternating generalized expectation-maximization algorithm.” IEEE Tr. Sig. Proc., 42(10):2664-77, Oct. 1994. (IEEE Explore version) Errata: The equation immediately below eqn. (18) is unnecessary. As written it suggests we foolishly replace some of the pixel estimates with “old” values, when of course we do not. The newer version that appears in our 1995 T-IP paper is correct, and supersedes the T-SP version. The proof of Theorem 2 incorrectly states that the eigenvalues of the Gauss-Siedel matrix are real. They can be complex, so the proof only applies to cases where the maximum magnitude eigenvalue is real. (.pdf)
  • Ping-Chun Chiao; Rogers, W.L.; Fessler, J.A.; Clinthorne, N.H.; Hero, A.O., “Model-based estimation with boundary side information or boundary regularization [cardiac emission CT],” IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging , Vol. MI-13, No. 2, pp. 227-234, June 1994. IEEE Explore reprint (.pdf) . (.pdf)
  • Ping-Chun Chiao; Rogers, W.L.; Fessler, J.A.; Clinthorne, N.H.; Hero, A.O., “Model-based estimation for dynamic cardiac studies using ECT,” IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging , Vol. MI-13, No. 2, pp. 217-226, June 1994. IEEE Explore reprint (.pdf) . (.pdf)


  • M. Usman, A.O. Hero and J. A. Fessler “Uniform CR bound: implementation issues and applications to image reconstruction,” (.pdf), Proceedings of the IEEE 1994 Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference , Norfolk, Oct. 1994.
  • M. Usman, A.O. Hero and J. A. Fessler, “Bias-variance tradeoffs analysis using uniform CR bound for images” Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE Conference on Image Processing , Austin, pp. 835-839, Nov. 1994. (.pdf) (.pdf)
  • A.O. Hero and R.A. Delap, “Adaptive beamforming for slow Rayleigh fading signals,” (.pdf) Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal and Array Processing, Quebec, Canada, pp. 169-172, June 1994.
  • Y. Zhang, A.O. Hero, and W.L. Rogers, “Simultaneous confidence intervals for image reconstruction problems,” Proceedings of the IEEE 1994 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Adelaide, Australia, pp. V.317-320, April 1994. (.pdf)
  • M. Usman and A.O. Hero, “Recursive CR-bounds: algebraic and statistical acceleration,” (.pdf) Proceedings of the IEEE 1994 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Adelaide, Australia, pp. IV.5-8, April 1994. (.pdf)
  • M.L. Brown, W.J. Williams and A.O. Hero “Non-orthogonal Gabor representations of biological signals,” Proceedings of the IEEE 1994 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Adelaide, Australia, pp. IV.305-308, April 1994. (.pdf) (.pdf)



  • N. Petrick, A.O. Hero, N.H. Clinthorne, W.L. Rogers, and J.M. Slosar, “Least squares arrival time estimators for single and piled up scintillation pulses,” IEEE Trans. on Nuclear Science , Vol. NS-40, No. 4, pp. 1026-1031, Aug. 1993. IEEE Explore reprint (.pdf) . (.pdf)


  • M. Usman, A.O. Hero, J.A. Fessler and W.L. Rogers “Bias-variance tradeoffs analysis using uniform CR bound for a SPECT system,” (.pdf) Proceedings of the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, San Francisco, pp. 1463-1467, Nov. 1993.
  • J.A. Fessler and A.O. Hero “Cramer-Rao bounds for biased estimators in image restoration,” Proceedings of 36th IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems , Aug. 1993. (.pdf)
  • J A Fessler and A O Hero, “Complete-data spaces and generalized EM algorithms” Proc. IEEE Conf. Acoust. Speech Sig. Proc., vol. 4, pp. 1-4, April 1993. (.pdf) (.pdf)
  • R. Delap and A.O. Hero, “A new method for adaptive wideband beamforming,” Proceedings of the IEEE 1993 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Vol. IV, pp. 348-351, Minneapolis, MN, April 1993. (.pdf) (.pdf)
  • A.O. Hero, Y. Zhang and W.L. Rogers “Consistency set estimation for PET image reconstruction,” Proceedings of the 1993 International Conference on Information Science and Systems, pp. 605-610, Johns Hopkins, March 1993. (.pdf)



  • N. Petrick, A.O. Hero, N.H. Clinthorne, and W.L. Rogers, “A Fast Least squares arrival time estimators for photons detected using a photomultiplier tube,” IEEE Trans. on Nuclear Science , Vol. NS-39, No. 4, pp. 738-743, Aug. 1992. (.pdf)
  • R. Kakarala and A.O. Hero, “On achievable accuracy in edge localization,” IEEE Trans. on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence (PAMI) , Vol. 14, No. 7, pp. 777-781, July 1992. IEEE Explore reprint (.pdf) . (.pdf)


  • A O Hero, J A Fessler, and W L Rogers. “A fast recursive algorithm for computing CR-type bounds for image reconstruction problems”, (.pdf) Conf. Rec. of the IEEE Nuc. Sci. Symp. Med. Im. Conf., vol. 2, pp. 1188-1190, 1992. (.pdf)
  • B. Baygun and A.O. Hero, “Further Results on tradeoffs between detection and estimation,” Proceedings of the IEEE 1992 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vol. III, pp. 461-465, San Francisco, CA, March 1992.



  • A.O. Hero, N.H. Clinthorne and W.L. Rogers, “A lower bound on PET timing estimation with pulse pileup,” IEEE Trans. Nuclear Science, Vol. NS-38, No. 2, pp. 709-712, April 1991. (.pdf) (.pdf)
  • N.A. Petrick, A.O. Hero, N.H. Clinthorne, and W.L. Rogers, “First photoelectron timing error evaluation of a new scintillation detector model,” IEEE Trans. on Nuclear Science, Vol. NS-38, No. 2, pp. 174-177, April 1991. Explore reprint (.pdf) .
  • (.pdf)A.O. Hero, “Timing estimation for filtered Poisson processes in additive Gaussian noise,” IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, Vol. IT-37, pp. 92-106, Jan. 1991. Explore reprint (.pdf) . (.pdf)


  • A.O. Hero, “Theoretical limits for optical position estimation using imaging arrays,” .pdf , Proceedings of the 13th Colloquium on Signal and Image Processing (GRETSI), Vol. 2, pp. 793-796, Juan-les-Plus, France, Sept. 1991.
  • W.J. Williams, M.L. Brown, A.O. Hero, “Uncertainty, information and time frequency distributions,” SPIE Advanced Architectures and Algorithms for Signal Processing , vol. 1566, no. 12, pp. 144-156, July 1991. (.pdf) (.pdf)
  • A.O. Hero, “Recovering photon intensity information from continuous photo-detector measurements,” .pdf , Proceedings of the 1991 Information Systems and Science (ISS) Conference, , Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Mar. 1991.



  • J.D. Gorman and A.O. Hero, “Lower bounds for parametric estimation with constraints,” IEEE Trans. on Information Theory , Vol. IT-36, pp. 1285-1301, Nov. 1990. IEEE Explore reprint .pdf . (.pdf)
  • A.O. Hero and L. Shao, “Information analysis of single photon computed tomography with count losses,” IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging , Vol. MI-9, No. 3, pp. 117-127, June 1990. IEEE Explore reprint (.pdf) . (.pdf)
  • N.H. Clinthorne, N.A. Petrick, W.L. Rogers, A.O. Hero, “A fundamental limit on timing performance with scintillation detectors,”IEEE Trans. on Nuclear Science, Vol. NS-37, No. 2, pp. 658-663, April 1990. Explore reprint (.pdf) . (.pdf)
  • N.H. Clinthorne, A.O. Hero, and N. Petrick, “Lower bounds on scintillation detector timing performance,” Nuclear Instrumentation and Methods in Phys. Res., Vol. A299, pp. 548-553, 1990. .pdf ,
  • L. Shao, A.O. Hero, W.L. Rogers, N.H. Clinthorne, “Information gain from count corrections in SPECT image reconstruction and classification,” IEEE Trans. on Nuclear Science, Vol. NS-37, No. 2, pp. 652-657, April 1990. IEEE Explore reprint (.pdf) . (.pdf)



  • L. Shao, A.O. Hero, W.L. Rogers, and N.H. Clinthorne “The mutual information criterion for {SPECT} aperture evaluation and design,” IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging, Vol. MI-8, pp. 322-336, Dec. 1989. IEEE Explore reprint (.pdf) . (.pdf)
  • A.O. Hero, “Lower bounds on estimator performance for energy invariant parameters of multi-dimensional Poisson processes,” IEEE Trans. on Information Theory , Vol. IT-35, pp. 843-858, July 1989. IEEE Explore reprint .pdf . (.pdf)
  • N.H. Clinthorne, W.L. Rogers, L. Shao, A.O. Hero, K.F. Koral, “A novel method for assessing position-sensitive detector performance,” IEEE Trans. on Nuclear Science, Vol. NS-36, No. 2, pp. 1127-1131, Feb 1989. Explore reprint (.pdf) . (.pdf)


  • J.K. Kim and A.O. Hero, “Error intensity measures for multi-parameter tracking and passive bearing estimation,” Proceedings of the IEEE 1989 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, pp. 2641-2644, Glasgow, UK, May 1989. (.pdf) (.pdf)



  • A.O. Hero and S.C. Schwartz “Poisson models and mean square error for correlator estimators of time delay,” IEEE Trans. on Information Theory , Vol. IT-34, pp. 287-303, March 1988. (.pdf) (.pdf)


  • J. Gorman and A.O. Hero, “Lower bounds on parametric estimators with constraints,” Proceedings of the Fourth ASSP Workshop on Spectrum Estimation and Modeling, pp. 223-228, Minneapolis, MN, Aug. 1988. (.pdf) (.pdf)
  • A.O. Hero, “Time delay estimation for Poisson derived processes,” Proceedings of the IEEE 1988 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, pp. 2614-2617, New York, April 1988. (.pdf) (.pdf)
  • A.O. Hero, “A rate distortion lower bound on phase errors for optical receivers,” Proceedings of Twentieth Conference on Information and Systems Science, pp. 140-145, Princeton, NJ, March 1988.



  • A.O. Hero, “Applications of error intensity measures to bearing estimation,” Proceedings of the IEEE 1987 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, pp. 443-446, Dallas, TX, April 1987. (.pdf) (.pdf)


Book Chapter

  • A.O. Hero and S.C. Schwartz, “Level crossing representations, Poisson asymptotics and applications to passive arrays,” Stochastic Processes in Underwater Acoustics, C. Baker, Ed., pp. 95-121, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1986. (.pdf)



  • A.O. Hero and S.C. Schwartz, “A new generalized cross-correlator,” IEEE Trans. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing , Vol. ASSP-33, No. 1, pp. 38-45, Feb. 1985. Also appeared in the book Coherence and Time Delay Estimation: An Applied Tutorial for Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation Engineers, G.C. Carter, Ed., IEEE Press, 1993. (.pdf) (.pdf)


  • A.O. Hero and S.C. Schwartz, “Large error performance of cross-correlation type estimators of time delay,” Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, pp. 344-353, Monticello, IL, Oct. 1985.
  • A.O. Hero and S.C. Schwartz, “A Poisson approximation to large error in time delay estimation,” 1985 Proceedings of the IASTED Conference on Applied Signal Processing, pp. 267-270, Paris, France, June 1985.
  • A.O. Hero and S.C. Schwartz, “A level crossing approach to modeling large error in time delay estimation,” Special Session on Underwater Acoustics, organized by C. Baker, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Brighton, UK, June 1985
  • A.O. Hero and J.K. Kim, “Sequential detection and coarse acquisition of time delay in passive arrays,” Proceedings of the Twentieth Conference on Information and Systems Science, pp. 361-367, Princeton, NJ, March, 1985.
  • A.O. Hero, “Topics in time delay estimation,” Tech. Report 16, Information Sciences and Systems Laboratory, Princeton University, Feb. 1985. (.pdf)



  • A.O. Hero and S.C. Schwartz, “Alternatives to the generalized cross-correlator for time delay estimation,” Proceedings of the IEEE 1984 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, pp. 15.4.1-15.4.4, San Diego, CA, April 1984. (.pdf) (.pdf)



  • A.O. Hero and S.C. Schwartz, “On the asymptotic form of level crossing probabilities,” A IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, St. Jovite, Canada, Sept. 1983.
  • A.O. Hero and S.C. Schwartz, “A new generalized cross-correlator,” Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Conference on Information Science and Systems, pp. 808-818, Baltimore, MD, March 1983.